Controlling Yourself from Doing Bad

Doing good deeds has its own rewards. On the other hand, doing bad deeds has its own punishments.

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Meditation for Peace

Controlling Yourself from Doing Bad
We lose our pride when we do bad to someone who has been good to us.It
Doing good deeds has its own rewards. On the other hand, doing bad deeds has its own punishments. There are 10 bad things that we need to avoid 1. Killing  2. Stealing 3. Committing adultery  4. Telling lies 5. Being sarcastic 6. Being rude 7. Being boastful 8. Being greedy 9. Being envious 10. Having harmful beliefs.
Being greedy
it is difficult to do good when you are among bad people.
In order to control ourselves from doing the 10 bad things, we need to feel both ashamed and afraid to do bad. We feel ashamed to do bad when we think about losing our dignity, our pride in being a good role model for younger people to look up to, our self-respect, our goodness, and our pride in learning from good teachers. We lose our pride when we do bad to someone who has been good to us. We feel afraid to do bad when we think about punishment and bad karma. It is easy to do good when you are among good  people and it is easy to do bad when you are among bad people. Likewise, it is difficult to do good when you are among bad people. It is difficult to do bad when you are among good people. Good people usually know how to control themselves from doing bad and remind others to control themselves from doing bad as well.
“To associate with the vicious, like associating with the enemy, always brings suffering. To associate with the wise, like associating with the relatives, always brings happiness.”(Buddha)

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