Daily Meditation Sessions at Dharmasthali Meditation Center, Nepal

Dharmasthali Meditation Center, Nepal, organized daily meditation session for local Napaleses, led by Bodhisattva children who carried out the duty of a good friend https://dmc.tv/a20861

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Daily Meditation Sessions at
Dharmasthali Meditation Center, Nepal

Dharmasthali Meditation Center, Nepal, organized daily meditation session for local Napaleses, led by Bodhisattva children who carried out the duty of a good friend by inviting their family members and their neighbors to chant and meditate at the meditation center every day. Since early morning, they would make a trip to the temple to do morning chanting even though the weather was as low as 5C. Nonetheless, nothing could stop the hearts of the Bodhisattva children and the locals who were persistent in making merits. And daily, in the evening, they traveled to the meditation center to do evening chanting as well. Even though, the power was out often, the light of their hearts was still shining brightly in the center of their bodies.

After chanting and meditation, the Bodhisattva children collaborated with the locals to build the meditation center diligently because they all were well aware of the importance of the meditation center that could unite their hearts and bring back the prosperity of Buddhism to the land of Buddha once again.



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