Dear Father, Please Don’t Let Me Become Addicted to Television

One of the concerns facing parents today is not having enough time to spend with their children because almost all of their available time is used to earn al living to support the family

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[ 2 มี.ค. 2555 ] - [ ผู้อ่าน : 18262 ]
Meditation for Peace
Dear Father, Please Don’t Let Me Become
Addicted to Television
Television programs must promote morality.
Television programs must promote morality.
One of the concerns facing parents today is not having enough time to spend with their children because almost all of their available time is used to earn al living to support the family. Their solution, sometimes, is to allow their children to spend more time watching television. In other words, they think that “there’s nothing wrong with letting the television baby sit the children.”
This unsound solution to a concern has bad consequences because it leaves parents distressed from the changes seen in their children’s behavior. Children are becoming more aggressive, offensive and perverse, and they are using more profanity, These adverse changes in their children’s behavior leave parents quite clueless as to the root cause.
It is often too late when parents finally realize that this behavior stems from letting their children watch inappropriate television programs when they are not yet mature enough to discern right from wrong, good from bad, and appropriate from inappropriate. These children absorb the bad behavior they see and adopt it as their own. Many parents end up miserable once they realize that all of their hard work, in order to give their children everything possible, has been negated and led to the loss of their children’s goodness.
Therefore, in order to address and prevent this kind of situation from happening in their own families, parents must consider the follow things:
1. Parents must always keep in mind that, if they do not spend enough time with their children, the children can develop poor judgment since most of the programs they watch revolve around the theme of sex. Children exposed to these programs can become more sexual because they think that the things they see on television are how things really are.
2. Parents should check for television programs that are educational, and allot the appropriate amount of time to watch those programs. It is better still if parents can set rules. There are three principles that can minimize the chances of children absorbing unwholesome influences from television.
In order for children listen to their parents, it is important that parents be good examples themselves.
In order for children listen to their parents, it is important that parents be good examples themselves.
Principle 1: Television time must not interfere with school and household chores. Parents must not let children watch television whenever they want. They must have a set time for homework, reviewing lessons, reading and helping with household chores. Parents must set proper schedules and never allow the children to watch television into the late hours which would result in them not getting sufficient rest. This lack of proper rest can result in the development of bad habits like waking up late, deceitfulness and lying. Children who do not get enough sleep, or do not finish their home work, will not want to go to school. They will lie to their parents about not feeling well, having a headache or a stomachache. Parents may fall for these lies. These children will try to come up with more excuses to get our of going to school.
Principle 2: Television programs must not lack morals. The programs that you allow your children to watch must contain subjects pertaining to moral ideas and practices. Programs that are scary, frightening, sexual, or ones that deal with revenge and killing, should not be allowed.
Principle 3: Television programs must promote morality. Parents should be the ones who determine which television programs their children should watch. Those programs should promote virtues and intellectual development, i.e., programs about sharing, loving kindness and devotion. They can watch programs on science and technology or art and culture, which enable children to learn more about their country, culture and background. This knowledge will serve as a foundation of vision and wisdom in their futures.
In order for children listen to their parents, it is important that parents be good examples themselves. Then the children will obey. If parents are still addicted to television, it will be a large challenge to prevent their children from becoming addicted too. Therefore, between the choices of fostering good habits in children, and watching their favorite television programs, parents should choose the children’s best interests as their priority.


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