Earth Day 22nd April 2015 : Cleanse the Mind, Cleanse the World

Earth Day in its modern form was initiated by the Honorable Gaylord Nelson, a United States senator from Wisconsin, who strived to raise awareness and gather political support for the environmental issues of the day.

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Earth Day 22nd April 2015 : Cleanse the Mind, Cleanse the World

Earth Day in its modern form was initiated by the Honorable Gaylord Nelson, a United States senator from Wisconsin, who strived to raise awareness and gather political support for the environmental issues of the day. The first Earth Day was held on 22nd April 1970 in the U.S. with more than 20 million Americans participating. Nowadays, Earth Day continues to be observed internationally on the 22nd of April each year by more than 500 million people in 192 countries worldwide. It is a day on which people voice and address concerns about environmental issues, with the hope of making this world a better place.

At Wat Phra Dhammakaya, Earth Day is observed in the spiritual context as we believe that all types of problems on earth, whether environmental, political, economic, or social, stem from the polluted human mind. It is believed that through this polluted mind all sorts of problems are generated on this planet. In order to rectify these problems, we have to tackle them at the root cause, which begins at the mind. Therefore, we take this opportunity to promote spiritual values, moral standards, meditation, and ethics among humankind.

Cleanse the Mind, Cleanse the World

In order to cleanse and safeguard the world in a sustainable manner, we must start by purifying the mind. Once the mind is purified, we can instill virtues in people and motivate them to perform only wholesome deeds. As a consequence, they will not have the desire to harm others or the willingness to damage the environment.

The best tool for purifying the mind is the practice of meditation. Meditation allows our mind to enter a state of calmness and liberate us from greed, anger and hatred. Furthermore, a calm and still mind is a state conducive for generating the pure energy that can be used to purify the world. As more and more people meditate and reach this mental calmness, the unification of their powerful minds is able to create incredible amount of positive energy that will benefit both the practitioners and those around them. Such collective energy can even lead to the reduction of disasters and other calamities on earth.
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Schedule for Earth Day

08.30    Morning Chanting

09.30    Morning Meditation

10.30    Presentation of Funds to support teachers in the four southern provinces of Thailand

11.00    Midday Meal Offering to the Monastic Community

13.30    Afternoon Meditation

14.00    Ceremony of Great Offerings to about 30,000 Buddhist temples throughout  Thailand, including the 323 Buddhist temples in the four southern provinces

17.30 Ceremony of driving the final pile for Boonraksa Medical Center.

Virtues of Offering Food and Requisites to the Monastic Community

    Longevity – enjoy good health and a long lifespan
    Good complexion – possess fine and radiant complexion that leads to opportunities and wealth
    Happiness of body and mind – being cheerful, happy and joyous at all times
    Vigor – possess tremendous strength and is well respected by everyone
    Wisdom – be endowed with penetrating knowledge in every branch of the arts and sciences
    When one’s mind is removed of miserliness, accruing good deeds in fertile fields of merit
    Be loved and respected by all human and deity
    Be well received everywhere one goes
    Perseverance – possess boundless willpower to pursue the Perfections

For more information, please contact The Dhammakaya Meditation Centre nearest you or Call (662) 831-1000


บทความอื่นๆ ในหมวด

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      Prince Williams County Visit // Nov. 19, 2016 - Meditation Center of D.C
      Weekend Meditation for Locals // Nov. 18-20, 2016 - Japanese Meditation Village
      Old Woking Cub Scout Visit // Nov. 22, 2016 - Wat Phra Dhammakaya London, UK
      Brownie Group Visit // Nov. 23, 2016 - Wat Phra Dhammakaya London, UK
      Ceremony to Enshrine the Buddha Image
      121st Japanese-language Buddhism and Meditation course
      Meditation for Locals // September 29, 2016 - Dhamamakaya Meditation Center, Mongolia
      Turning the wheel of dhamma – Dhammajak chanting
      Meditation Class for Locals // Dhammakaya Meditation Center, Scotland
      Meditation Class for Locals // Thai Buddhist Meditation Center in Tokyo, Japan
      Alms Offering // August 30, 2016 - Helensburg, Scotland

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