The Source of Happiness and Peace

The differences among beliefs, cultures, customs, nationalities, religions or languages are only superficial external differences.

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[ 13 ธ.ค. 2553 ] - [ ผู้อ่าน : 18265 ]


Meditation for Peace

  The Source of Happiness and Peace

      The differences among beliefs, cultures, customs, nationalities, religions or languages are only superficial external differences. Beneath these differences, there is a similarity – the original pure nature that exists within everyone. This universal element holds the hope of humanity to bring true peace into the world. The original pure nature, or the Body of Enlightenment, is a natural state that we can attain when we meditate.
meditation for peace 
     The true happiness that  we seek is concentrated in the state of pure nature, the inner body that all humanity possesses. It is the origin of happiness, purity and wisdom. It is the centre of all virtues and the source of prosperity of all that is good. Once attained, the Body of Enlightenment will lead us to true happiness. Our minds will be overflowing with so much happiness and positive energy that one will not want anything else but to remain in the happiness and completeness within. It can be our refuge. It is a happiness that one can experience without reliance on external things like drugs or money. This happiness is different from any mundane happiness obtained from material indulgence.

meditation for peace
     The Body of Enlightenment, once attained, will lead to justice. The term ‘just’ means righteous, which is defined as the purest truth. In our pure state, we are all just. Humankind will be united in heart, thought, speech and action. Generosity and fairness will replace greed and selfishness. All the world’s limited natural resources will be shared honestly and justly, leading to the total elimination of conflict, poverty and oppression. Our pure inner nature is as universal as the sun, moon and stars in the sky. If each of us attains a Body of Enlightenment, superficial differences like race, religion and nationality will no longer seem significant or divisive. Brotherly love will blossom and everyone will be a citizen of the world.


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