Having a Good Network

People who have only material things in their lives without good friends or good people around them will not be completely secure and successful. https://dmc.tv/a10572

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Meditation for Peace

Having a Good Network
 Again, this has to start from oneself, through family, friends, teachers, monks, priests, and community.
People who have only material things in their lives without good friends or good people around them will not be completely secure and successful. Before people can have good friends, they have to know how to behave and act correctly. In order to create a good network, we should follow our roles or duties properly.
Good Network
  Are my goals to create a good network for others and myself completed
If we follow our roles or duties in the six directions from the previous chapters, it will help us create a good network. Again, this has to start from oneself, through family, friends, teachers, monks, priests, and community. People who have goals in the next life usually know how to behave well. We should learn from them and distribute the good knowledge and teaching to others. One should always remember that “give” is the keyword for making friends. Ten thoughts to consider everyday for people who want to have or create a good network are:
 Have I reminded myself that karma follows me? If I do good, I will get good; if I do bad, I will get bad.
1. Do I have good manners? How can I have them?
2. I always have to improve myself because I am not perfect. 
3. Are my goals to create a good network for others and myself completed? 
4. I have prestigious duties to do (follow the six directions). Therefore, I will never give up. No matter how many obstacles I encounter, I will be patient. I will try to solve my problems, improve myself, and move on until I accomplish my goals. 
5. Have I reminded myself to avoid doing anything bad yet? 
6. I must consider what I am doing and whether it is right or wrong.] 
7. People and things that I love will eventually be taken away. Therefore, I need to learn to let them go and let them be. Everything comes and goes. 
8. Have I reminded myself that karma follows me? If I do good, I will get good; if I do bad, I will get bad.
9. Time goes by, what am I doing right now? 
10. Am I doing goodness today?

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