If you truly want peace to happen

May I ask you this one thing? Do you really want World Peace? Only if you will believe It will come true https://dmc.tv/a9354

บทความธรรมะ Dhamma Articles > Meditation > Meditation for Peace
[ 14 ธ.ค. 2553 ] - [ ผู้อ่าน : 18257 ]


Meditation for Peace

     If you truly want peace to happen

by Tawandhamma
May I ask you this one thing?
Do you really want World Peace?
Only if you will believe
It will come true

We have spoken a million words
But after all the words we've heard
Still no change will come until
This we do


Gently close your eyes
And see the sun inside
The center of your body
Shining clear and bright

If this dream is your desire
Let meditation bring you high
If you really want World Peace
It will come true
For me and you

Regardless of your race, what country you are from, what religion or your age, This peace is available for you.
All you have to do is to look inside.
So gently close your eyes
And see the sun inside
The center of your body
Shining clear and bright

meditation for peace

If this dream is your desire
Let meditation bring you high
If you really want World Peace,
It will come true
For me and you



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