Knowing How to Spend Money in Your Pocket

After we know how to earn and save money for living, we then have to know how to spend our money. Whenever we think about buying things, we have to be able to answer these questions.

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Meditation for Peace

Knowing How to Spend Money in Your Pocket
After we know how to earn and save money for living, we then have to know how to spend our money.
After we know how to earn and save money for living, we then have to know how to spend our money. Whenever we think about buying things, we have to be able to answer these questions. Why do we have to buy them? How do we want to buy them? How many do we need to buy? If we can answer these questions reasonably, that means we know how to spend our money. Before we want to spend our money for anything, we have to think about our income and how much money we have left. What we spend should not be more than what we earn.
Money in Your Pocket
Being is debt is a cause of suffering.
Once I met a 7-year-old child who is my friend’s niece. She and her 3-year-old sister had lunch with me one day. We ate so much and were really full and felt like we were having a food come. While we were walking back to my friend’s house, she said “Mom told me that I should not eat too much. Because when we eat too much, we will get headaches and stomachaches, and we will not be able to think.” The way she said that seems funny. It is so true that the food coma is always associated with an inert brain. We should eat when we are hungry. We should not eat when we only want to eat.
Knowing How to Spend Money in Your Pocket
In addition, associating with bad friends leads us to spend our money in bad ways. In any case, we should not spend our money without being careful until we have eliminated our debts. No one has debts without worry. However, we should not hold onto our money too tightly or we become stingy. This is just like those who never want to spend their money for both their own benefit and others. If we have more money than we need, we can donate our money to help others in appropriate cases and situations. Thus, people who know how to spend their money for both their own and others’ benefit properly are named as the ones who know how to spend the money in their pockets.
Whenever we think about buying things, we have to be able to answer these questions.
Once I watched a TV program about a seemingly beautiful and useful cooking set. I had two old cooking sets in my kitchen at that time. However, I was trucked by the commercials. So I looked for many reasonable answers such as “Oh, it is so durable. You will be able to use it for a long time. The materials are so mice and fashionable for the dining table and kitchen, etc.” At that moment all the reasons why I should buy it flooded into my head until I could not resist. Therefore, I called to order it. Now it has been several months after I received the cooking set, and rarely use it. So I learned that buying what you need and what you  want are different. And being reasonably impulsive is not always good.
“Being is debt is a cause of suffering.” (Buddha)
“Eat to live, not live to eat.”(Old saying)

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