Non-Recklessness in the Dhamma # 2

A main supporting pillar is like a mindfulness person will always be aware of their actions

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Meditation for Peace
Non-Recklessness in the Dhamma # 2
A Ship’s rudder will guide the direction of our life toward success 
A Ship’s rudder will guide the direction of our life toward success
Metaphors for Mindfulness
1. A main supporting pillar is like a mindfulness person will always be aware of their actions.
2. A door keeper acts as a filter for every stimulus that impacts our five senses and allowed to pass by and always question whether or not to stop or adjust before allowing it to pass by.
3. A treasurer makes sure that both the income and outcome are in balance. It measures the balance of merit and demerit in the account while never allowing any limit on merit side of the account. So there is no limit for doing merit and making demerit should be avoided.
4. A Ship’s rudder will guide the direction of our life toward success, achieving goals, while not straying out of the line as a rudder helps to prevent the ship from obstacles or being stranded.
Mindfulness controls the state of mind to make sure our mind remains in the state we require it to be. 
Mindfulness controls the state of mind to make sure our mind remains in the state we require it to be.
Benefit of Mindfulness
1. Mindfulness controls the state of mind to make sure our mind remains in the state we require it to be. This is done by examining our thought, keeping only the matter we want to think of and cutting out the thing we don’t need to think of.  It helps to organize the mind to easily focus and remain still. For example, when reading, we can concentrate solely on reading throughout the mind deeper and deeper, while not wandering. Therefore, if there is mindfulness, there will be concentration. If there is concentration, there will be mindfulness.
2. Allows the body and mind to be independent and not under the influence of feelings, such as anger. Bye this way the mind is relaxed and happy, in the state to encounter any situation and is able to manage it correctly and appropriately.
3. Mindfulness will allow our thoughts to enlarge outwardly without limitations. Without the influence of defilement, the mind can think freely and powerfully but still under control. Like a ship that has a good rudder can be directed to the destination without getting lost.
4. Mindfulness will allow us to consider things with full strength of wisdom. An effective systematic thinking process will strengthen wisdom to its full capability.
5. Will purify all actions of body, speech and mind. By not getting caught up in any unwholesomeness, every cause of action we take will generate true wisdom and right thought.
Remind ourselves of the suffering that arises from birth, sickness, old age, and death in this circle of existence (Samsara). 
Remind ourselves of the suffering that arises from birth, sickness,
old age, and death in this circle of existence (Samsara).
How to Become a Non-Reckless Person
1. Remind ourselves to abstain from the three kinds of evil action in body, speech and mind.
Be alert to see the retribution of unwholesome deeds and refrain from these actions.
2. Remind ourselves to do the three good actions in body, speech, and mind the whole of the time.
Be alert to see the retribution of wholesome deeds and try to perform them at every opportunity.
3. Remind ourselves of the suffering of the hell realms that await us in the event that we do evil.
Having awareness of the pain and suffer in the hell realms, we refrain from doing unwholesome deeds to avoid falling in to the hell realms after death.
4. Remind ourselves of the suffering that arises from birth, sickness, old age, and death in this circle of existence (Samsara).
Always remind ourselves that we still have to be reborn in this “cycle of existence”, the suffering of birth, sickness, old age, and death. Thus, we should seek every opportunity to practice meditation in order to enter Nirvana.
If we always keep this in mind, we will not fall into the trap any of defilements, such as greed, anger and delusion, which still exist in all, not enlightened human beings.
5. Be careful to recall our objective of meditation the whole of the time. This means the mindfulness to keep your mind free from the bias of greed, hatred, delusion and fear the whole of the time, In order for one to do a good or a bad action, dependents on the strength of the mind. If the mind is strong enough it can overcome the desires. The best way to train the mind is to meditate, so we have to practice meditation regularly.
Practice meditation. Remind ourselves to practice meditation regularly and tirelessly.  
Practice meditation. Remind ourselves to practice meditation regularly and tirelessly. 
Things in Which we cannot Afford to be Reckless
1. Time. Remind ourselves not to overlook the passing of time. “What are we doing with our lives?” Do not be involved with nonsense matters as: gambling, gossip, boasting about and trendy fashion. We should work in earnest competing with time. Time doesn’t wait.
2. Youthfulness. Remind ourselves not to overlook that even though we may be young in age, we wander about and play around each day. If we take into consideration our age starting from many previous lifetimes until the present, each of us has already aged considerably.
3. Health. We want to be healthy throughout the whole lifetime. Therefore as we are in good health, we should strive on cultivating wholesome deeds as sickness is an unavoidable part of life.
4. Long-life. We cannot overlook the fragility of human life. Do not think that we still have plenty of time to do good deeds, because we can pass away any time without knowing it. So we should be eager to abstain from unwholesomeness, accumulate good deeds and purify the mind in every way and in every occasion.
5. Work. Remind ourselves to do the best in our work assignments by being devoted to it. Don’t be reserved, don’t delay, don’t postpone, don’t give up!
6. Knowledge. Remind ourselves to acquire all necessary knowledge. If there is anything that you need to study or memorize do not delay. Value the importance of knowledge which is the key to solve the problems of life.
7. Practice meditation. Remind ourselves to practice meditation regularly and tirelessly. We should start now and early, not waiting until we get old before practicing meditation, when our ears are not in a good condition anymore to listen to the sermon, or our body is too painful to sit still for meditation. We should persistently and diligently strive to practice meditation. By knowing that the happiness in this lifetime and next lifetime can be attained through meditation, we can achieve our goals. Meditation is the only way that allows us to attain the ultimate goal of life. Nirvana.
We will gain great merit. 
We will gain great merit.
The benefits of Non-Recklessness
1. We will gain great merit.
2. We will be considered as having a moral foundation.
3. We will not go to the hell realms.
4. We will be relieved from suffering.
5. We will be delighted and will not give up doing whole some deeds.
6. We will have recklessness, which leads to further causes for wholesome deeds.
7. We will have recklessness, which leads to further causes for wholesome deeds.
8. We will be alert and non-reckless in pursuing perfections.
9. We will be free from all unwholesomeness.
“ The wise men who converted recklessness into non-recklessness is considered to have reached the top of the castle of wisdom and is free from sorrow. They are able to see the people who are still caught up in the stupidity and sorrow a like. They are reaching the top of the mountain; able to see the people who still standing on the muddy, dirty ground.”


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