Patience # 2

When the Lord Buddha pursued perfection in one of his lives as a bodhisattvas, he was born as a prince named venerable Taemee

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Meditation for Peace
Patience # 2
The Method of practicing Patience
1. Consider ‘Hiri-Ottappa”:
If you feel ashamed to sin and are afraid of sin, the patience will rise in you.
When the Lord Buddha pursued perfection in one of his lives as a bodhisattvas, he was born as a prince named venerable Taemee. When he was 6-7 years-old, he saw his father (the king) put a thief to death by having him burned at the stake. With all  of the perfections he had accumulated over a long period of time, he recalled his past life when he used to be a king and that he too had put the thief to death. As a result, he went to hell for a very long time and he thought if he became the king again, he would have to kill the thief again. Then, he would have to go to hell one more time.
Since that day, he pretended to be deaf, crippled and immobile, so everyone thought that he was disabled. In this way, he did not have to be the king. Even though his father was trying to tempt him with desserts, putting biting bugs on him, putting firs around him, poking him with an elephant tusk; he was still quiet. Once he grew to be a young man, his father tried to motivate him with nice, beautiful girls, still he was quiet. Because he was so concerned about the suffering in hell he became completely “Hiri-Ottappa” or ashamed and afraid of sin and became patient and still.
For a long time, the father considered that he was a misfortune of the kingdom. So, he decided to put him to death outside the kingdom. Once he was taken out of the kingdom, venerable Taemee declared that he was not disabled but completely healthy. He ordained. Later, his father, the king, his relatives and residents ordained and followed him. They attained absorption numerously.
Consider the improvement of controlling one’s emotion
2. Consider the improvement of controlling one’s emotion:
Thinking that it is good that they did that to us. For example, someone abusing you is better than they hit you. Someone hitting you is better than they kill you. The wife committing adultery is better than she kills her husband. The husband committing adultery is better than he kills the wife for the other girl. An example of this method is as follows:
Venerable Punna was a resident of the Sunaparanta town before his ordination. He traveled to the town of Sawatti for business and got an opportunity to listen to the Lord Buddha’s teaching until he wished to ordain.
After ordination, he hid not make any progress with meditation because he was not familiar with the location. He thought the weather in his town was more appropriate for him. So, he asked the Lord Buddha to go back to his town.
The Lord Buddha asked him, “Are you sure, Punna, Sunaparanta residents are so violent and barbarous? Can you endure them?”
“Yes, Sire.”
“Punna, if they abuse you, what will be your plan?”
“ I will think that if they abuse me it would be better than they are beating me with their hands, Sire.”
“What if they beat you, Punna?”
“It is better than if they throw rocks tat me, Sire.”
“What if they throw rocks at you, Punna?”
“ I will think that it would be better than they hit me with wood, Sire.”
“What if they hit you with wood, Punna?”
“It is better than they jab me with a blade, Sire.”
“Let see, if they kill you with the blade, Punna?”
“I will think that it is GooD. Sire.”
“How is it GOOD, Punna?”
“If someone really wants to die; they may waste their time trying to find a weapon to commit suicide. But I got luckier than those people in that I don’t have to spend any time finding the weapon like them.”
“That is fabulous, Punna. Your thought is marvelous. It is OK. I allow you to go and stay there for your meditation endeavor at the town of Sunaparanta.”
Venerable Punna went back to Sunaparanta and concentrated on his meditation for a little while until his mind became still and he attained the Dhammakaya until he became a Buddhist Saint or Arahant.
This is the story of the venerable Punna, the model of the patient person by elevating the control of his emotions very high.
Keeping precepts and practice meditation
Keeping precepts and practice meditation
3. Consider concentrating on the practice of meditation:
Both patience and meditation are virtues that support each other. In order for your patience to be firm; it must be supported with meditation. In order for meditation to improve; it must be supported with patience. Patience is like the left hand and meditation is the right hand. In order to wash your hands, both hands have to help washing each other so that the hands can be properly cleaned.
An example of an outstanding patient person was Venerable Lomasnakatera
“Venerable Lomasnakatera” was a monk who meditated to the point where he was able to recall his past lives; even though he had not removed al of his defilements completely. One day, he meditated outdoors until noon and the sun made him sweat profusely. His student asked him, “Dear Sir, would you like to sit under a tree? The weather there is cool and good.”
He said, “ I sit here because I am afraid of the heat.”
He, then, kept sitting there and concentrated on the hell because he was there for many lives and he reakized that hell was many thousands of times hotter than where he currently sat. Therefore, he did not change his seat, and continued his meditation until he finally attained Dhamma and became a Buddhist saint.
The Benefits of Being Patient
1. Acquire all kinds of merits to you
2. Become attractive and be loved by al people
3. Cut off all roots of sin
4. Be cool and happy in every gesture
5. Be recognized as a wise person
6. Keeping precepts and practice meditation
7. Become easily enlightened and enter Nirvana
People can be patient with the words of their elders because they are considerate; they can be patient with the words of their peers because of their competitiveness.
If people in the world can be patient with the words of the sinners, all these good people will attain the utmost patience.
(Sorapungchadok) Ku. Cha. Juttaris. 27/2460/538


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