Paying Respect To Those Worthy of Respect.

The mast difficult work in the world is to cultivate right view. Therefore, whoever cultivates this right view, to us is deserved of the highest respect from us throughout our entire lives.

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Meditation for peace

Paying Respect To Those Worthy of Respect.
Those Worthy of Respect.
Those worthy of respect are virtuous persons that we can remind of their virtue.
The mast difficult work in the world is to cultivate right view. Therefore, whoever cultivates this right view, to us is deserved of the highest respect from us throughout our entire lives.
We do not associate with the Fool to prevent ourselves from wrong understanding. We associate with the wise to cultivate right view then we maintain it by paying respect to those worthy of respect.
Those worthy of respect are virtuous persons that we can remind of their virtue, and follow their steps. They can teach others to understand the following:
Making merit or doing good deeds is truly beneficial for all human beings to perform. Paying respect to those worthy of respect should be acted upon. Taking care of good people should be carried out. We should understand that good actions bring good results and bad actions bring bad results. It should be clear that Parents in fact are benefactors. We should realize that the Round of Existence is a reality. The notion of Heaven and Hell ins true. The presence of Arahants who have extinguished all passions is true. All of these tenets are the Truths of life and the world and this fact is harder to comprehend than any other knowledge of life.
Making merit or doing good deeds is truly beneficial for all human beings to perform.
Ones who could achieve the aforementioned must have earned a higher abundance of merit by practicing sila, Samadhi and wisdom (panna) more than most of us, such as: the Lord Buddha, the virtuous and dutiful monks, the king who is endowed with the ten regal qualities, the parents or the adults who perform acts of good conduct, the capable and virtuous teachers and leaders who have good conduct and strong moral fiber.
The benefit of paying respect to those worthy of respect makes us have strength and might. Because the worship of respect makes us have strength and might. Because the worship of these virtuous persons creates in us a vast ocean of positive thinking, it brightens our mind all the time, without causing any negative effects.
To maintain and to concentrate on what we are doing and not let our work go undone
Aspiration: To encourage us to follow His (the Buddha’s) good paths (regarded as Chanda in Pali)
Exertion: To have perseverance so as to pay full attention to completing our responsibilities without fear of hardship (regarded as Viriya in Pali).
Thoughtfulness: To maintain and to concentrate on what we are doing and not let our work go undone at interval periods (regarded as Citta inn Pali)
Investigation: To develop ourselves to be more virtuous (regarded as Vimamsa in Pali)
All of these are the paths to Accomploshment.

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