Sharing loving kindness

The sharing of loving kindness is something we can do everyday, both before and after daily meditation.

บทความธรรมะ Dhamma Articles > Meditation > Meditation for Peace
[ 24 ม.ค. 2554 ] - [ ผู้อ่าน : 18264 ]
24 January 2554


Meditation for Peace

                      Sharing loving kindness

By Luang Phaw Dhammajayo

Sharing loving kindness  
The sharing of loving kindness is something we can do everyday, both before and after daily meditation. A brief period of sharing loving kindness before meditating, softens and broadens our minds. The sharing of loving kindness as such helps improve our meditation experience. A brief session of sharing loving kindness after meditation spreads the purity of our meditated minds around ourselves first, and subsequently towards others. The benefits of sharing loving kindness everyday include radiating a happy feeling when we are awake and asleep. If we have dreams, they will be sweet and auspicious. We will be rid of anger and we will be positive thinkers.
Crystal Ball 
Most importantly, it will greatly help to improve our meditation. We can share loving kindness simply by doing the following: Before ending our meditation session and when our minds come to a standstill and hence filled with happiness, we can actually share loving kindness, good wishes and peacefulness with all other people in the world. We can start by focusing our stilled mind at the centre of our body where we feel true love and good wishes towards all beings. Let all good feelings coalesce into a bright crystal sphere filled with love and good wishes. Without any effort, imagine the crystal sphere of love and good wishes expanding in all directions from the body’s centre towards all other beings. Wish everyone freedom from suffering, and ultimately help them attain extreme happiness from meditation. Meditation brings our mind back to its original pure state. Furnish them with the ability to incorporate attained happiness to enrich their perfect and virtuous daily lives. The lives they lead will therefore prove beneficial for themselves and others. Feel the expansion of our bright spherical minds all around ourselves and towards people in our surroundings regardless of whether they are near or far.  

Expand our minds to cover our site for meditation and continually outwards until it covers the whole sky. Feel unlimited love and kindness towards people of the world in every continent and elsewhere, irrespective of their nationalities, religions and ethnicities. Let our minds connect with all others. Wish them happiness, wish every  country prosperity and hope that the world will be filled with only good people who bring true peace and happiness to humankind. Let the purity of our still minds expand from the centre towards other people of the world who are suffering as a result of war, to attain true peace. Wish that everyone will stop taking advantage of one another and are determined to turn the dark side of their minds into kind and loving minds. The purity of our minds during meditation radiate radiate outwards as a mass of purity, silently into the atmosphere. The purity cleanses defilements and darkness from our own minds and others. Their minds and our minds become bright and clear, hence we can now lead our lives in the right direction – a direction towards happiness and virtue. Eventually, we will change the world and bring true peace to the world.


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