Skilled Speech

Speaking skillfully refers to giving full consideration prior to our speaking. In is important to say anything that makes others feel good and creates positive reactions.

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Meditation for Peace
Skilled Speech
Speaking skillfully refers to giving full consideration prior to our speaking.
Speaking skillfully refers to giving full consideration prior to our speaking.
What is Skilled Speech?
Speaking skillfully refers to giving full consideration prior to our speaking.
In is important to say anything that makes others feel good and creates positive reactions.
Nature gave us two eyes to see the world around us.
We also have two ears which we use to listen.
We have one mouth which is used in at least two ways: to eat and to speak.
This means that nature wants us to listen and see things more than using our mouth to speak.
Components of Artfulness in Speech
1. Speech Must Be True; means that what we say cannot contain lies. Our aim in saying anything is not to create any misunderstandings or misinterpretation.
2. Speech Must Be Polite; refers to the use of soft and respectful words. Words should not be vulgar, sarcastic, or hurtful to the listeners.
3. Speech Must Be Useful; refers to speech that creates positive effects on both the speakers and listeners. Even if the speech is truthful and polite, if it is not useful, it should not be said.
4. Speech Must Be Appropriate in Time and Pccasion; means that even what we want to say meets the four above components, it should definitely be avoided if it goes against some ones culture or customs. This type of speech may cause rumors and may be hurtful to everyone involved including ourselves.
Speak in the right place means knowing if the place we are in is appropriate for what we want to say.
Speak in the right place means knowing if the place we are in is appropriate for what we want to say.
- Speaking at the right time means that we know when to say what, and when talking needs to be avoided. This includes knowing how long we should talk. We should also be aware of the outcome of what we say to others.
- Speak in the right place means knowing if the place we are in is appropriate for what we want to say.
For example, even if we have good intentions to tell our friends to stop drinking alcohol, but we tell them when they are drunk with their friends, it may make them embarrassed and they will feel humiliated.
In the future, they may no longer listen to us.
Characteristics of a Peace Envoy
1. Listen to others’ opinions without interrupting them.
2. Be able to get others’ attentions while speaking.
3. Keep what we say to the minimum, while communicating the main points to the listeners.
4. Be able to remember what we want to say.
5. Understand the details of what we have to say.
6. Be able to make others understand our speech.
7. Be able to make a speech that is useful.
8. Not to persuade others into arguments and fights.
Will enter the hell realm after death
Will enter the hell realm after death
Consequences for Monks Who Curse
At the Monastic Community
Those who curse the monastic community or the Lord Buddha will meet with 11 consequences as follow:
1. Will never attain inner Dhamma
2. Destroy their chance to attain inner Dhamma
3. One’s mind will be gloomy and clouded
4. Will become a person who believes he has attained Dhamma inside even this isn’t true.
5. Will become someone who does not want to join the monastic community
6. Will become depressed
7. Will leave the monastic community
8. Will suffer a serious illness
9.  Will have a mental illness
10. Will lose his mind when knows he may die
11. Will enter the hell realm after death
Not listen to people with wrong view
1. Speech describing faith by those who do not have the wrong faith.
2. Describing the goodness of precepts from those who do not keep precepts.
3. Praising the benefit of education from one who has never studied.
4. Praise for the benefits of charity from one who is stingy.
5. Speech that describe wisdom from those who are unwise.
To gain progress in worldly and Dhamma ways
To gain progress in worldly and Dhamma ways
The characteristics one who is a Great Speaker
One who practiced verbal wholesomeness over lifetimes will possess the voice of the Great Man. The characteristics of the Great Man’s speech are as follows:
1. Energetic and cheerful
2. Clear and articulate
3. Soft and gentle
4. Endearing to hear
5. Sweet
6. Harmless
7. Thoughtful and deep thinking
8. Echo
The Benefits of Being Skillful in Speech
1. Be a charming person who everyone adores
2. To gain progress in worldly and Dhamma ways
3. To become skillful in negotiations
4. Only listen and hear good things
5. Not enter the hell realm


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