Stop Learning, Start Dying, Increasing Your Wisdom

Since we were born, how many times in our lives have we not had to worry about anything at all? There are many things that cause us worry.

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Meditation for Peace

Stop Learning, Start Dying, Increasing Your Wisdom
Meditation makes our minds stop thinking about any thoughts, worries, or emotions.
Since we were born, how many times in our lives have we not had to worry about anything at all? There are many things that cause us worry. For example, will we have food to eat tomorrow? Will we pass the exam or not? Will we finish the work on time? Will we get the job? How will our children do? Will we have enough money to pay the bills? Will I get an “A” in the class? Do we need to live without fear? I still think that we do not need to live with fear.
It makes us see the causes of suffering and the way to solve problems in our lives.
How many times in our lives have our minds been peaceful, joyful and become still deeply inside until we are free from worry and thought? Meditation makes our minds stop thinking about any thoughts, worries, or emotions. We will have happy minds. Once there was a king who asked the Buddha. “Buddha. “Do you sit and sleep well with the uncomfortable seat and place in the wood?” The Buddha said “If your mind is happy, you can sleep, sit, or walk everywhere with happiness. If your mind is unhappy, no matter how expensive and comfortable the bed on which you sleep is, you still cannot be happy.” Meditation makes our minds contain only one emotion-joy. Meditation also makes us see things the way they are. It makes us see the causes of suffering and the way to solve problems in our lives. These benefits from practicing meditation usually improve with practice like any other learning. After we practice meditation until we become familiar with it, we will find that our minds can be in their own pure and crystal-clear places.
The more you practice meditation, the more wisdom you will learn, and the more ignorance will be reduced.
The more your mind is free from any thoughts and worries, the more peace and joy you will gain.
In addition, meditation helps us remain calm and see things more clearly.
However, as with any other learning, a good teacher is needed.
Reading good books, talking with good people who have right understanding, learning with good teachers, and following good patterns of how to live our lives happily in both this life and the next life are the correct ways of increasing our wisdom.
In addition, meditation helps us remain calm and see things more clearly. We will find the inner peace and know the importance and truth of our lives. Our minds will be free from fear. We will know that the inner peace, which has occurred in our minds, is the most stable happiness that we can rely on without requiring money, fame, and power.

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Dhammakaya Temple


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