The Birth of a Meritorious Person

Everyone feels excited when there is a new addition to the family. Some of these families are so elated they invite monks to receive offerings at their homes for seven days

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Meditation for Peace
The Birth of a Meritorious Person
We are born into the same world, yet we do not know how we came to be.
We are born into the same world, yet we do not know how we came to be.
Everyone feels excited when there is a new addition to the family. Some of these families are so elated they invite monks to receive offerings at their homes for seven days. Some celebrate for seven days and seven nights. While excitement is a natural reaction to an impending birth, it is also an opportunity to reflect upon an impending birth, it is also an opportunity to reflect upon an important birth, it is also an opportunity to reflect upon an important question: what makes us different? What determines our differences?
We are born into the same world, yet we do not know how we came to be. We do not know where our planet is situated in the universe. We do not even know where we will go after we die. Everywhere we turn there are so many questions whose solutions we are still seeking. Why do some people die in their mother’s womb while others survive to see the world? Why are some born strong while others survive to see the world? Why are some born strong while others are born with disabilities like deafness or blindness? Why are some people born into a wealthy family while others are born so poor that they cannot even get a drop of their mother’s milk? Why are some born into high society while others are not? Why is it possible that while two people who grew up in the same family work the same job and think the same way, one ends up poor while the other becomes rich? And, the most puzzling question of all: why are we born as humans and other living beings are born as animals?
All of these social and physical differences are seen as normal to us, to the point where we rarely acknowledge their existence. However, if we reflect upon them deeply, we realize that they must have a reason for existing. We just do not know where to find those reasons.
If we never know Buddhism, We will never know the answers to these questions. The teachings of Buddhism allow us to see the root causes of these differences and enable us to understand the law that governs the world: The Law of Kamma.
When you perform good deeds you will go to Heaven.
When you perform good deeds you will go to Heaven.
The differences found in life are dependent on the kamma of each individual.
The fact that people all are born humans, but vary in the amount of happiness or Dukkha (suffering) is an indication that the fruits of kamma exist and their retribution is derived from our previous existences.
A senior monk once discussed kamma:
“The word kamma is a neutral word that does not imply good or bad since kamma means action. An action always carries a consequence. Why do we fool full? It is because we’ve eaten. If we didn’t eat, we’d be hungry.
In physics, there is the law which states that the energy of an action is equal to the energy of the opposite reaction. Sir Isaac Newton discovered this and termed it the third law of motion. In terms of Dhamma we can say that whatever your action, you will experience its consequences in return.
Scientists discovered this law of the physical world and the world accepted it only a little over 300 years ago, But the Lord Buddha discovered the Law of Kamma and taught it to the world over 2,500 years ago, and what He discovered was much more profound and insightful.
Let’s take abortion as an example, if we look at this situation on the surface, we think that the unborn child did not have a choice. It was the parents’ fault for not wanting to have the child, so they chose abortion. The Lord Buddha taught us not to view any situation superficially. He taught us to look deeper and ask questions. If there were so many potential parents in this world, why did the baby not go to another family, but entered the womb of the woman who would abort it?
The reason is because the unborn child has kamma from killing animals from a previous life. When it was time for it to be born, due to the retribution from the killing, it was conceived in the womb of a person who also liked to kill animals. The mother and the baby must have a equivalent kamma in order for the child to enter her womb. Otherwise, conception would not have taken place. Once it entered the womb, the mother suffered a morning sickness and may have felt a craving to kill animals. Or she may want to consume fresh blood to reduce the sickness, believing that if she does not, the sickness will not go away.
For others, the circumstances may be even harsher. When the mother experiences morning sickness, she may want to get rid of the unborn child immediately through an abortion. This is the result of a more severe kamma. The consequence of an action is much more complex than what we really see. For instance when there is an increase in the births of people with previous kamma from killing, the resulting build-up of kamma becomes collective and the government of those people passes laws that permit abortion.
When a person with merit enters the womb, how does this affect the mother?
The Lord Buddha explained that when a person with great merit enters the womb, the fruit of his merit will lead to more prosperity for that family. The mother will await her unborn child eagerly. She will make offerings and wish for a blessed child to be born to her. When someone from a fortunate realm is ready to be reborn, he will choose the best and most generous mother. Once he enters the womb, he brings good fortune to his mother and himself.
The strength of this person’s merit is an interesting thing. If the mother suffers from morning sickness, she will not have any relief no matter what she does until she offers alms. This relieves her symptoms instantaneously. This implies that the unborn child, in its previous existence, when his mother experiences the sickness, he will trigger her to chant in order to gain relief. When the mother chants and meditates, the unborn child will be happy along with her.
When you perform bad deeds you will go to hell.
When you perform bad deeds you will go to hell.
The social and physical differences between people in this world result from the past and present kamma. One part of this equation we cannot alter because it is the consequence of an action we have already performed but we always have a fresh opportunity to create a brighter future for ourselves. The Lord Buddha taught us to refrain from accumulating more bad kamma. The bad kamma that we accumulate today will follow us and its consequences will arise in the future. So, avoid amassing bad kamma, even minor ones. This can only benefit you.
The heart the Buddhism is to avoid doing bad deeds, perform only good deeds, and purify the mind until it is clear and bright. These three actions are good deeds, and performing good deeds results in good kamma that will make us happier. When we perform good deeds, some of the good consequences are immediately expressed in this lifetime while the rest will build the foundations for everlasting happiness in future lifetimes.
For us, since we are already born into this world, we must endure the conditions we find ourselves in. Concentrate on performing more good deeds and do not be influenced by bad thoughts. The technique to keep our minds strong is nothing more than meditation. The more you meditate the more strength you will acquire to perform more good deeds.
When we view the world and understand the effects of kamma, we will be determined to lead our lives truthfully and on the right path. The consequences of kamma are real and they will bear fruit. If we performed good deeds we will receive good consequences. If we performed bad deeds, bad consequences. If we performed bad deeds, bad consequences can be expected. The Lord Buddha’s teachings are truthful, and they have been examined over many thousands of years. Be aware of the differences that exist among the people of the world. These are the conditions that we were born into and they prove that the consequences from kamma are real. This is why we must focus on doing good deeds.”
The Lord Buddha taught that:
1. It is not the end of all things when we die.
2. When you perform good deeds you will go to Heaven.
3. When you perform bad deeds you will go to hell.
4. When you extinguish all your kilesa (defilements of the mind you will go to Nibbana.
As we continue in the cycle of birth and rebirth, we must concentrate on eliminating bad deeds and only on accumulating good deeds. Purify your minds as much and as consistently as possible in this lifetime. The merits that we accrue from our good deeds will lead us to be reborn with a healthy physical form, wealth and wisdom. In addition, we will be born into a family that values virtues. This will also provide us with the opportunity to be successful in the present and future lifetimes, until we exhaust all the kilesa.
At the same time, if the parents want to conceive a meritorious child, they, too, must focus on performing good deeds, chant, and meditate until their minds are clear and bright. If they build their own merits, they can receive a meritorious child in to their lives who will bring happiness to that family


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