The Blissful Mind

Once those who are chained in prison are free from the confinements, They will be free and happy. Likewise, those who can attain Nirvana and are free from all defilements, Will have a blissful mind just like those

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Meditation for Peace
The Blissful Mind
The Blissful Mind
The Blissful Mind
Once those who are chained in prison are free from the confinements, They will be free and happy.
Likewise, those who can attain Nirvana and are free from all defilements, Will have a blissful mind just like those
Who are free from prison?
The danger for human
From the minute that we were born, we immediately encountered lots of dangers which can destroy us every single second. It is as if we were swimming in the darkness in the middle of the cruel sea. These dangers can be mainly categorized into two types, which are
1. Built-in Dangers:
Everyone without exception co-exists with dangers since the day they were born. These dangers, which are always around us, are:
- Behind: the danger of birth
- Right hand side: the danger of old-age
- Left hand side: the danger of illness
- In front: the danger of death
These dangers surround us on every side. They are unavoidable.
2. External Dangers:
There are plenty of them. For example:
- The dangers from people such as fools, false friends, cruel hus bands, exploitative wives, or band neighbors.
- The dangers from natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or lightning.
- The dangers from evil retribution. When the retribution of evil deeds we have done in our past or present lives eventually catches us, we will have to face the consequences. For example, if we used to harm or kill animals, we will be ill or handicapped. If we used to lie al lot, we will have amnesia. If we used to steal things, we will end up being punished in prison. Etc.
Why do we have to suffer from these dangers?
The reason why we find ourselves surrounded on every side by sufferings and why we cannot break free of these, being born only to die, life, is because we are shackled by bonds or shackles which imprison us in the three realms of existence. There are four of these bonds:
1. The shackle of sensual-indulgence:
This is a pleasure from sensual sphere. It is our desire to listen to beautiful music, to taste delicious food, to wear fine clothes, to see beautiful images, to touch soft things, to have an attractive boyfriend or girlfriend or to furnish our houses with valuables. This shackle will tightly bind us, ensuring that we will never escape from it.
2. The shackle of attachment to the absorptions:
This shackle occurs when we become attached to our mental attainments at the level of the form and formless absorptons. As soon as a person breaks free of the shackle of sensual indulgence, they will usually be tied up to this one instead. If they die while their minds are still caught in this shackle, they will be reborn in the Brahma world, which is still not safe because when their fruit of merit comes to an end, they will have to be reincarnated. This is more like the second shackle.
3. The shackle of views:
This is being entrenched in one’s own erroneous views – such as the belief that one has no debt of gratitude to his or her parents, a belief that the world has no origin and there is no world for life after death, and the belief that one can escape suffering by praying and performing rites, Such views add more darkness to the mind to hold on to them. This is like the third string twisted together with the other two.
4. The shackle of ignorance:
This is the ignorance of Dhamma to attain enlightenment and Lord Buddha’s teachings. The midn’s light is not bright enough to perceive the ultimate truth of Dhamma and the way to self-liberation out of deadly dangers. This is the fourth string twisted together with the other three to form a strong piece of rope.
These four thick strings of shackles rope us in the realms of existence, causing reincarnation endlessly. They bind us so tightly that we cannot escape from them at all.
What is ‘the Blissful Mind’?
‘Blissful’ means safety, liberation from all defilements, and happiness. “the Blissful Mind” means a condition of the mind which is totally free from defilements. The four twisted ropes of shackles have been cut out and completely destroyed. The mind is thus free – with no further limitation. Encroachment or awkwardness. No further danger can threat or force the mind anymore. Those who can have the real blissful mind are those whose mind remain still and calm in the Nirvana all the time. That is those who attain the highest level of meditation called Arahants.
The Arahants’ minds are not only free are not only free from defilements, but are also capable of gaining supernatural force and abilities as follows:
The Six fold Mental Powers (Apinna 6)
The Six fold Mental Powers are supreme knowledge beyond imagination or rational logic of natural law.
1. Magical Powers:
The ability to perform certain miracles, such as floating in the air, enlarging or shrinking oneself or making oneself invisible.
2. Supernormal Audition:
Being able to hear sounds inaudible by human beings.
3. Reading the minds of others:
Knowing what others are thinking.
4. The ability to recollect one’s own previous existences:
Recalling and discovering who one is and what she or he has done in the past lives.
5.The ability to recollect the previous existences of others.
6.The knowledge to eradicate all defilements:
Be able to get rid of evils and defilements completely.
For all the six fold mental powers, the first five are worldly supreme knowledge, but the sixth alone is transcendental knowledge. These powers can be gained only by meditation, not by replication or learning from listening to others’ experiences. Once attained or accomplished this level, one will realize by him or herself.
The Threefold Supernormal Knowledge (Vijja 3)
The Threefold supernatural knowledge is insightful wisdom acquired during the final stages of enlightenment. They consist of the intuition or the insight, the highest level of wisdom deriving from meditation or wisdom resulting from mental development. Those who would like to be Arahants can be enlightened only by gaining this wisdom. The Lord Buddha sacrificed his life by meditation to purify his mind and finally gained such wisdom or the Threefold supernormal knowledge on the enlightenment day. The threefold includes the following three sorts of knowledge:
1. Recalling one’s own previous existence
2. The ability to recollect the previous existences of others
3. The knowledge to eradicate all defilements
The Eightfold Supreme knowledge (Vijja 8)
The Eightfold Supreme knowledge is an enlightening wisdom which is listed as follows: 

 1. Intuitive Insight:
This wisdom is acquired when the purified mind can perceive the truth of physical body by using the Three Universal Characteristics.
2. The magic power of the mind:
Be able to perform many miracles, such as floating in the air, transmuting, enlarging or shrinking oneself or making oneself invisible.
3.Magical Powers:
The ability to perform certain miracles to do with changing the nature of objects such as floating in the air, transmuting the body, enlarging or shrinking oneself or making oneself invisible.
4.Supernormal Audition:
Be able to hear sounds inaudible by human beings.
5.Reading the minds of others:
Be able to know what others are thinking.
6.The ability to recollect one’s own previous existence:
Be able to recall and discover who one is and what he or she has done in the past lives.
7.Supernormal Sight: Be able to gain divine eyes.
8.The knowledge to eradicate all defilements
The Fourfold Analytical Insights
The Fourfold Analytical Insights are powerful mental abilities to teach the Dhamma to others as follows:
1. Analytic insight into consequences:
This masterful wisdom allows one to enlarge upon any subject of the Dhamma.
2. Analytic insight into causes:
This masterful wisdom allows one to summarize any subject of the Dhamma without losing the core meaning.
3. Analytic insight into language:
This masterful insight into language allows one to know the meaning of all forms of human and animal communication.
4. Analytic insight into wit:
The gift of quick-wittedness in expounding on Dhamma allows one to ‘think on one’s feet’ and answer questions ‘on the spot’.
Practicing Dhamma has a lot of advantages. Thus, we should try to pull all thirty – eight blessings into practice. If we actually practice them, we will sooner or later avail ourselves of true knowledge of Buddhist principles and core as well as the supernormal power in the footsteps of the Lord Buddha and all the Arahants.


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