The Four Noble Truths#1

Each country in the world has a constitution as the blueprint for the rest of the laws of the country to expand upon. Similarly, every religion has the teaching which is the blueprint of all the rest of them

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Meditation for Peace
The Four Noble Truths#1
 that is a mother with a new baby who cannot take her baby to work
 that is a mother with a new baby who cannot take her baby to work ,
but must leave the baby in the creche or with a maid.
“Those who swim in the ocean, but cannot see the shore But have to keep on swimming around and around anyway Without knowing where the destination is.
Likewise, those who does not attain The Four Noble Truths Have to be born and reborn repeatedly in the cycle of birth and death without knowing when the end is.”
Blueprint of the religion
Each country in the world has a constitution as the blueprint for the rest of the laws of the country to expand upon. Similarly, every religion has the teaching which is the blueprint of all the rest of them.
And the blueprint of Buddhism is The Four Noble Truths.
Four Noble Truths
Noble Truth has many meanings such as:
- It is the noble, precious truth.
- It is the truth that makes those who attain it become the noble ones.
The Four Noble Truths, thus, are the truths in the world but are usually overlooked until the Lord Buddha was enlightened and kindly pointed them out for us see. There are:
1. The Noble Truths of Suffering
2. The Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering
3. The Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering
4. The Noble Truth of the Path to the Cessation of Suffering.
This is physical suffering
This is physical suffering
If we compare The Four Noble Truths to illness, the results are:
- Suffer the condition of illness.
- The Origin of the Suffering is the pathogen, bacteria or virus.
- The Cessation of Suffering to the condition of being healed from the illness.
- The Path to get the medicine that can cure the illness.
Everybody in this world has experienced suffering and is ill with the disease of suffering. It’s as if everyone is the patient but doesn’t really know what is the cause of such disease, and therefore, cannot really know how to cure themselves.
In this Blessing, we will have an opportunity to learn the core of life and the real nature of suffering. Including how to relieve ourselves from it so we don’t have to suffer anymore.
The First Noble Truth : Suffering
Suffering is the feeling of awkwardness and discomfort of body and mind. The Lord Buddha saw the reality that every single being is plagued by suffering, regardless of their status. No matter they are millionaires, prime ministers, presidents of the country or even emperors; all have to experience of sufferings. All suffer in a greater or lesser extent. The Lord Buddha analyzed the suffering into its components. There are eleven major categories of suffering and they can be grouped into two major groups.
1. Inevitable Suffering
This is the suffering that one cannot escape. It is the common nature for all beings that once we were born, we are accompanied by it. There are three kinds of this suffering. Which are:
- Birth
- Aging
- Death
Those who have never studied Dhamma in Buddhism may think that aging. Illness and death are sufferings where birth is considered as a blessing from God. However, the Lord Buddha, by contrast, pointed out that birth is suffering because it is the starting point for all the other sorts of suffering. For example, when a baby is in the womb, he/she has to suffer from an internment in the womb. When he/she is about to be born, the womb will squeezes the baby in order to force the baby out. His head may be squeezed until the shape of his skull is misshaped and he/she suffers miserably. Therefore, once the baby is out, the first thing he/she does is crying out loudly. These pains and suffering all come from being born and it will lead to other sorts of suffering. That’s why birth is considered to be suffering. If we can stop being born, we will never have to suffer ever again.
Moreover, people usually misunderstand that being old is around 60-70 years. However, in reality we are always getting old, we are getting older from the very minute that we were born, and then we are getting older and older ever since. The cells in our body are always changing. We should keep in mind that we are aging every moment of our life.
Pain: This is physical suffering such as illness, injuries.
Pain: This is physical suffering such as illness, injuries.
2. Miscellaneous Suffering
This suffering is not permanent. Everybody will have it in a different level and it is uncertain. It is caused when the mind is lacking quality and cannot deal with the situation at hand. Those who train their minds will be able to escape this suffering. Or at lease can reduce their misery. There are eight types of this suffering which are:
- Sorrow: This is the ‘dry-mind’ suffering; for example, that is a mother with a new baby who cannot take her baby to work , but must leave the baby in the crèche or with a maid.
- Lamentation: This is sorrow that drives you to tears.
- Pain: This is physical suffering such as illness, injuries.
- Feeling slighted: This is when one has a ‘chip on one’s shoulder’ (to be aggressively sensitive about a particular thing or bear a grudge.)
- Despair: This is a suffering when you give up the hope of success in something.
- Exposure: This is the sort of cloudiness of mind, grief which results from coming into contact with those things to which we are averse.
- Separation from loved ones and treasured things: This is the suffering from being departed from someone or something that one loves dearly.
- Disappointment: The suffering which results from not getting things one desires or wants.
This is the realization of Suffering that the Lord Buddha analyzed and pointed out for us to see. He is like a doctor who diagnoses the decease for us to understand in a very clear way.
This is the suffering that one cannot escape.
This is the suffering that one cannot escape.
The Second Noble Truth: The Origin of Suffering
The Origin of Suffering is the cause for all the sufferings mentioned above. Those who are ignorant of the real cause behind their suffering and cannot find the cause of it, usually blame anything that they can think of, but not themselves. Some blame gods and deities, some say it is the punishment of God, or Devils, if these were real, the Devil would be so cruel since they bully so many people.
However, in the case of the Lord Buddha, his mind was pure and free from all the stains. Thus, he could see the truth clearly that the cause of suffering actually comes from craving that resides in our minds. There are three sorts of craving which are:
1. Craving for Sense-Pleasure:
This is when the mind is under the influence of greed or desire. For example, desire to have money, gold, second wife, to have fun, to be praised by others. In conclusion, it is the greed for the objects of the senses such as images, sounds, perfumes, tastes, and touch.
2. Craving for the Form Realms:
the desire to be someone or something. For example, the desire to be prime minister, want to be rich, want to be a general, want to be a noble lady etc.
3. Craving for the Formless Realms:
The wish not to be someone or something such as not to be poor, elderly, sickly etc.
Humans were born with these cravings and we are used to them so much that they become our friends. Sometimes we are so used to them that we are afraid to lose them because we are afraid of losing such pleasure we used to have. However, these cravings are just false friends who bring nothing but sufferings and laugh behind our backs.
The Lord Buddha is just like a professional doctor. He diagnoses the cause of the decease or the cause of suffering for us and points them out for us to see which virus or defilements that torture us.
The Third Noble Truth: The Cessation of Suffering
The Cessation of Suffering is the condition of the mind that is purified from all defilements. All the cravings are gone, therefore the suffering because they are eradicated at its roots. The mid becomes still and focused at the center of the body. Those who can attain this will experience only true happiness.
Those who hardly practice meditation or practice in the wrong way and cannot attain Nirvana yet will not know how to really get rid of the suffering. They usually misunderstand that living in however, even in six levels of to put an end to the suffering. In reality, however, even in six levels of heavens there are still some sufferings because all the angels are doomed to be in Sensual Sphere. There are also sufferings in sixteen levels of Form Sphere and four levels of Formless Sphere which are above the heavens. If one really wants to get rid of all the sufferings, one must train themselves until they can put an end to all the cravings, ambition and finally they can attain Nirvana in the end.


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