The Four Noble Truths#2

The Path to the Cessation of Sufferings: This is the way to get away from all the sufferings

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Meditation for Peace
The Four Noble Truths#2
The Lord Buddha is just like a doctor who can clearly see the cause of suffering.
The Lord Buddha is just like a doctor who can clearly see the cause of suffering.
The Forth Noble Truth: The Path to the Cessation of Suffering
The Path to the Cessation of Sufferings: This is the way to get away from all the sufferings. Normally, those who are in suffering can not see the cause of sufferings. Therefore, they usually blame that their suffering derives from supernatural power, or a punishment of God. They try to find the way to get rid of their suffering in the wrong way; some of them arrange some ritual ceremony for the Gods to help them. This is as if one suffer from malaria, instead of trying to cure the decease at its cause, he listens to others who told him that he has such decease because the ghosts or the monsters from the forest has done so and he will be cured only by worshiping or arranging some rituals for those ghosts. This is clearly seen that it’s not the way to cease the suffering at all.
The Lord Buddha is just like a doctor who can clearly see the cause of suffering. He teaches us that we suffer because we have cravings which are the viruses. If we want to be cured, we must get rid of these viruses. He gives us the medicines to cure such decease. This is called ‘the Path’. They are practical methods to lead our mind to a standstill and cease our suffering. They are eight of them which are:
1. Right View:
Having the right opinion about things such as knowing that the parents have gratitude toward us, believing that there are this life and next life etc., able to see the suffering, the origin of suffering, the cessation of the suffering, and the way to get rid of the suffering.
2. Right Intention:
This means having the wholesome intention to remove oneself from the influence of sensual desire, vengefulness, and aggression by being generous, keeping oneself from causing trouble to others.
3. Right Speech:
Avoiding telling lies, divisive speech, harsh speech, and idle chatter, or boasting.
4. Right Action:
This means refraining from killing and cruelty towards living beings, stealing and sexual relations outside marriage, avoiding sexual intercourse.
5. Right Livelihood:
This means refraining from earning one’s living by doing business which is wrong or troublesome to others and to start earning a living in the right and moral way.
6. Right Effort:
Avoiding evils not yet done, breaking of bad habits, development of virtues not yet done and maintenance of virtues already mastered.
7. Right Mindfulness:
This means keeping our mind on wholesome thoughts without any deviation, especially by practicing meditation until attaining one-pointed mind.
8. Right Concentration:
The still mind will lead to the attainment of the higher state of absorption and insight and finally one can eradicate defilements completely.
The Eightfold Path can be expanded into all 84,000 teachings of the Buddha or contracted into the Threefold Training which are:
- Self-discipline: these are Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood.
- Meditation: these are Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration.
- Wisdom: these are Right View and Right Intension.
This Eightfold Path can be practiced at the same time. If one practices all of them, his mind will become clear and is finally able to attain the Four Noble Truths and can get rid of all sorts of suffering. There is no need to pray or ask for help from any Gods or supernatural powers.
 Meditation: these are Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration.
 Meditation: these are Right Effort, Right Mindfulness and Right Concentration.
Seeing the Four Noble Truths
At this pint we know how many sorts of suffering exist, what is the cause of suffering, how to get rid of them, and know all the Four Noble Truths. However, this doesn’t mean that we understand or attain the four Noble Truths; so far they were just recited.
To attain the four Noble Truth, we must see each of them three times. There are four of them; therefore, it is going to be twelve times. We call this ‘twelve characteristics of the Four Noble Truths.’
Seeing the Four Noble Truths is different from seeing other things because seeing them, one’s self is transformed by the act of seeing. This means we see it and we can act according to it. For example to see the Origin of suffering: we can see that the real cause of suffering is ‘craving’. Therefore, we immediately will relinquish craving and having relinquished it, we see that we have done so. It can be compared to the knowledge of medicines. If we have a perfect knowledge about it, we should:
- Know the this is a medicine
- Know that this medicine should be taken
- Know that the medicine has already been taken
Likewise, seeing the Four Noble Truths is to see all. The Lord Buddha taught us that if we see one for the Noble Truths, we will see the rest of them. When we see Suffering, we will see the Origin of Suffering. The Cessation of Suffering and the Path to the Cessation of suffering respectively, Also, if we see the Origin of Suffering, we will surely see the Cessation of Suffering and the Path to the Cessation of Suffering.
This is possible because it it’s not the physical eye or imagination of the Eye of Truth.
The Four Noble Truths
- Suffering
- The Origin of Suffering
- The Cessation of Suffering
- The Path to the Cessation of Suffering
The First Cycle, we should see that:
- Knowledge of the existence of suffering
- Knowledge of the existence of the origin of suffering
- Knowledge of the existence of the cessation of suffering
- Knowing of the existence of the path to the cessation of suffering
The second cycle, we should see that:
- Knowledge of what should be done be done in relation to suffering
- Knowledge of what should be done in relation to the origin of suffering
- Knowledge of what should be done in relation to the cessation of suffering
- Knowledge of what should be done in relation to the path to the cessation of suffering
The third cycle, we should know that:
- Knowledge that what needs to be done has been done (by us) in relation to suffering
- Knowledge that what needs to be done has been done (by us) in relation to suffering
- Knowledge that what needs to be done has been done (by us) in relation to the cessation of suffering
- Knowledge that what needs to be done has been done (by us) in relation to the path to the cessation of suffering.
Once we can attain the Four Noble Truths we will be able to realize the values of merit, the disgust of sin.
Once we can attain the Four Noble Truths we will be able to realize the values of merit, the disgust of sin.
The Benefits of attaining the Four Noble Truths
Attaining the Four Noble Truths cannot be done by human eyes; it can be attained only by the Eye of Truth. When we can attain them by the Eye of Truth, we then understand the true fact of the world and life that when we say we are happy, sometimes it’s just only the light suffering, not really a true happiness. Once we can attain the Four Noble Truths we will be able to realize the values of merit, the disgust of sin. It is the real and true understanding.
When we suffer from suffering or we are doing something wrong, we can see how the sin creeps, covers our mind an makes our mind dull and dark, our mind is just like a crystal ball which is covered by dirty dust.
When we do good things such as giving, following self-discipline, and practicing meditation, we can see how the merit cleanse and purifies our mind, making our mind pure and bright, Like a crystal ball that had been cleaned becomes more shiny and pure once again.
Realizing this, we will continue to do good things, following the Four Noble Truths, making our mind focused and still until we reach the true wisdom. We will see things the way they really are. Our defilements will be gradually peeled until we are purified and become Arahants who are beyond the prison of the Triple World.
“You and I have to travel endlessly in the prison of the Triple World because we cannot attain the Four Noble Truths. At this moment we can attain them. We are no more under the cravings which drag us to state of existence. We can eradicate our sufferings at its roots. Now there is no more existence (for both you and me.)”


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