The Noble Eightfold Path

Whatever we do, we have to begin by understanding our goals correctly. We might start by asking ourselves why we have to do it. If we understand why, then we will try to do it properly. There are two major correct understanding.

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Meditation for Peace
The Noble Eightfold Path 
By Luang Paw Datta
The Eightfold Path
       Whatever we do, we have to begin by understanding our goals correctly. We might start by asking ourselves why we have to do it. If we understand why, then we will try to do it properly. There are two major correct understanding. The first one is the normal understanding that is how to live our lives: comprehending what we learn from classes, learning how to make our work easier, or how to live happily in both this life and the next. That means a person must understand these planes of existence and their elements of sin and righteousness or goodness. We must learn what good thoughts, words or speech, and deeds are. Deeds are. Some examples are how our parents are important to our lives, how we should show our gratitude and respond to our parents properly, why we have to respect our teachers. The second understanding takes time to develop. Because it takes time, many people in today’s generation may not believe in the afterlife. However, our family, society, and knows that karma (effect) will occur, not only in this life but also in the next life, and one knows that karma (effect) will occur, not only in this life but also I the next life, then that person will not do bad things. This is because good karma and karma will have an effect over time. If a person has right understanding, which leads to right thoughts, words or speech, and actions, good things that one strives for will come along. Thus, we should try to do whatever will cause us to improve ourselves or to pursue perfection.
     In addition, the eightfold path is the fourth noble truth. The fourth noble truth is the way to the cessation of suffering for both our mind and body. This eightfold path which is the fourth noble fourth includes:
1)           Right Understanding (or view)
2)           Right Motives (or thought)
3)           Right Speech
4)           Right Action
5)           Right Means of Livelihood
6)           Right Endeavor 
7)           Right Mindfulness and
8)           Right Concentration 
     Right Understanding (1) is the beginning of the way that leads to the cessation of suffering. Right Understanding (1) and Right Motives (2) help us to gain the right thought. Attaining Right Understanding (1) and Tight Motives (2) will facilitate Right Speech (3), Right Action (4) and Right Means of Livelihood (5) on our path to righteousness. These five conducts (1-5) free us from the sins of thought, speech, and action. Right Endeavor (6) helps us to improve ourselves. Right Mindfulness (7) helps us to be cautious because life is not easy, and it has many obstacles, and Right Concentration (8) enlightens or brightens our minds. All these roads enable us to dedicate our lives to goodness.
Meditation for Peace
Meditation for Peace
     Moreover, we may wonder why sometimes we have such bad habits. Some of these habits may be too ingrained to be corrected. Habits start from youth and become part of our growth. What and who creates our habits? Buddha distinguished six sub-groups of people in society who are our closest companions in the cycle of existence (birth, old-age, sickness, and death). He used the differences between relationships to create a principle called the Six Directions. The Six Directions come from people that we interact with in our society. These relationships are: 1) Parent-Child2) Teacher-Student 3) Husband-Wife 4) Friend-Friend5) Employer-Employee and 6) Monk-Follower. The Parent-Child direction is the most influential in our lives. It is here that the good or bad habits in our lives are created. If our parents have attained right understanding and created right understanding in us, then we will possess this important element. Other people around us, based on the six directions, greatly influence us also. Sometimes we may not like the way someone with whom we are connected treats us, or we may not like their habits. After we have become familiar with their distasteful habits, we will begin to accept them. In fact, we have to scrutinize our own habits before correcting them. That is why six directions are very important in our lives. The good to be won in this life is such a major goal and so necessary for happiness.
      Finally, there are many ways to define what it means it means to be human. Scholars and other wise people know that it is difficult to be born a human and to live life; but life after death is even more important than this life. We should dedicate our every action to what we can do to maintain and gain our goodness. This pursuit of the good is intimately connected with avoiding bad and evil. We must reduce our imperfections for this good.


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