The Peaceful Mind Begins from Being Good

A good person is a person with a clean or pure mind. A pure mind enables anyone to know how to respond well to his duty and to our society. There is goodness within every human being. How do we encourage bringing this goodness into consistent practice?

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The Peaceful Mind Begins from Being Good
A good person is a person with a clean or pure mind 
A good person is a person with a clean or pure mind.  A pure mind enables anyone to know how to respond well to his duty and to our society. There is goodness within every human being. How do we encourage bringing this goodness into consistent practice? 
First we have to understand two major concepts:
What are the qualifications of a good person? 
How is a good person created?
We may define a good person as someone who conforms to moral and virtuous principles. Good persons have responsibilities to perform acts of goodness while avoiding evil acts.
  There is goodness within every human being 
For instance, usually, after I do something good, my mind is at peace. Sometimes I do something good by just giving encouraging words to people around me. When my friends have a problem or look worried, I can often help by just giving good advice or light-hearted words. That makes me feel very happy afterward. Some things that we can also give easily are love, kindness, and best wishes. If we are in a situation where we can give something,
That gift will bring pleasure to both giver and recipient. Another thing that we can give that costs nothing, but sometimes is difficult to give, is freedom. When you give freedom you receive great freedom. Many people would all this gift of freedom “forgiveness.” I have often heard many people say they love freedom and would do anything to get it. Let’s start earning freedom in our hearts by giving forgiveness. 
 The more you give, the more you get
Several years ago a friend said to me “Hong (my nickname), I should learn how to forgive and forget from you.” I did not think about it much then, Now I realize that she could learn how to forgive, but perhaps it is harder to forget. We can certainly learn how to let it be, after we have done our best. 
I sometimes tell myself before I go to bed:
“The more you give, the more you get.” 
“The more you chase, the more you worry.”
Then I feel relaxed and do not worry; sleep comes with peace.


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