The Utmost Gratitude towards the Teacher

Every success and achievement of the Wat Phra Dhammakaya, Weather it was completion of the temple site, creating a religious community,

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Biography The Most Venerable Phratepyanmahamuni
(Luang Phaw Dhammajayo) :
The Utmost Gratitude towards the Teacher

Every success and achievement of the Wat Phra Dhammakaya, Weather it was completion of the temple site, creating a religious community, or the dissemination of Buddhism for the purpose of instilling peace in the minds of humankind, was possible because there was Khun Yay, the teacher who provided Luang Phaw Dhammajayo with the wisdom and illumination in Dhamma, and the support and encouragement to perform meritorious deeds until her very last breath.

Khun Yay’s tremendous significance is immeasurable. Therefore, it was only fitting that Luang Phaw Dhammajayo extolled her magnificence with this title: “our Great Teacher Khun Yay Maharattana Upasika Chandra Khonnokyoong, the Founder of Wat Phra Dhammakaya”.

Khun Yay departed from this world on Sunday the 10th of September 2000. With the utmost gratitude and respect that Luang Phaw Dhammajayo had for Khun Yay, he requested all the monks, novice, upasaka and upasika of Wat Phra Dhammakaya, along with all devotees of Khun Yay worldwide, to join in body and mind in the most perfect and majestic crystal lighting ceremony and cremation held on 3rd February 2002. This was a gesture intended to demonstrate his immense gratitude and to declare Khun Yay’s significance for the whole world to appreciate. The crystal lighting ceremony was the biggest and grandest event ever held at Wat Phra Dhammakaya with an estimated 500,000 participants. It was also the first time that over 100,000 monks and senior monks, from over 30,000 temples throughout Thailand, had ever congregated together, when they attended the cremation ceremony for Khun Yay. As a way to demonstrate their kindness, monks from many other countries travelled across many miles in order to participate in the ceremony. The congregation of this great a number of monks had never happened before in the history of Thailand.

That day is considered the most wonderful of days. It was the day that devotees of Khun Yay demonstrated their enormous gratitude to her, and had the opportunity to witness the presence of over 100,000 monks. It was an auspicious occasion to have the opportunity to make offerings to a monastic order of over 100,000 monks. It was also a unique and special occasion to have had the chance to contribute to all the merits and receive blessing from over 100,000 monks, which is considered to be auspicious sound.

Even though Khun Yay is no longer with today, Phrarajbhavanavisudh or Luang Phaw Dhammajayo, continues to devote and dedicate all his ever increasing amount of work, and to preserve and carry on the wisdom of Dhammakaya meditation that Khun Yay received from Luang Pu Wat Paknam, and transferred to Luang Phaw Dhammajayo, in order to create an happiness that can develop to a lasting peace on earth. Everything that has been done, and everything that Luang Phaw Dhammajayo proceeded forward with, derive from one primary goal: Peace on Earth.


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