
Wherever we are sad, dealing with a loss or a disappointment that causes sorrow and distress, we can meditate to keep our mind calm, focused and positive as well as to provide us with the willpower to continue. https://dmc.tv/a10047

บทความธรรมะ Dhamma Articles > Meditation > Meditation for Peace
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Hope and Willpoer
meditation for <a href=http://www.dmc.tv/search/peace title='peace' target=_blank><font color=#333333>peace</font></a> 

      Wherever we are sad, dealing with a loss or a disappointment that causes sorrow and distress, we can meditate to keep our mind calm, focused and positive as well as to provide us with the willpower to continue. It is a willpower derived from the purest form of wisdom that can help us clearly comprehend the truth of life and the way of the world.
     A person who earnestly meditates and attains the Dhammakaya will discover that wisdom lies within. When we meditate, a bright light will emerge. We will be able to see this inner light as clear as daylight yet its glow is gentler and more sublime. If we keep seeing this inner light, we will uncover its origin which resembles a crystal ball, much like the sun in the sky which is the source of the golden brightness in the world.



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