World Peace Begins with Inner Peace

Happiness is what all human beings seek. A philosopher can consider history up to the present and define happiness according to many concepts and theories.

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Meditation for Peace

          World Peace Begins with Inner Peace

    Happiness is what all human beings seek.  A philosopher can consider history up to the present and define happiness according to many concepts and theories.  But this philosopher cannot answer the question: Who has achieved or discovered true happiness for human beings?
    I believe that if we look at each individual person, we will see that we are all made of the same components: our physical body and our mind.  We can favor our body by giving it beverages, food, and the finest things.  But if our mind is in turmoil, or even if it is amused or pleased by some form of entertainment, can this be called true happiness?  If our body is in pain, constrained by illness, do we want to call this true happiness?  But when we learn how and act to attain equilibrium between the body and the mind, people can find happiness within themselves.
    And they can tell themselves that this is true happiness.  The entirety of humanity can discover true happiness and the purpose of our existence.  We can conduct our lives in the correct and beautiful manner until all peoples reach lasting inner peace.  This is the foundation for peace, the objective to which Phrarajbhavanavisudh has dedicated himself to building.


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