The Noble Truth of Suffering : Metaphors for the importance of the Aggregates of Clinging

The Soil of the Earth: Just as the soil is prerequisite for the growth of all forms of plant life the aggregates of Clinging are prerequisite to the arising of all other forms of suffering

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Meditation for Beginners
The Noble Truth of Suffering : Metaphors for
 the importance of the Aggregates of Clinging
The Noble Truth of Suffering : Metaphors for the importance of the Aggregates of Clinging
The Soil of the Earth: Just as the soil is prerequisite for the growth of all  forms of plant life
1. The Soil of the Earth: Just as the soil is prerequisite for the growth of all forms of plant life the aggregates of Clinging are prerequisite to the arising of all other forms of suffering.
2. A Forest Fire: Just like a forest fire eventually consumes all forms of life in the forest, ironically those other forms of suffering are eventually the cause of the break up of those Aggregates of Clinging to which they owe their birth!
3. An Archer’s Target: Just as the concentric coloured circles of a target are the chosen object for archers to test their skills, the Aggregates of Clinging are the chosen target of all forms of suffering.
A Forest Fire: Just like a forest fire eventually consumes all forms of life in the forest
A Forest Fire: Just like a forest fire eventually consumes all forms of life in the forest
4. A Large Ox: Just as a large ox is the unescapable target  for swarms of various biting insects no matter where it may roam, the Aggregates of Clinging are the unescapable prey of all twelve forms of suffering no matter in which realm our aggregates take their birth.
5. An Insecure House: Just as an ill-protected house will attract various bands of robbers, no matter where it is situated, twelve different sorts of suffering will follow the Aggergates of Clinging to wherever they may go in order to effect their various forms of misery.
Those who wish to avoid the misery of Suffering should therefore make all efforts to avoid enfatuation with the Five aggregates. Only in that way can Suffering be avoided in its beginning (birth), middle (old age and illness) and end (death).
An Archer’s Target: Just as the concentric coloured circles of a target are the chosen object for archers to test their skills
An Archer’s Target: Just as the concentric coloured circles of a target are the chosen object for archers to test their skills
Pratically speaking, enfatuation with the Five Aggregates can be overcome by regular recollection of the inevitability of suffering as the result of our psychophysical constituents. We should constantly remind ourselves that:
“All beings without exception, which comprise the physical and psychological aggregates, are subject to the suffering of birth, old-age, sickness and death.”
For people in general who never studied the Dhamma or listened to sermons concerning suffering, when they are overtaken be old-age, sickness or death, it comes as a major trauma. As for those who have achieved some level of enlightenment or have heard the teaching of the Lord Buddha, the inevitability of such suffering presents no surprise.
A Large Ox: Just as a large ox is the unescapable target  for swarms of various
A Large Ox: Just as a large ox is the unescapable target  for swarms of various
 Faced by suffering, the wise reflect that all beings are subject to suffering, irrespective of whether they are possessed of supra-normal powers on matter how rich or influential a person might be, it doesn’t merit any special consideration on suffering’s part all are equal in the face of suffering. Thus, realization of the reality of suffering for what it really is, to know the Noble Truth of Suffering, is indeed one strength of the Enlightened Ones.
The realization of the Noble Truth of Suffering has been achieved independently by all the Buddhas and Paccekabuddhas. As for the arahants and various enlightened disciples of the Buddha it has only been as the result of the teaching of the Buddha that such an insight has been at tained.
The realization of the Noble Truth of Suffering has been achieved independently by all the Buddhas and Paccekabuddhas.
The realization of the Noble Truth of Suffering has been achieved independently by all the Buddhas and Paccekabuddhas.


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