The Characteristics of a Wise Person:

A wise person knows what is right and wrong and conducts their life accordingly.

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Meditation for Peace
The Characteristics of a Wise Person:
A wise person has the following characteristics that distinguish him from the fool:
A wise person has the following characteristics that distinguish him from the fool
1. A wise person knows what is right and wrong and conducts their life accordingly.
2. A wise person has the following characteristics that distinguish him from the fool:
3. The wise person always thinks, acts and speaks positively, and is also cheerful and kind.
4. The wise person will make it a habit to give to charity, to give to those less fortunate than them themselves. To help support those who act in a good way towards others too.
5. The wise person will not seek revenge from others misdeeds towards them, or want to cause hurt to anyone.
6. A wise person will manages situations with a calm, compassionate manner, in the belief that doing good deeds is the merit that we need and that retribution for being foolish exists.
7. The  wise person only speaks the truth in an appropriate way. They speak in a manner that offers compassion for others and words that will forge harmony within a family or any group of people.
8. The wise person seeks to earn an honest living, is compassionate towards others, is generous and gives to charity, keeps the precepts and meditates.
9. A wise person will constantly perform good actions and deeds.


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