Manual for satellite dish installation

Manual for satellite dish installation

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[ Jan 1st, 2006 ] - [ read : 18272 ]
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Manual for satellite dish installation
1. Putting up the dish and the LNB together, Putting up the dish and the LNB together, while LNB is pointing to the direction of 5 o'clock.
2. Connecting the components to the receiver. 

The satellite package should be set up first, then connect the cable to the receiver in so that you can tune the channel.
(For AV system, the cable should be in AV-IN, but for RF system you would also need to set the channel on the television)

3. Mounting the satellite dish 
The satellite dish should be mounted on a concrete wall, steel pole or carrying pole. The stand for setting up the dish should be 90 degrees from the ground which you can measure from the angel or water level. The location should be stable and the front view of the satellite should be clear.
  • For setting up on the concrete wall, you have to drill holes and prepare dowels and screws for mounting the stand to the wall.
  • For setting up on the carrying wood pole or steel pole, the pole should be stable and use bolts and screws to secure it together.
4. Optimising the picture quality 
4.1. Connect the Satellite Finder between the LNB and the satellite receiver together, and tune the Sat. Finder pointer to stand in the middle of the scale. Turn the dish south-ward to your right hand side (when you live in Bangkok) for 8-10 degree. Please refer to the Azimut and Elevation angle table and use the values of your location. When looking at the compass angel, the finger would point to 200 degree (the mounting angel from the stand should be 90 degree and the finger should point to 70 degree) Notice, when the satellite dish points direct to the satellite, the Sat. Finder will swing to the highest scale. Then secure the azimuth angle on the stand. Next, setting up the elevation angle by observing the Sat. Finder that it will swing to the highest points when pointing direct to the satellite. When found the altitude angle, secure the dish again. Lastly, check the view point of the dish again by pushing the dish up and down and from side to side. When the Sat. Finder is on peak in the secured position, it means you have correctly mounted the satellite dish.

 4.2. Isolate the connector on the LNB by using the friction tape. Make sure it's really tight in order to get the connection waterproof. 
5. Putting the cable into the house 
 Make sure that the water will not get into the house from the cable.
Remark: Don't cut the cable too short, leave some inches more just in case you need some maintainance later on.
 When you install the RG-6 antenna cable in your house, make sure that you do not bend the cable sharply in order to prevent damages inside the cable.
 Putting F-Type to RG-6 cable
     The connector in this case is the twist-on type. See below how to cut the cable.
      Then screw the F-connector onto the cable. Make sure the connection is tight and the inner wire looks out for about 2 mm. in the front. Moreover, make sure the isolation doesn't get damaged while you screw the connector on the cable. 
6. Installation Tips 
  • put the receiver where the air can circulate
  • don't cover it with any kind of object
  • put it away from all the liquid substance (ie. Water) and from children
  • don't pull out the plug when finish watching the tv, you should leave it in the stand-by mode instead
  • the cable on the receiver shouldn't be pulled
    out often (except the call center recommends to try to pull it out when problem occurs or when the technician's there to fix the problem)
  • the receiver shouldn't be moved after set up successfully
  • the cable shouldn't be more than 6 meters long in order to have a good signal strength.
  • When the remote control doesn't work, change the batteries (AAA)


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