Our Roles and Responsibilities

Living in any society, we will certainly encounter many acquaintances who lack the appropriate social skills to interact with those around them or were often oblivious to the feelings of others. This may lead to numerous problems in the future. https://dmc.tv/a18670

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Our Roles and Responsibilities

Living in any society, we will certainly encounter many acquaintances who lack the appropriate social skills to interact with those around them or were often oblivious to the feelings of others. This may lead to numerous problems in the future.

Individuals who interact with us directly or indirectly include our parents, teachers, spouse, friends, assistants or members of the Sangha Community.  Each one of them has the potential to influence us positively or negatively. These people can be categorized into six main groups, situated in the six directions. Collectively as a group, we all must understand the standard responsibility in treating others appropriately in order to prevent problems from occurring. The following is a list of an individual’s roles and responsibilities when interacting with those around them.

1. The direction in front is one’s parents


Children’s duties and responsibilities to their parents Parents’ roles and responsibilities to their child

1. Since their parents raised them, when the time comes, the children have the duty to take care of their parents.

2. Help their parents’ with their trade or business.

3. Carry on the family name.

4. Be worthy of an inheritance.

5. Make ‘merit’ and dedicate it to their parents who have passed on.

1. Prevent their child from committing unwholesome deeds.

2. Teach and train their child the way of virtues.

3. Provide for their child’s education.

4. Help when their child is considering an appropriate mate.

5. Provide their child with an inheritance at the appropriate time.

2. The direction to the right is one’s teachers
Students’ duties and responsibilities to their teachers Teachers’ duties and responsibilities to their students

1. Rise to greet them.

2. Courteously facilitate them.

3. Be obedient.

4. Take care of them.

5. Attentively learn the arts and sciences.

1. Give advice on how to be a virtuous person.

2. Teach them well.

3. Teach them the arts and sciences.

4. Praise them in public.

5. Teach them the moral responsibility of their education.

3. The direction to the back is one’s children and spouse

Husband’s duties and responsibilities to his wife Wife’s duties and responsibilities to her husband

1. Honor his wife.

2. Be respectful to her.

3. Be faithful to her.

4. Entrust her with important roles.

5. Present her with gifts.

1. Manage the household.

2. Be considerate and generous to those close to her husband.

3. Be faithful.

4. Safeguard her husband’s earning.

5. Be diligent.

4. The direction to the left is one’s friends

One’s duties and responsibilities to our friends A friend’s duties and responsibilities to his/her friends

1. Give and share things with one’s friends.

2. Speak kindly to one’s friends.

3. Act in their benefit.

4. Be fair and consistent.

5. Do not lie to them.

1. Protect your friends when they’re careless.

2. Guard their possessions when they’ve been careless.

3. Be a refuge for your friend when they’re in danger.

4. Stay by their side when your friend is in trouble.

5. Show respect to your friend’s family members.

5. The nadir is one’s subordinates
Employers’ duties and responsibilities to their employees Employees’ duties and responsibilities to their employers

1. Assign appropriate task to each subordinate.

2. Provide food and salary.

3. Look after them when they’re not feeling well.

4. Give them special treats.

5. Provide time off during the holidays.

1. Start work before one’s employer.

2. End work after one’s employer.

3. Take only what is given.

4. Improve one’s work performance.

5. Praise one’s employer to others.

6. The zenith is the Sangha Community
Individuals’ duties and responsibilities to the Sangha Community Sangha members’ duties and responsibilities to the people

1. Perform every duty with kindness.

2. Express everything through kind speech.

3. Think of the ‘Sangha’ with kind thoughts.

4. Welcome the Sangha Community wholeheartedly.

5. Support the Sangha Community in regards to the ‘Four Necessities’.

1. Forbid them from committing unwholesome deeds.

2. Remind them to maintain wholesomeness.

3. Guide them with a good, kind heart.

4. Teach them ‘Dhamma’.

5. Re-explain ‘Dhamma’ that they have already heard to ensure better understanding.

6. Inform them of the path leading to theStates of Happiness’.


Tag : dhamma  


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