Steve Jobs, Part 5: What previous deeds caused him to die from pancreatic cancer? Part 2

Answer: In part 1, after Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence realized how he had been shamelessly duped by the unlicensed doctor, he became furious because his older brother was like a father to him. In his fury, he went with his subordinates to the unlicensed doctor’s house with the intention of teaching him a lesson.

Dhamma Articles > Where is Steve Jobs?
[ Aug 28th, 2012 ] - [ read : 18265 ]
Comments on the information about “Steve Jobs, where is he now?” in different websites

       After the DMC Channel presented information about “Steve Jobs, where is he now?” we find that other websites have made conclusions about this presentation in their own websites based on their personal opinions

        Our presentation has never been meant to intentionally insult or defame anyone.  It is rather for the specific purpose of learning about the Law of Kamma.  We would like to ask that each reader exercises his best judgment regarding this matter.   
        “Where is Steve Jobs now?” presents knowledge about the Law of Kamma and the round of rebirth undergone by every living being in such a way as to make it easy to understand.  Here, we learn about the reality of life so that we can gain an understanding about why we are born, where we will go after we die, what is our life’s objective, how must we conduct our life, etc.  The information allows one to become fearful of unwholesome deeds and their destructive consequences, to be more mindful about performing wholesome deeds, and to see the importance of meditation practice in one’s daily life.

         The information presented here is but one view and one has the right to believe or disbelieve it.

The Team
The Hereafter News:  Steve Jobs, Part 4
Steve Jobs, Part 5:  What previous deeds caused him to die from pancreatic cancer?  Part 2
Taken from the Inner Dreams Kindergarten

Inner Dreams
I close my eyes and dream away, I wake up and yawn once
before telling you this story.

สตีฟ จ็อบส์ ตายแล้วไปไหน ชีวิตหลังความตายเป็นอย่างไร Where Is Steve Jobs 
         Answer:  In part 1, after Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence realized how he had been shamelessly duped by the unlicensed doctor, he became furious because his older brother was like a father to him.  In his fury, he went with his subordinates to the unlicensed doctor’s house with the intention of teaching him a lesson.
สตีฟ จ็อบส์ ตายแล้วไปไหน ชีวิตหลังความตายเป็นอย่างไร Where Is Steve Jobs

         As soon as Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence as well as his subordinates saw the unlicensed doctor, they proceeded to beat him up soundly.  They wanted him to pay for the crime of selling counterfeit medicine at a high price and the counterfeit medicine caused the older brother’s condition to worsen until he nearly lost his life.
        After having been thoroughly beaten up, the unlicensed doctor told Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence that he could not cure his older brother but that there was a highly qualified specialist who lived in another town that could.  But there was no way that Mr. Steve Jobs could pay for the medical fee, since it was extremely high.  
สตีฟ จ็อบส์ ตายแล้วไปไหน ชีวิตหลังความตายเป็นอย่างไร Where Is Steve Jobs 

        Having been thus insulted, Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence became furious and told the unlicensed doctor that he wanted his money back, since he could not cure his brother.  Instead of feeling ashamed and returning the money to Mr. Steve Jobs, the unlicensed doctor flatly refused to return the money.  As a result, Mr. Steve Jobs and his subordinates started to beat the unlicensed doctor up again until he returned all the money to Mr. Steve Jobs.

สตีฟ จ็อบส์ ตายแล้วไปไหน ชีวิตหลังความตายเป็นอย่างไร Where Is Steve Jobs 
        Having received the money, Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence hurried to find the said specialist.  Having found the specialist, he brought his older brother to see the specialist right away.  The specialist checked the older brother over and said that to cure him of liver disease, the brother would need a liver transplant.  And to do that, he needed a donor.  Moreover, the cost would be prohibitive.  The medical technology of that age was similar to the way it is now in that organ transplants were available.
สตีฟ จ็อบส์ ตายแล้วไปไหน ชีวิตหลังความตายเป็นอย่างไร Where Is Steve Jobs
         Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence realized that he did not have enough money to pay for his older brother’s medical fees.  And the only way to pay for the treatment was to sell the family business, which was all that the family had.  However, he was willing to spend everything the family had in order to have his older brother cured.

        Moreover, he was willing to donate part of his liver and felt extremely proud and pleased to be able to do it.  After the liver transplant, his older brother’s condition began to improve and continue to improve until he was well again.
สตีฟ จ็อบส์ ตายแล้วไปไหน ชีวิตหลังความตายเป็นอย่างไร Where Is Steve Jobs 
        On the part of the unlicensed doctor, the beatings caused him to suffer from severe internal damage and internal bleeding and he eventually died.  His death was caused mainly by liver hemorrhage.  It was the blows to his abdomen delivered by Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence that caused the liver to tear and bleed until the unlicensed doctor died.

สตีฟ จ็อบส์ ตายแล้วไปไหน ชีวิตหลังความตายเป็นอย่างไร Where Is Steve Jobs
        Having caused the unlicensed doctor’s death as well as the residual misdeed committed unintentionally by giving the older brother counterfeit medicine that caused him to nearly lose his life produced the destructive programming that has followed Mr. Steve Jobs since that existence.  In other words, he has had to pay for the retribution of these misdeeds in subsequent existences. 
        For example, in some existences when these misdeeds sent forth their fruits in such a fast and powerful manner that the merit accumulated over many previous existences such as donating half of his liver to the older brother, helping out his family and friends, supporting Buddhism, etc., did not have the opportunity to send forth their fruits, Mr. Steve Jobs in those existences would die from diseases of certain internal organs.  

สตีฟ จ็อบส์ ตายแล้วไปไหน ชีวิตหลังความตายเป็นอย่างไร Where Is Steve Jobs 
       In other existences where the merit accumulated across many lifetimes had the opportunity to send forth its fruits first, Mr. Steve Jobs in those existences would suffer from diseases of certain internal organs but they would be curable.  In yet other existences where the accumulated merit sent forth its fruits in such a fast and powerful manner that these misdeeds did not have the opportunity to send forth their fruits, Mr. Steve Jobs in those existences would be healthy and not afflicted by any diseases.
สตีฟ จ็อบส์ ตายแล้วไปไหน ชีวิตหลังความตายเป็นอย่างไร Where Is Steve Jobs 

        At this point, old and new students alike may wonder about the fruits of the residual misdeed arisen from having unintentionally caused his brother to nearly lose his life as a result of the counterfeit medicine.  After all, in that existence, he loved his older brother and was willing to do anything for him.  Why should his attempt to help his brother produce any undesirable fruits?  Well, according to the universal Law of Kamma, every single one of our acts, be it physical, verbal, or mental; be it good or bad; be it intentional or unintentional, they all exert an effect on our life.  The intensity of the fruit depends on our intention or the lack thereof.  

สตีฟ จ็อบส์ ตายแล้วไปไหน ชีวิตหลังความตายเป็นอย่างไร Where Is Steve Jobs
       If we make the mistake of committing an unwholesome deed, it will most certainly yield its fruit.  The severity of the fruit depends on the level of our intention.  However, if there is no intention at all, then the fruit will be light.  But however light it may be, it is constantly waiting to exert its destructive effect on our life.  Although Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence had no intention whatsoever to hurt his older brother, but his lack of experience caused him to be duped by the unlicensed doctor, hence, the counterfeit medicine.  Still, his unintentional act became a residual misdeed that has been waiting to send forth its fruit all the time since that existence. 
สตีฟ จ็อบส์ ตายแล้วไปไหน ชีวิตหลังความตายเป็นอย่างไร Where Is Steve Jobs 
       In this existence, the misdeed of causing the unlicensed doctor’s death and the residual misdeed of giving his old brother counterfeit medicine converge to cause Mr. Steve Jobs to nearly lose his life from cancer once.  But the wholesome act of donating half of his liver to his older brother in that existence caused him to receive a donated liver in this existence when he was very ill.  Therefore, he did not lose his life then. 

       However, the misdeeds committed in that existence were still yielding potent fruits.  And they caused him to suffer and die from pancreatic cancer later on.  
สตีฟ จ็อบส์ ตายแล้วไปไหน ชีวิตหลังความตายเป็นอย่างไร Where Is Steve Jobs 
       These misdeeds are still yielding potent fruits and ready to exert their destructive effect for many future existences to come.  And when Mr. Steve Jobs is reborn in the Human Realm again, if these destructive fruits show up in his life, he will suffer from the kinds of diseases that he had suffered from in this existence.

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รวมบทความ Steve Jobs
สตีฟ จ็อบส์ ตอนที่ 1 ตายแล้วไปไหน
สตีฟ จ๊อบส์ ตอนที่ 4 บุพกรรมใดทำให้เสียชีวิตด้วยโรคมะเร็งตับอ่อน ตอนที่ 1
สตีฟ จ็อบส์ ตอนที่ 5 บุพกรรมใดทำให้เสียชีวิตด้วยโรคมะเร็งตับอ่อน ตอนที่ 2
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