Steve Jobs Part 3 : What caused Steve Jobs to be a successful businessman?

Steve Jobs’ innovations have changed the world. He is regarded as a world class businessman. He conducts business with an aim for success. He is acclaimed for his courage to create change.

Dhamma Articles > Where is Steve Jobs?
[ Aug 22nd, 2012 ] - [ read : 18266 ]
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A Case Study about the Law of Kamma

Steve Jobs Part 1 : Where is he now?
Steve Jobs Part 2 : What made him so innovative ?
Steve Jobs Part 3 : What caused Steve Jobs to be a successful businessman?
Steve Jobs Part 4: What previous deeds caused him to die from pancreatic cancer? Part 1
Comments on the information about “Steve Jobs, where is he now?” in different websites

       After the DMC Channel presented information about “Steve Jobs, where is he now?” we find that other websites have made conclusions about this presentation in their own websites based on their personal opinions

        Our presentation has never been meant to intentionally insult or defame anyone.  It is rather for the specific purpose of learning about the Law of Kamma.  We would like to ask that each reader exercises his best judgment regarding this matter.   
        “Where is Steve Jobs now?” presents knowledge about the Law of Kamma and the round of rebirth undergone by every living being in such a way as to make it easy to understand.  Here, we learn about the reality of life so that we can gain an understanding about why we are born, where we will go after we die, what is our life’s objective, how must we conduct our life, etc.  The information allows one to become fearful of unwholesome deeds and their destructive consequences, to be more mindful about performing wholesome deeds, and to see the importance of meditation practice in one’s daily life.

         The information presented here is but one view and one has the right to believe or disbelieve it.

The Team
 The Hereafter News:  Steve Jobs, Part 3
What caused Steve Jobs to be a successful businessman?

Taken from the Inner Dreams Kindergarten Program

Inner Dreams
I close my eyes and dream away, I wake up and yawn once
before telling you this story.

What caused Steve Jobs to be a successful businessman?
สตีฟ จ็อบส์ ตายแล้วไปไหน ชีวิตหลังความตายเป็นอย่างไร Where Is Steve Jobs

       You’ve already heard about the previous deeds that caused Mr. Steve Jobs to be so clever and highly innovative that he could produce novel and innovative products that have had a global impact.  Today, I’d like to summarize the main points of this case and elaborate on some of his previous deeds.  These details are highly pertinent to every student’s pursuit of Perfections.  Therefore, learn from them and apply them in your life.    
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        It is like when we want to get the real taste of peanuts we have to bite into them and chew them slowly.  Likewise, in studying Mr. Steve Jobs’ case it is important that you reflect upon the story and learn as much from it as possible. Therefore, it is necessary that I elaborate upon the story at this point.

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         On Saturday, the students have already heard about what previous wholesome deeds caused Mr. Steve Jobs to be so clever and uniquely creative that he could produce novel and innovative products that have had a global impact.  These previous wholesome deeds had been performed across many lifetimes, and the accumulated merit had the chance to yield its fruits in this lifetime.  He did not become suddenly clever and innovative in this lifetime.  Nor was he especially blessed by any being.  When a bird is building its nest, it has to start with one twig and slowly add more and more twigs to it until the nest is completed.  This takes time and effort.  Mr. Steve Jobs’ success in this lifetime is the culmination of all the wholesome deeds that he had performed little by little across many lifetimes.

         But we cannot go into every single lifetime because that will take a few earth ages.  Therefore, I will cite just a few lifetimes in order to give you a better idea about the working mechanism of the Law of Kamma.

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          There are altogether seven factors that cause Mr. Steve Jobs to meet with success in this lifetime.

        The first factor:  He had met virtuous friends especially during the existence that he encountered a drought.  In that existence, he had the opportunity to listen to and converse about the Dhamma with a senior monk who had achieved meditative attainments.  That was the beginning of what caused Mr. Steve Jobs to be clever and uniquely innovative in this lifetime. 

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        The second factor:  He had accumulated Wisdom Perfection by employing his talents and abilities in a wholesome manner by practicing altruism and supporting Buddhism across many lifetimes.  In one particular lifetime, he was a merchant of dinnerware and kitchenware, and had employed his talents and abilities to invite the town people to accumulate merit alongside him by giving away his dinnerware.  He was filled with great pleasure and joy when he saw the people turn up to make merit at the temple.

      The third factor: In the same lifetime, he had accumulated merit by practicing meditation until he could experience a light outside his body.  He studied meditation practice with the senior monk who had achieved meditative attainments. 
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        The fourth factor:  In the same lifetime, he had accumulated merit by offering alms to the senior monk who had achieved meditative attainments as well as all the righteous monks in the temple.  Righteous monks are the world’s most abundant merit-field.  He began by offering alms to the monks for seven consecutive days, then every day for three consecutive months.  And finally, he had offered alms to the monks all year long every year for the rest of his life. 

       The fifth factor:  In the same lifetime, he had performed the duty of a virtuous friend by inviting the masses to accumulate merit alongside him with a heart filled with great joy.

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        The sixth factor:  Each time after he made merit, he also made a resolute wish.  He had made the same resolute wish repeatedly in that as well as many subsequent lifetimes.  He asked that he be clever and creative and that everything he designs and produces is sought after by the people all over the world.  It is important that one makes a resolute wish each time one makes merit.  To reach its destination, a boat needs a rudder.  Likewise, one’s resolute wish acts like life’s rudder; it helps one to realize one’s aspiration. 

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       The seventh factor:  Mr. Steve Jobs loved his work.  He was hard-working, resolute, and persistent.  He was observant and applied his analytical skill to solve every work-related problem.  These outstanding characteristics have been accumulated by Mr. Steve Jobs across many lifetimes.
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      These seven factors are behind Mr. Steve Jobs’ success in this lifetime.  He was not granted success by anyone but his success is the result of the wholesomeness accumulated across many lifetimes.  The Lord Buddha teaches “Atta hi atta nonatho”:  We are our own refuge.

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      Now that you have learnt about the seven factors behind Mr. Steve Jobs’ success, next you’ll hear about how he accumulated such wholesome deeds.
      If you remember, in the existence that was the beginning of what caused Mr. Steve Jobs to be clever and uniquely creative in this lifetime, he had met a virtuous friend.  This virtuous friend was the senior monk who had achieved meditative attainments.  From him, he learnt that it was a grave misdeed to abandon his aging parents during the drought.  He also learnt that there were things he could do to lighten the ill consequences of this misdeed. 

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           The senior monk told him that merit is the only thing that can alleviate the retribution for abandoning his parents.  You see, the world cannot be without virtuous friends.  Mr. Steve Jobs was fortunate to have met one in that crucially important lifetime.  He began to accumulate merit and wait on the senior monk for a time.  He also dedicated the earned merit to his parents who had been dead by then.

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         He did not only dedicate the earned merit to his parents but he also made the same resolute wish each time that he made merit.  He asked that he be clever and creative and to meet with the greatest success in everything that he does.  This resolute wish made repeatedly in that lifetime was the beginning of what caused Mr. Steve Jobs to be clever and highly creative in this lifetime.

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          The merit accumulated by supporting the senior monk together with the resolute wish made repeatedly caused Mr. Steve Jobs to be even more clever and more creative in subsequent lifetimes.  Moreover, he had applied his talents and abilities to doing wholesome deeds and helping the general public.
        In the existence that he was a farmer, he had developed a better irrigation system for the village in an age where there was nothing hi-tech.  And yet, his idea could be considered novel, innovative and very hi-tech indeed in an age where no one else could be as innovative.

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        In another existence where his village had been frequently ravaged by natural disasters, he had employed his talents and abilities to inventing something that looks like a windmill warning system.  It helped warn the people in the village of the pending natural disaster so that they could deal with it in a timely manner.  That was another creative idea that resulted in an innovative product and could solve the problem at hand directly.

        Having used his talents and abilities for altruistic purposes allowed his Wisdom Perfection to increase; therefore, he had more than enough talents and abilities to last him across lifetimes.
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        The existence that changed his life completely was the one that he was a merchant of dinnerware and kitchenware.  In that existence, he had the opportunity to accumulate the seven factors that led to his current success.  He did these things with a heart filled with great joy and pleasure.
        It all began when he came upon a temple that looked clean and peaceful.  He felt moved to enter the temple based on his first impression.

         Now, all Dhammadayads (newly ordained monks) please note how a clean and peaceful temple can work like a magnet to attract passers-by and move them to enter the temple to listen to the Lord Buddha’s Teachings.  Therefore, all of us must help make our temple give the kind of impression that Mr. Steve Jobs felt about his temple in that existence.

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         Upon entering the temple, he met Life’s Blessings No. 29, which is “Samanananca dassanan atammangalamuttaman”:  Seeing righteous monks is the highest blessing.  As soon as he saw the monks sweep the temple grounds, he was touched by their conduct.

         At this point, the students should pay attention.  The broom used by the monk to sweep the temple grounds was not expensive but it could inspire Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence.  Sweeping the temple grounds is one of the ten daily duties of a monk.  It can be considered the virus of goodness that can spread widely to close the gate to the state of loss of woe and open the gate to the Celestial Realm for those who witness it.  If the temple is inviting, and the
monks are inspiring, the people’s mind can be made to come to a standstill.

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        Having talked to one of the monks in the temple, Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence learnt that the Abbot of the temple had been seeking solitude and practicing meditation in a cave somewhere. 

          When he heard this, he felt inspired to meet the Abbot and his heart was filled with joyous anticipation.

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          Having left the temple highly inspired by the monks at the temple, all he could think of was how he wanted to accumulate as much merit as possible by offering alms to the monks at the temple.  He was not worried that he had little money. All he thought was that he had to make a great alms-offering. Just the thought filled him with great joy.

       He began to think about how he could make a great alms-offering and as the saying goes, “those who seek shall find”. He looked around his person and found that although he had little money, he did have his merchandise and he would use it to fulfill his wish somehow.
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        His idea was that he would change his bowls and plates into vessels of merit by inviting the town people to join him.
        He had come up with the best promotion scheme yet.  Whoever filled his plates and bowls with food and offered the food to the monks at the temple alongside him got to keep the plates and bowls after the monks were done with the meal.  Once again, he employed his talents and abilities which had been accumulated across lifetimes to make his wish a reality.

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         If we reflect upon this story a bit, we will find it simply amazing because everyone has plates and bowls but nobody thinks to use them to accumulate merit with the way Mr. Steve Jobs did in that existence.  He had little money but he had the courage to risk giving away his merchandise to entice the people to join him in his merit-making activity.  

        Moreover, his heart was filled with great joy as he invited the people to make merit alongside him.  The more people he invited, the more joy he felt.  He felt great joy even before the merit-making activity began.

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         On the day of the merit-making activity, his joy increased exponentially because he saw the people show up with his plates and bowls filled with all kinds of delicious food.  He immediately performed the function of scheduling the time for each person to make his offering and he did it with a heart overwhelmed with joy.  He thought to himself, “Ji tan me!  I’ve done it!  I can offer food to all the monks in this temple just as I’ve wished!”

         After the merit-making activity, he still recalled it joyously.  Every time he thought of it, joy filled his heart.He felt joyful before, during, and after the merit-making activity.  This was the factor that created a solid success pattern within him.  

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        Offering food to the righteous monks for seven consecutive days can be considered a great and amazing merit-making activity because he had just found the temple and met the monks; and yet, he had been deeply inspired to accumulate as much merit as he could.  Moreover, he had the courage to decide to offer food to the monks for seven consecutive days. This is truly remarkable.

         As every student can see, Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence had little money but he could invite others to join him and help make his wish to accumulate merit a reality.

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        One year had passed since the merit-making activity and Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence could still recall it with joy.  He returned to the same temple and this time he heard the good news he had long been waiting for that in a few days, the senior monk who was the Abbot of the temple would be returning from practicing meditation in the cave.

        He was so overwhelmed with excitement and anticipation that he could hardly sleep because over the past year he had cherished the hope of meeting the senior monk.  

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        It can be said that his feeling was not all that different from the millionaire Sudatta’s better known as “Anathapindika the Wealthy Man” when he heard that the Lord Buddha had happened.  He was so overwhelmed with joy that he could not eat or sleep and hastened the day and night to pass by quickly.  He wanted the sun to rise quickly so that he could go quickly to see the Lord Buddha.  

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         Since Sudatta could not hasten the sun to rise quickly, he decided to leave the house when it was still dark out.
         While he was on his way to see the Lord Buddha, a Yakkha did not appear to him but did say to the millionaire, “Sir, please walk on.  You have nothing to fear.”  The Yakkha came to offer Sudatta protection and encouragement while he was on his way to see the Lord Buddha because the Yakkha could earn merit by the act.  And Sudatta did meet the Lord Buddha as wished for.

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        After Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence heard the great news he had long been waiting for, he hastened to go into town to sell his merchandise.  It was his intention to accumulate an even greater amount of merit that year.

       As soon as he completed the display of his merchandise in town, a large number of people came to buy his merchandise.  This was contrary to the year before when he could hardly sell anything.

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         The reason his merchandise did not sell well the year before was that he was highly confident that his merchandise was better than anyone else’s.  And that was true.  Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence was a resolute person who put his mind to developing the best quality products.  Therefore, the price of his merchandise was the highest.  Since most of the customers did not understand his product concept, he had but few customers that year.  

       But a year later, his merchandise sold like hot cakes. It was the result of the merit he had joyously accumulated the year before by inviting other people to join him.  Moreover, during the preceding year, the people had the opportunity to use his plates and bowls and were able to tell that his merchandise was truly superb.

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        By word of mouth, everyone in town understood that his knives, frying pans, pots, jars, cups, plates, and bowls were of higher quality than those offered by other merchants.  Now that the merchant was back in town, the people were of the opinion that they had to rush to buy his goods before they were all sold out.

       Therefore, they showed up in droves to buy Mr. Steve Jobs’ merchandise.  He made a great deal of money without having to promote his products.  This is not unlike the current lifetime where customers form long lines to buy his iPhone, iPad, or iPod.

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         Having made a lot of money from selling all of his merchandise, Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence immediately prepared food for the senior monk who had achieved meditative attainments.  When he met the senior monk, he was filled with great excitement and joy.  He had waited an entire year to meet and offer food to the venerable monk.

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        The venerable monk inspired in Mr. Steve Jobs a deep faith and respect.  The venerable monk was composed and dignified and his complexion was radiant.

         With a heart filled with faith, he wanted to learn meditation practice from the senior monk.  He had spent time studying meditation practice with the venerable monk, waiting on him, and offering food to all the monks in the temple for a period of three months.  These were the months of great joy for him.

  สตีฟ จ็อบส์ ตายแล้วไปไหน ชีวิตหลังความตายเป็นอย่างไร Where Is Steve Jobs
         During the months that he was accumulating a great amount of merit and practicing meditation, he continued to make the same resolute wish.  He asked that he be wealthy, that he can produce a large amount of good quality merchandise, that the merchandise he designs and produces are sought after by the people all over the world.  After three months of meditation practice, he could experience a light outside his body.  This caused him to feel happier than he had ever felt before. 

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       Having experienced a light outside his body, he was filled with happiness wherever he went to sell his merchandise.  And he continued to practice meditation regularly.

          As a result, his mind became clearer and brighter.  The clearer and brighter his mind was, the more creative ideas he had.  This allowed him in that existence to understand the correct approach to marketing his merchandise and in such a way as to make it famous all over the world. 

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          Every year when it was time for the senior monk to return to the temple, Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence would invite the town people to join him in making merit.  He continued to give away his merchandise so that they could use it to contain the food to be offered to the monks at the temple just as he had done in the preceding years.  He had accumulated a great amount of merit in such manner for the rest of his life.

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         When Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence passed away, the merit accumulated by waiting on and supporting the senior monk for years, by inviting the people to join him in offering alms to all the monks at the temple, and by practicing meditation until he experienced a bright light outside his body, etc., caused him to be reborn a most handsome celestial being in the celestial realm of Tavatimsa.

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         When it was time to cease to be in the Tavatimsa Realm, Mr. Steve Jobs was reborn in the Human Realm as an artistic man in a wealthy Buddhist family during the time that Buddhism had already split into different schools just like the way it was during the existence as a merchant and the way it is now.

        In that existence, Mr. Steve Jobs was very artistic but his preference for the art was not supported by his family.  His parents wanted him to assume the family business.  They did not want him to become an artist.

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        Given that Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence was more interested in creating works of art rather than paying attention to the family business, his parents became incensed at his preference and eventually chased him out of the house. Mr. Steve Jobs in that existence was determined to study and develop works of art.  He also learn about the construction of buildings, the planning of a building as well as architectural design.

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         As time passed, he became known for his novel, creative, and exquisite works of art which were more superior to other artists’ works in that period.  His reputation spread to different kingdoms and he could be said to be as famous as Michelangelo, the famous Italian painter, sculptor and architecture of our time.

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        In that existence, he had the opportunity to accumulate more merit by joining devout Buddhists in building a temple.  He had employed his talents and abilities to the construction of the temple with a heart filled with great joy.  During the construction, he repeatedly made the same resolute wish that he be wealthy, highly skilled and his works greatly admired and famous.  In that existence, he was famous and highly artistic but what he lacked was listening to Dhamma lectures and practicing meditation.  He was too busily creating works of art.  

         Nonetheless, the merit accumulated from the time and effort spent constructing the temple with a heart filled with great joy caused him to be reborn once again the Tavatimsa Realm and he had lived there for a very long time.
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        After he ceased to be in the Tavatimsa Realm, he was reborn in the Human Realm as the famous Mr. Steve Jobs in this existence.  The outstanding characteristics and the goodness  accumulated across lifetimes showed up for him in this existence.  He loved his work and would like to continue working for as long as possible.

         Once he worked on something, he was determined to get it done to the best of his ability.  No problems and obstacles could come between him and his work.  On the contrary, problems and obstacles only spurred him on to succeed.  

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         Moreover, he paid attention to every detail whether it be packaging, software, product appearance, circuit board, and all the parts inside the product that nobody could see, he paid attention to them all.  For this reason, his products are excellent, beautiful, elegant, stylish, hi-class, and can best answer the customer’s needs.

         As he worked on a project, he employed his analytical faculty to continue making improvements on his product so that his product had the highest quality. 

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       All of the wholesome deeds accumulated across lifetimes whether it be the pursuit of Generosity Perfection, Wisdom Perfection, Resolution Perfection or in acting as a virtuous friend by inviting other people to make merit alongside him as well as practicing meditation until he experienced a light outside his body, etc., had all come together to shed their blessings on Mr. Steve Jobs in this existence.

        These past great deeds caused him to be so clever and uniquely creative that he could create novel and innovative products that have had a global impact and sought after by the people all over the world.

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        The study of Mr. Steve Jobs’ case teaches us that one brain and two hands or having sufficient willpower, sufficient funding, sufficient team members, sufficient skills, etc., is not enough to create the desired success if the amount of accumulated is insufficient.  Bear in mind that merit is behind the happiness and success in our life as seen in Mr. Steve Jobs’ case.  Every good thing in his life had been made possible by the great good deeds performed across many

         Therefore, it behooves every student to accumulate merit because merit is the source of happiness.

สตีฟ จ็อบส์ ตายแล้วไปไหน ชีวิตหลังความตายเป็นอย่างไร Where Is Steve Jobs

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รวมบทความ Steve Jobs
สตีฟ จ็อบส์ ตอนที่ 1 ตายแล้วไปไหน
สตีฟ จ๊อบส์ ตอนที่ 4 บุพกรรมใดทำให้เสียชีวิตด้วยโรคมะเร็งตับอ่อน ตอนที่ 1 
สตีฟ จ็อบส์ ตอนที่ 5 บุพกรรมใดทำให้เสียชีวิตด้วยโรคมะเร็งตับอ่อน ตอนที่ 2

สตีฟ จ็อบส์ ตายแล้วไปไหน ตอนจบ

Tag : โรค  เสียชีวิต  วิดีโอ  มะเร็ง  ธรรมะ  ตายแล้วไปไหน  กฎแห่งกรรม  peace  


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