The Hereafter News: Steve Jobs, the Final Part

Question No. 4: Mr. Steve Jobs had created different innovative products for the masses. Is this considered to be goodness according to Buddhism? And what effect do these products have on Mr. Steve Jobs’ life in the hereafter?

Dhamma Articles > Where is Steve Jobs?
[ Sep 7th, 2012 ] - [ read : 18264 ]
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Comments on the information about “Steve Jobs, where is he now?” in different websites

       After the DMC Channel presented information about “Steve Jobs, where is he now?” we find that other websites have made conclusions about this presentation in their own websites based on their personal opinions

        Our presentation has never been meant to intentionally insult or defame anyone.  It is rather for the specific purpose of learning about the Law of Kamma.  We would like to ask that each reader exercises his best judgment regarding this matter.   
        “Where is Steve Jobs now?” presents knowledge about the Law of Kamma and the round of rebirth undergone by every living being in such a way as to make it easy to understand.  Here, we learn about the reality of life so that we can gain an understanding about why we are born, where we will go after we die, what is our life’s objective, how must we conduct our life, etc.  The information allows one to become fearful of unwholesome deeds and their destructive consequences, to be more mindful about performing wholesome deeds, and to see the importance of meditation practice in one’s daily life.

         The information presented here is but one view and one has the right to believe or disbelieve it.

The Team
The Hereafter News:  Steve Jobs, the Final Part
Taken from the Inner Dreams Kindergarten Program
Inner Dreams
I close my eyes and dream away, I wake up and yawn once
before telling you this story.

Where is Steve Jobs now?  The final part
      Question No. 4:  Mr. Steve Jobs had created different innovative products for the masses.  Is this considered to be goodness according to Buddhism?  And what effect do these products have on Mr. Steve Jobs’ life in the hereafter?
สตีฟ จ็อบส์ ตายแล้วไปไหน ชีวิตหลังความตายเป็นอย่างไร Where Is Steve Jobs

       Mr. Steve Jobs was the chairman and CEO of Apple Inc.  As such it is considered to be right livelihood in that his means of earning a living does not violate the Law of Kamma.  This is contrary to wrong livelihood or earning a living by means which violate the Law of Kamma.  There are at least five different means by which wrong livelihood is earned.  These include 1) trading weapons,  2) trading human beings,  3) trading animals intended for slaughter,  4) trading intoxicants and addictive substances such as alcohol, beer, cigarettes, etc., and  5) trading poisonous substances.  Therefore, Mr. Steve Jobs’ chosen means of earning a living can be considered to be basic goodness in that he did not cheat anyone nor did anything illegal.  But he had used his talents and abilities to earn right livelihood.
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       In terms of Mr. Steve Jobs’ innovative products, they are the fruits of his talents and abilities as well as his right livelihood.  These products themselves do not violate the Lord Buddha’s Teachings nor the Law of Kamma. 
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        Moreover, Mr. Steve Jobs had created novel and innovative products for the purpose of providing convenience to and meeting the demand of the masses in the fields of computer and consumer electronics.  These innovative devices promote learning, and enable one to work faster, more effectively and more accurately.  It was his good intention that motivated him to create novel and innovative products that benefit the general public.  This is considered to be a kind of universal goodness.
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       What effect do these products have on Mr. Steve Jobs’ life in the hereafter depends on whether or not he is aware of how his products are being used and if he is how he feels about it all.
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To answer this question, three main scenarios can be given.

        The first scenario:  If Mr. Steve Jobs knows that people are using his products for good or evil and he approves of them, in this case he will share the merit or demerit earned by the actions of these people.
      For example, some people may be using his iPad or iMac to promote secular learning or Dhamma learning about morality, the Law of Kamma, the Lord Buddha’s Teachings or using his iPod to listen to Dhamma lessons, etc.   

        If he knows about such uses and feels pleased that good things are being done through his products, he will in this case share the merit earned by the wholesome actions of these people based on the Law of Kamma. 
สตีฟ จ็อบส์ ตายแล้วไปไหน ชีวิตหลังความตายเป็นอย่างไร Where Is Steve Jobs 

        On the other hand, some people may be using his products for unwholesome purposes such as using them to detonate bombs that kill people.  If he knows about this and approves of their actions, he will share the demerit earned by the unwholesome actions of these people based on the Law of Kamma. 

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       The second scenario:  If Mr. Steve Jobs knows that people are using his products for good or evil and he feels indifferent about their actions, in this case he will not share the merit or demerit earned by the actions of these people.  In other words, he may feel that once the products are sold, people can do whatever they want with them. 
สตีฟ จ็อบส์ ตายแล้วไปไหน ชีวิตหลังความตายเป็นอย่างไร Where Is Steve Jobs
      The third scenario:  If Mr. Steve Jobs is not aware at all how his products are being used, in this case he will not share the merit or demerit earned by the actions of the people that use his products.  This is like a piece of rope that is meant for tying things but if someone uses it to hang himself, the manufacturer of the rope will not share the demerit earned by the action of this person.       
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      Now that the students have learnt about the three different ways that Mr. Steve Jobs’ products can have an effect on his life in the hereafter, you may be wondering in which way the effect is being borne out in reality.
     Well, at this point, none of these products and their uses is having an effect on Mr. Steve Jobs’ life in the hereafter.  There are two main reasons for this.

      The first reason:  The creation of novel and innovative products is not considered to be merit based on the Law of Kamma.  It is considered to be goodness at the basic level simply because what he had created was his means of earning a living plus the fact that the work satisfied his own desire to create the best and most competitive products in the market. 
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     The second reason:  Now that Mr. Steve Jobs is reborn a mid-level earth sprite or Bhummadeva belonging to the Vidyadhara-Yakkha branch, he has been busily learning about all the new things in the new society, which are different from how things are in the Human Realm. 
     As a result, Mr. Steve Jobs has not yet the time nor the inclination to keep track of things that are happening in the Human Realm.  In other words, at this point he is unaware of how his products are being used on earth.  Therefore, he is not yet sharing the merit or demerit earned by the actions of his products users.
      It means that Mr. Steve Jobs’ innovative products and their uses are not exerting any influence on his life in the hereafter at the moment.

      The fifth question:  Why did Mr. Steve Jobs choose to believe in Buddhism even though he was born in a society and family that subscribe to a different religious belief?
สตีฟ จ็อบส์ ตายแล้วไปไหน ชีวิตหลังความตายเป็นอย่างไร Where Is Steve Jobs
      Answer:  Mr. Steve Jobs chose to believe in Buddhism because he had been a wise person throughout many previous existences.  And in these existences, he had learnt about Buddhism and had amassed knowledge about Buddhism to the point where he knew that Buddhism could put an end to suffering as well as answering the questions he had in a logical manner.  The merit earned by having been a practicing Buddhist throughout these previous lifetimes caused him to believe in Buddhism in the current existence.      
      The inherent pattern created by such accumulated merit caused him to meet and have the opportunity to listen to Dhamma lessons from the Buddhist monks or those knowledgeable in the Lord Buddha’s Teachings in this existence.   
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       These Dhamma lessons touched and moved Mr. Steve Jobs because he knew that what he heard was logical and just what he had been searching for.  This plus the fact that he had been a practicing Buddhist for so many existences previously caused him to choose to believe only in Buddhism. 

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       The study of Mr. Steve Jobs’ case teaches that every life is governed by the Law of Kamma and every single one of our actions, be it physical, verbal, or mental; be it good or evil and at whatever level, has consequences.  Some of these consequences may show up now but others have not yet the chance to show up because we do not live long enough to see them.  However, these consequences do not disappear; they follow us like a shadow and are ready to send forth their fruits across many future existences.   
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         Therefore, it behooves everyone to learn about the Law of Kamma, the universal law taught only in Buddhism.  This way, we can live our life in a correct, decent, and heedful manner.  We can be sure to accumulate merit and pursue Perfections.  We can be sure to practice according to the Lord Buddha’s Teachings by giving alms, observing the Precepts, practicing meditation, etc.  If we can do all these things, our life and our Perfections pursuit will be safe and triumphant up until the Uttermost of Dhamma can be attained.  
   And this is the end of Mr. Steve Jobs’ case,
since all the questions about the case have now been answered. 

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รวมบทความ Steve Jobs
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