Why DMC is a Unique Channel


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[ Jul 1st, 2008 ] - [ read : 18271 ]

Why DMC is a Unique Channel


Most people’s lives are dwelled only for the pleasures of sense, spent all day thinking the temptation of eating, sensation and power. This is thus a basic living instinct of humans and all living creatures. If decision of gaining and maintaining these factors comes from impure thoughts, therefore, speeches and actions also become impure. And it will lead our lives into a road that many individuals recognize as a passion. It may come from a reason that the world is transformed into industrialized nations, living a simple life is no longer enough for survival. Competition leads life’s focus and has turned power, wealth, success, and sexual prowess. Therefore, it is very difficult for one’s life to swim against the tide of mundane passion. To do so successfully demands a practice of the mind and the performance of good deeds. This can be accomplished by means of consistent meditation throughout one’s life.
One such person who attempted to eliminate all defilements from his mind and did so successfully was the most venerable Pramongkolthepmuni, the former abbot of the Paknam Bhasichareon Temple, or commonly known as Loung Pu Wat Paknam -the founder of knowledge of Dhammakaya (wisdom and inner knowledge of enlightenment gained from practicing insight meditation; it can be equated as the Threefold knowledge, Sixfold Supreme knowledge and Eightfold Utter knowledge of Buddhism). As a monk, he rarely went outside and chose to spend most of his life in the temple. He dedicated his life tirelessly to the practice of meditation, which purified his mind and helped him attaining inner peace so that he could understand the meaning of life, the law of Kamma and the seeds that create endless cycles of reincarnation.
Under his tutelage, a Buddhist nun called Chandra Khonnokyoong (Khun Yay) became one of his skillful disciples. With Khun Yay’s devotion, she became a result of studying Long Pu Wat Paknam’s knowledge of Dhammakaya; That is someone who could guide people towards spiritual wealth both in this world and the next, also aim the lives to follow the footsteps of the lord Buddha –Nirvana. Throughout her life, she spent more than sixty years passing on this knowledge to those of her own generation and the next one. At the age of sixty, after spending her life conquering defilements, she met an eighteen-year-old university student who had an earnest appetite to learn the art of meditation and all things supernatural. The student, Chaiyaboon Suthipol, now the most venerable Prarajbhavanavisuth or Loung Phaw Dhammajayo, became the successor to receive the Dhamma heritage from Khun Yay and the most venerable Pramongkolthepmuni. In 1966, Khun Yay had allowed him to ordain and built the Dhammakaya Temple in the paddy fields of Pathumthani Province. Now this temple is one of the biggest temples in Thailand (Area about 1,300 Acres or 2.1 Square Miles).
With many years of devotion to the Dhamma Teaching and the knowledge of Dhammakaya, Luang Por Dhammajayo, the abbot of Dhammakaya Temple has created the temple to be the center of Buddhist study. Loung Por Dhammajayo continuously acquired himself the Knowledge of Dhammakaya while upholding his responsibilities as the abbot to spread the entire wisdom throughout the world. His ultimate aim is to make people of all ages, races, religions, and educational backgrounds to understand the Dhamma in a very simplest way; even though it is complicated. To spread Dhamma and its contents, he established the Dhamma Channel called DMC (Dhamma Media Channel) for everyone to understand Buddhism in the simplest way.
Case Studies or the study of the Law of Kamma (the law of causes and effects) is the most popular show in the Dream in Dream Kindergarten School. The audience wrote their true stories and sent them to Luang Phaw Dhammajayo. In their letters, they recounted their life stories, the obstacles they faced, and the unexplainable occurrences.  They also questioned why some people are rich, poor, healthy, weak, long-lived, short-lived, ugly, beautiful, etc. Luang Phaw Dhammajayo used the wisdom of Dhammakaya that he learned from Khun Yay to answer these questions. This program does not intend to pledge anyone to become a Buddhist but to teach the timeless Law of Kamma that affects everyone’s life. It is Luang Phaw Dhammajayo’s hope to create peace and harmony in this world. Many people changed positively after listening to the case studies.
As many TV programs introduce violent and sexual explicit contents to young viewers, many of the latter unknowingly absorb what they view and also imitate the behaviors of the actors on screen. Media producers claim that the shows’ purpose is solely for entertainment. It is true that not all young viewers would imitate what they see on screens, but there are those who do, and they need to be protected and educated of those behaviors.  

This is the reason why DMC was created as it introduces white and clean programs for people of all ages. This is the reason why DMC is a unique channel that everyone can enjoy. DMC will allow the elderly to enjoy their time at home and parents not to have to control what their children watch. In addition, with DMC being available on the internet, viewers can watch the programs they had missed during the day. Not only is it educational, but also enjoyable.




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