The 38 Ways to Happiness :- The Second Group of Blessings

The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Second Group of Blessings. Turning towards wholesomeness

Dhamma Articles > Buddhist Teaching
[ Dec 27th, 2010 ] - [ read : 18261 ]
The Second Group of Blessings
“Turning towards wholesomeness”

It is rare to find a system of spiritual wisdom that has environmental considerations built into its metaphysics. The possible exception is the Chinese “Feng Shui” system which probably has its roots in Buddhism anyway. In science by contrast, there is always a great debate in developmental biology about the relative influence of the genetic component and the formative experience — the socalled ‘nature v. nurture’ debate. For science, of course it is mostly considerations of the development of physical features like a colour, or a size which might have an influence in the ‘survival of the fittest’, but for spiritual wisdom, we are more interested in the development of spiritual maturity. However, no less than with science the Blessings of Life recognize that there is influence both by our internal dispositions (nature) and our environmental influences (nurture). The fourth blessing on “amenable location” is the first blessing of the second grouping of blessings which deals with “turning towards wholesome discretion”. If we have practised the first three blessings successfully, we will already have” turned our back on negative discretion”. In this set of three blessings, the first (Blessing Four) deals with “nurture” influences of the environment on the development of our discretion. The second (Blessing Five) deals with the “nature” influences on the development of our discretion and the sixth deals with having a clear aim or purpose in one’s life. All three together are necessary if we want to set ourselves on the path of development of spiritual maturity. Thus, in Buddhism, it is acknowledged that the environment must be good if people are to become good. If the environment lacks virtue, it will hinder peoples’ spiritual growth. 
 TABLE 4.1
National Level
Local Level
Neighbourhood Level
Household Level
Amenable Location
Unextreme Climate, not too rugged, accessible from other countries
Ease of earning an honest living, good social infrastructure, no infectious diseases.
Good water & electricity supplies, good roads, no traffic jams, good communications, no natural disasters
Well planned house, sufficient spaces, good ventilation, trees for shade, parks nearby, no disturbance from noise
 Amenable Food
Self-sufficient in food
Supply of good all year round
Proximity of market
A cottage garden, a good cook in the house
 Amenable Neighbours
Righteous monarch or government, population honest, no terrorists or anarchists who threaten solidarity
Lack of criminals, outlaws and mafia
Access to doctors, patrons/benefactors, wise men, no dens of vice nearby
Heads of the household must be virtuous and not engage in roads to ruin
Amenable Dhamma Teachings
Just law and customs
Good educational system in worldly and spiritual matters
Monks pass on almsround, temples and schools in area
Atmosphere of learning and teaching Dhamma in the home, having at least one communal meal daily


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