Just a Dream or The Truth

She has a weird dream for more than 10 years, someone always came and made love to her. Sometimes she frequently had this dream. Sometimes it happened once a week and sometimes once a month. , is that just a dream or is it true? Was her behavior in the dream breaking the Third Precept? DMC has the answers... https://dmc.tv/a2677

Dhamma Articles > Case studies
[ Feb 7th, 2005 ] - [ read : 18264 ]
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Case study
Just A Dream or The Truth

    I was born in Kalasin Province. My house was near the temple. Since my childhood I liked the temple, and I liked to offer alms to the Bhikkhus. When I became an adult, I often followed other adults who went to perform merits at several temples. I didn’t know what a merit was. But everything that I performed each time made me feel so happy.   
    After I graduated Grade 6, I moved to Bangkok and became a restaurant employee until I had a family so I could open my own restaurant with my husband. He was a cook, and a good one who made delicious food and he never obstructed me from performing merits. He said to me that as long as I give him money to use everyday, that would be enough for him.
    Until the year 1994 (BE 2537) my Kalyanamitta (noble Buddhist friend and guide) told me to sponsor my own Dhammakaya Buddha Image so I decided to sponsor a Dhammakaya Buddha Image on The Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya Dome (Main Temple building dome) for my husband and to sponsor a Dhammakaya Buddha Image on The Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya Slope (Main Temple building slope) for myself. At that time I did not have enough money to do it but in my mind I wanted to sponsor the Dhammakaya Buddha Image for a long time. So I tried to collect the money to perform the merits with happiness. After I sponsored The Dhammakaya Buddha image, I met with a surprising incident because before I rented a house for us to live in my house burned down. But I tried to help my family through the difficulties. However, after I sponsored the Dhammakaya Buddha image, my business was prospering and we had much more income for use then that which we had deposited into the bank. I could buy my own house with money with almost 5 million baht and I still had a balance with money in the bank. So I came to the Dhammakaya Temple every first Sunday of the month and regularly attended the Buddhist Holy Day Ceremonies there as well.   
    But in my life I often to met with strange occurrences that I don’t know to explain to anyone such as; at one time I went to my elder sister’s house in another Province. At her house she has a pillar that oil came out of. While I was half asleep I felt that someone was hiding and then looked at me so I asked, “Who? I want to see your face.” After my words, a lady’s face appeared at that pillar. I saw that, and I didn’t feel afraid. I told my elder sister in the morning but she listened to me as if it was normal.
    Another story that I was delighted with but that I still wondered about was that I usually meditated every midnight each day for 2 hours in the small Buddha Shrine Room on the deck. At that time I want to introduce her to the Dow Dhamma Satellite dish so I prayed to Khun Yai Ajahn’s picture and then meditated for 2 hours. I opened my eyes and saw fumes above that picture, I wondered since I didn’t ignite the joss (incense) stick in that room. Where did it come from? I thought I had failing eyesight so I tried to look again to make sure but I saw the Sacred Crystal Jaah Keaw spinning (Luang Puu’s Sacred Crystal Disc used to perform miracles).
    There was one more story that made me unhappy. I don’t know if it was a dream of mine or not but this incident happened continuously for more than 10 years.

    Since the year 1992 (BE 2535) usually my husband and I didn’t go to the restaurant together, when he would drop our children off at school and then go to the restaurant. But I would stay home and would sleep for 2 more hours. When he left the house, I knew it every time and would go back to sleep again. Then sometimes I would wake up again when I heard the door open then I would feel numbness from my legs up to my neck, and couldn’t move my body. Then it felt like someone came into my room. The person looked dim, so I thought that my husband who came home because he is dark skinned. I would ask if it was him but I got no reply. Sometimes I called his name but whoever he was, he remained quiet. That person made love to me with me until he was finished, which took about 10-15 minutes. I felt as if it was the real thing, acting as husband and wife. After we finished, I felt fresh and then I would wake up, similar to feeling like I had a wet dream.
     But sometimes I felt wet and sometimes I did not. My clothes were still on me. At first my understanding was that it was my husband so I let it happen but later I knew that it was not my husband. I was dreaming and a dream isn’t the truth so I always let myself dream. Sometimes I frequently had this dream. Sometimes it happened once a week and sometimes once a month. I used to tell my husband about this but he was silent. 
    One day I had a dream that my husband had a mistress so I kicked him and he fell down from the bed. He really fell down off the bed. After that my husband had slept on the floor near the bed. I asked him “Why?” “He said he felt uncomfortable on the bed and breathed with difficulty.” My dream would happen in the morning or during midday when I would take a nap and my husband was absent.
    Nine years passed until the year 2001(BE 2544). I moved to a new house that I bought and that dream became lost. Until one day I thought about it that; why was I never dreaming when I lived there? So that dream came back again. I let myself continue to have that dream and then I understood that the dream made me happy. 
    After that in the year 2004(BE 2547) the same Kalyanamitta told me to install the Dow Dhamma Satellite dish. In the beginning, sometimes I watched it, and sometimes I didn’t watch it, but I started to become interested and I tried to watch it more. So I wondered about my dream, if it was a true dream or not, and I wondered if I should talk about it to my Kalyanamitta. I felt shy about it so I tried to make up my mind about it for the time being and finally I told her and my group all about my dreams. After they discussed it, nobody could reply other than that I must prove who it is. On November 24th, 2004, I got up at 6 AM then I sat and meditated with the Dow Dhamma Satellite dish until 8AM, and then I started to feel numbness and heard the door open. Then I felt someone show affection. Then I was sure he wasn’t my husband. So I asked, “Who are you? You’re not my husband and I want to see your face.” Then I saw his face as bright as a fluorescent lamp so I could be sure, it was not a dream. I remembered all incidents to tell my Kalyanamitta and asked for advice from her. On the same day I tried to prove it again. In the afternoon I told my husband to go to restaurant and lock me in my bedroom and then I sat and meditated and said to him,

    “Who are you? What do you want?” After today we will stay in our own worlds because we are in different worlds. I want go to Tusita (the fourth level of Heaven). Do you want to go there and do you want to accrue merits?”
    After saying that I lay down, and I started to feel numbness. I couldn’t move but I was conscious and had prepared the question. My blanket had been pulled off and my legs were dragged from my bed. I was thrown up into the air, but while I was floating, I felt like hands were holding me. I felt frightened and told myself to go inside the center of my body. But I couldn’t do that because I wanted to know about him. I asked, “Where are you? What do you want?” He replied with his voice as if he was a giant but I couldn’t understand him. I tried to listen again, “I will take you to see what?” I tried to see the way but it was so dark when we reached his residence. He laid me on the bed and it felt like my bed. Then I saw someone lay on the bed that was similar to my husband, but I knew that he was not my husband because he had gone to the restaurant. I told him, “I don’t want it” but he came to hug me. I said, “No” 3 times then he let go of my hand and I pushed him out so that I could see him. I saw his face, but not clearly, as it was covered with thin skin. His face looked handsome with an oval shape. His age looked about 28-35 but not as handsome as the male angel from the Dow Dhamma Satellite dish. But when he got angry, his age looked about 40, and then slowly it faded. My body’s numbness was slowly gone. I hurried to call the Kalyanamitta and told her everything with excitement.    
   The following day he later came again and sat near my bed with sad eyes. He came close to me and I pushed him out. I felt pity for being with him for such a long time. I tried to tell myself everyday not to do that and not to dream about him again.
    I never performed merits for him but the day I offered the money to Luang Phaw at the office of the temple, I told him to come with me. After I offered merits, I told him to stay at the temple because there were much more merits there.
   But finally he came to me again. I told him I wanted to take a good look at him. He pulled my blanket off and grabbed my leg and he wanted to do the same thing but I said, “No. Come in and say goodbye to me.” After a few minutes he opened the door and left me. I’m sure that was not a dream so I discussed it with my Kalyanamitta. I can’t leave this story without doing something. I am afraid that some bad thing will happen to my family and he will obstruct me from pursuing perfections so I decided to send this story to Luang Phaw to give his loving kindness.
1. As far as the story that I dreamt for more than 10 years, is that a dream or is it true? Who is he? What does he want? Why does he do this with me? What can I do about this? My desire is to go to Tusita (Tusita Heaven or the fourth level of Heaven).
   Was the astral body wearing clothes? I ask this because he can do that at once even though I was wearing clothes too.
   What was my kammic retribution that caused me to meet with this incident? Was my behavior in the dream breaking the Third Precept?
2. My husband told me he breathes with difficulty when he sleeps on the bed. Is that because the astral body had lain on the bed or he had done something to my husband? 
3. The lady at the house pillar, was that true? Who is she? What does she want? Did I chase her? And how can I do follow the Right Way for the Buddhist Principles? 
4. I saw the Sacred Jaah Keaw Crystal Disc in the Buddha room. Is that true?
5. Why did I experience burning home incidents 2 times and will it occur again? How do I solve this? Is the burning house connected with the dreams?    
6. I have one younger sister that I raised as my own daughter although she already had a family and never tried to pursue anything. Do she and I have any retribution together? How long should I take care of her for?
7. Why do I have alcoholic companions who gamble and dislike accruing merits? What was the retribution and can I find some good, wise companions?
8. Now my restaurant sells food made from live animals and I tried to quit this. How did I get that retribution?
9. My husband is a good person, and he never obstructed me from pursuing perfection. What kinds of merits did my husband and I accrue together that caused us to be husband and wife in this life? How many lives were we together?
10. What was the retribution in the past life that made me meet up with strange stories and caused me to waste time with worldly pleasures so that I came to the temple late? Did my husband, my 2 daughters and I pursue perfections with our community before?
Luang Phaw's Dream

I closed my eyes, dreamed and woke up with these answers.
When you tell anybody the story like a tale, it will make anyone know more about retribution (Law of Kamma)
1. All the stories you dreamed for more than 10 years in the past weren’t true. In your past life you were a womanizing man and had many wives.  
  • It caused you to be born as a woman often and those womanizer remnants followed you into the present life. It made a strong thought that you wanted this in your mind and you kept it inside with a good conscience and a beautiful tradition.

  • Since you went to the temple and started to sit and meditate, and in addition with your husband working so hard, making him so tired, that he wanted to take rest more than perform his duties at home; all that was the cause of those dreams, although you refused it all the time.   


  • If you want this matter to go away you mustn’t be interested in these things and don’t take them so seriously (about your dreams) and then it will disappear. You will come back to the real life and always commit to accrue every merit. Don’t miss any merits and then make your wish to follow us to Tusita (Tusita Heaven or the fourth level of Heaven). 


  • That’s only a dream, so you were not breaking the Third Precept yet. 


2. Your husband told you that he was breathing with difficulty when he slept on the bed because he was tired from working hard so he wanted to take a full rest alone and didn’t lay on any astral body and no astral body laid on him. 


3. The lady at your elder sister’s house pillar, that you saw when you were half asleep, was an earth sprite who was one of the celestial musician’s line so we call her a “wood sprite” and she dwells in the tree. Although the tree had been cut, she still followed the wood but she wasn’t a high level tree sprite like the ones that have a mansion on the tree. 


  • She didn’t want anything other than to show you that she was there on her area at the pillar. You can often dedicate merits to her and when she gets enough merits to be reborn then she will go. 


4. You had seen the Sacred Jaah Keaw Crystal Disc spinning in the Buddha Shrine room. That’s a true sight that happened due to your merit mind to encourage you to spread the Dow Dhamma Satellite dish.   


5. Your life had met with burning houses 2 times because in your past life, you were a tradeswoman and sold many things before you had met our community. You had engaged a person to burn a rival’s shop. With this retribution it caused you to meet with the burning house.


  • You must often dedicate the merits to the kamma couple and the enmity couple. This retribution will finish and don’t be concerned with the dream.


6. You had to take care of your younger sister as a daughter because she was your daughter in your past life. In that life you loved her so much and you indulge her in this life. In her thinking she has an elder sister who can give her everything so easily and there is no need for her to earn money by herself.


  • You must try to teach her to know about the value of money by assigning her work before giving her money. Don’t make it easy to give to her as you did before. It is the same as the Chinese proverb “Don’t give only fish for eating but teach them to catch the fish also.”


7. Your restaurant sells live animals for food to go with drinks so pull out the alcoholic customers and gamblers if you want good companions. You must consider doing that in your restaurant and taking action wisely. 


8. Now you still sell live animals, and that will make you get retribution in the form of you having many sicknesses and having difficulty curing them, and then you will die before your time in the next life.


9. Your husband and your children are good people and you used to be husband and wife and performed merits together in many lives so in this life they never obstruct you to from performing merits.


10. Your husband, your children and you used to pursue perfections with our community. Sometimes you accrued them extremely and sometimes you did less than was a supporter’s duty.


  • So in this life, you must intend to do every merit fully and make a resolution follow the community to Tusita Heaven (the fourth level of Heaven) in the Special Merits Zone (Vong Boon Pisit, Boroma Bodhisatta Region) with all of your family.
    The end.



Case study in real life

The Law of Kamma (Pali:Compared to "Karma" in Sanskrit) segment or "Case Study" is one of the prominent sections on the Dream in Dream kindergarten program, conducted by the Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh, also known as, Luang Phaw Dhammajayo of the Dhammakaya Temple in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand.

Each individualized "Case Study" is based on the timeless Law of Kamma (the Law of Cause and Effect) which examines the reasons for many situations and complex inter-relationships people find themselves in. Viewers from around the world write personal letters to Luang Phaw wanting to understand the karmic reasons for many special circumstances in their life.

This program is not intended to convert anyone to Buddhism or any other religions persuasion. Rather the goal is to help spread genuine peace, happiness and understanding here in Thailand and around the world. By first discovering and cultivating inner peace within ourselves through meditation, we can help spread love and kindness outward, helping to make our world a better place for everyone.


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