Aloha, Madam. Pele And The Cursed Stones

Hawaiians believe that Madame Pele cursed the people who took lava stones from the Big Island back home, but many tourists don’t know it, so they take them away and after that they will become seriously sick or face business problems.

Dhamma Articles > Case studies
[ Jan 21st, 2006 ] - [ read : 18274 ]
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Aloha, Madam. Pele And The Cursed Stones

Dearest Luang Phaw whom I respect the most,

I’ve been a student of Dream in Dream Kindergarten from Hawaii since the beginning of October, 2005 (B.E. 2548) and was informed about Kathina merit by the monks and the merit team from Dhammakaya International Meditation Center of California who visited me.

In my whole life, I never made Kathina merit before since I heard from senior people that the people who could make Kathina merit must be at least 60-70 years old only, for the younger people’s lives could be shortened by this merit. I had had that belief for a long time though I really would like to make Kathina merit, but I didn’t dare to, so I always made other kinds of merit like building chapels, Viharas (Edifices), sermon halls, monastic gables, round stones that designated the limits of the temple and ordination merit.

Until I was given particular compassion by the monks via answering my questions that made me understand more about Kathina merit and gave me a thought “No matter what would happen, I will make Kathina merit.” In addition, I was sad about family problems, so I thought “Only merit can be my refuge.”

Therefore, I made a decision to make my first Kathina merit, i.e. the one of 2005 (B.E. 2548), I also cast a personal Buddha image in the same day and had a Dhamma satellite installed that I didn’t want at first, but as soon as I had it, I really liked it and I also made my store a meditation center in Saturday evenings (The same time as meditation time in Thailand)

I do like case study program because it makes me understand about the law of Kamma. In comparison, I’m a person who can see a light in my confusing life. I’d like to hand Luang Phaw my case as well.

My father was a nice person who liked to make merit. When his first wife passed away, he smeared her back with some lime along the ancient belief saying that after reincarnation this person could still be recognized by the mark. In his 2nd marriage with my mother, they had 4 children together and I was the 3rd one. After the delivery, I was found having a big white birthmark at the back that caused the relatives to believe that I was the reincarnation of my father’s first wife, also when I grow up, my look and the way I walk were very similar to hers.

My father didn’t like killing, but he smoked so much that he had a problem with pleura. Strangely, 4-5 years before his death, he unexpectedly hated geckos so badly. He had sharpened bamboo sticks with him all the time and would stab geckos’ eyes wherever he saw them and then threw them away.

I told him to quit it, but it made him furious. Before he died, he was hurt and very tortured. He cried “Don’t stab my eyes. It hurts me.” in a delirium. I took good care of him until he passed away at the age of 74, and 6-7 years after that, I moved to Hawaii.

Before moving to Hawaii, I had a chance to meditate in a temple in Nongkhai because I was very sad about my first husband who passed away in a car accident when I was 32; also I just gave birth to a baby girl in the same year. The incident caused me to take care of her by myself.

So I accepted my friend’s invitation to meditate. At the very first days, I was very confused thinking about the problems of my life and my past. But on the 3rd day, I made a wish in front of the Chapel’s principle Buddha statue “If I have enough merit, I wish my meditation to go well.”, and then I stopped thinking about everything, my mind was calm, and I, in the meditation, saw something like a brightly white light bulb bringing me to a wood, a sea and a mountain. I didn’t know where it was, in that night I could meditate without any pain from the evening till 1 AM and that really delighted my heart.  

Afterwards, I moved to Hawaii. When I first saw Hawaii, I was very surprised. Because there were mountains here just like what I saw in my long meditation. At the first night after my arrival, I saw a long-haired woman in my dream smiling to me and saying “Don’t move.”
At first, I thought that she must only be an earth sprite living in the house, but I was surprised that she met me in my dream every night and I didn’t even know who she was. Until one day, I visited a Thai person. He gave me 2 pictures to choose. The first one was the picture of a Chinese female god named Kuan-im, and the second one was the picture of Madame Pele who was really respected by Hawaiians.

Right after I saw Madame’s picture, I was so shocked since she looked the same to the person who came to my dreams every night, so I chose her picture to keep at home. Whenever I had a business problem, I would beg for her help. Amazingly, every problem could be solved except my love problem.

I searched for her biography and found a chronicle mentioning about her that she was a Hawaiian king’s daughter. In that time, there was a prophecy telling that the islands would face a misery and to protect them, a virgin lady must be sacrificed. Hearing that, Madame Pele volunteered to be the sacrifice. Since then, Hawaiians could get through every catastrophe. The native islanders really respected her. Every time there was a natural catastrophe or a big problem, the islanders would ask for her help.

Hawaiians believe that Madame Pele cursed the people who took lava stones from the Big Island back home, but many tourists don’t know it, so they take them away and after that they will become seriously sick or face business problems. Therefore, every year, a lot of stones are sent back by the tourists. A Laotian friend of mind brought some stones back home with intention. Soon after that, her 5 children started being mischievous, taking drugs and causing so many problems in the family that she had to send the stones back.

Hawaii is really nice. Not only a beautiful scenery it has, but the society is also really good since every public places are non-smoking due to the Hawaiian law.

I’m always told by monks and fortune tellers that I have a lot of retributions, so I must make a lot of merit and not get married because I will face a family problem, and it’s true. Four years after the death of my first husband, I married a Hawaiian whose mother was a customer of the beauty salon business I ran. At first, I thought that he was a very nice guy, so I decided to marry him. But after getting married, I found out that he was such a flirt. I lived with him for 11 years and now we are working on our divorce process.

When I first came to Hawaii, I left my 1 year-old daughter with a nanny in Thailand. After settling down in 8 months later, I picked her up to live with me.

My only daughter is now 18 years old. When she was small, she was a nice and kind-hearted girl who didn’t even allow me to buy a living fish for food. When she was older, she assisted my beauty salon after school.

But after I separated from my second husband and had a business problem, I had no time for her, and she started acting differently. She’s become stubborn and always hung out with friends. Sometimes, she didn’t come back home for several days. I’m very discontented.  Recently, I had a nightmare that a caravan of a bee castle headed into her room. I’m worried because it was a north-eastern tradition of Thailand that is held after a few days of somebody’s death.

….And soon after that, I saw my daughter in my dream. She didn’t have any clothes on, her nails were long, her hair was very long, and her body was dirty. I think that she might have been cast by black magic. Presently, she is still glued with friends and doesn’t come back home.

1. I was told that I was the reincarnation of my father’s first wife because we look very similar. Is it true?

2. Why did my father like to stab geckos’ eyes? What did he see that caused him to cry “Don’t stab my eyes! It hurts me!”? Where did he go after he died? Did he receive the merit transferred to him?

3. Was the caravan of a bee castle that I saw in my dream an omen of my daughter’s death? Because somebody told me that she would be with me for only 18 years, and she is now already 18 years old.

4.  What retribution turned my daughter’s character over though she was a nice girl before? What can I do to get my nice daughter back?

5. What were the white light and the mountain I saw in my meditation? Were they the signs showing that I would be able to live in Hawaii?

6. Was my dream about Madame Pelez real? If it was, who is she? What is her current realm? Is she the one who protects Hawaiian from catastrophes? Why did she tell me “Don’t move!”? Why do I feel like she is protecting me all the time? Did she receive the merit I transferred to her? Does she have any word for me? Can she go to a better realm and how?

7. Why does misery happen to the tourists who take away the stones from the Big Island and cause them to bring the stones back? Is it because of the curse of Madame Pelez?

8. Why does my life have problems starting from the day I made Kathina merit? On the first day, a car crashed the back of my car on an express way. In the divorce process, my husband told me at first that we would just separate, but now he wants to take half of the assets, and unexpectedly the building owner told me to move within 45 days. What can I do to improve my life immediately?

9. What retribution caused hardships in my life, I have to do everything by myself and have family problems? What can I do to be freed from this retribution?

10. Will making merit through the internet when the sender and the receiver (a monk) are online in the same time beget the same level of merit like making merit with our own hands and how?

11. How did my daughter and I pursue perfection with our merit-making group in our past lives?

12. How did the coordinator and the monks who have been my Kalanamitras (good friends) pursue perfection with our merit-making group? How were their meditation experiences? What duties do they have in our Dhamma troop?

Thanks a lot to Luang Phaw whom I respect the most.

Luang Phaw's Dream

I closed my eyes, dreamed and woke up with these answers.
When you tell anybody the story like a tale, it will make anyone know more about retribution (Law of Kamma)

1. That you were the reincarnation of your father’s previous wife because your look was very similar to hers is true because of the care and relationship you had with him. When you first died, you were a general earth sprite being around him, and when the time to reincarnate came, due to the care and the power of merit you had, you were reborn along the process of human birth.

2. Your father stabbed geckos’ eyes with sharpened sticks because there were so many geckos at home and he was annoyed seeing their eyes staring at him. Due to being annoyed, he acted that way. It was the present deed.
  • That he cried “Don’t stab my eyes! It hurts me!” was because of the dying vision he saw, he saw that his eyes were stabbed by the sticks that used in stabbing geckos’ eyes.
  • When he first died, he was around the house for a while before being recently reborn as a boy and he is still in Thailand due to the merit he traditionally made in Buddhism and the merit transferred to him.
  • But the merit transferred to him after his reincarnation didn’t reach him.
3. You saw a caravan of a bee castle heading into your daughter’s room was because of your own mental hindrance, but it doesn’t mean that your daughter will die at her 18 of age like what you were told, but anyway you should let her accumulate merit. Don’t be careless because we can die whenever. No sign for death.

4. Your daughter was very nice when she was small, but her habit has turned worse when she gets older because she associates to the fools in her past lives and this diagram caused her to come back to this cycle. That’s why her habit has changed.  
  • To solve it, you need to find good friends for her and ask her to make merit with you, or you need to make merit and make a wish for her to be protected and supported in a good path by merit.
5. The white light and the mountain you saw in your meditation was only the object of meditation when your mind was getting concentrating, but it didn’t mean that you would come to Hawaii. If you just look at it without paying too much attention in it, soon you will see the real thing within your body.

6. It was true that you saw Madame Pele in your dream because you would like to settle down in Hawaii, but she didn’t meet you in the dream.
  • Madame Pele was the daughter of a tribe’s leader in that period of time. When she was alive, she was a generous, nice and sacrificing person believing in spiritualism and gods. 

  • After death, she became a leader of earth sprites in the clan of sorcerers living in an island of Hawaii. Due to the power of her merit, she could protect Hawaiians from some catastrophes, but not every catastrophe, and some incidents just happen accidentally. That’s why she is well respected by the people who believe in spirituality and gods.    

  • It is only your imagination that she is protecting you because the successes you receive come from your merit not her help.
  • She received the merit you transferred to her and said thank you. This merit gave her a better condition of her life.

7. That the tourists who take away the rocks from the Big Island find miseries in their lives until they have to return all the rocks is actually not true, since not everybody return the rocks because some don’t get any misery. Some experience bad incidents but it’s not because of the rocks. They just don’t know about the law of Kamma, so they just take a guess. However, it’s good that they return the rocks for the nature wouldn’t be destroyed. It’s not about the curse of Madame Pele.

8. That your life has experienced problems starting from the day you made Kathina merit, for instance, being sued for divorce by your husband and he first mentioned about the separation only, but later he claimed for half of the assets, and you were told by the building owner to move within 45 days is not because of the Kathina merit. You shouldn’t combine the stories together since they are not related to each other. Making Kathina merit gives you merit that decreases your retribution. If you didn’t make this merit, your life would be even worse.
  • The problem occurred just because of the sensual retribution you performed in the life you were a flirtatious man. The action of retribution caused you to meet a flirtatious husband. It was your own picture from your past life.   
  • That the building owner told you to move within 45 days is actually because of the present incident that the renting contract is over. You should accumulate a lot of merit and purify your mind then you will get a better area and better customers. You will be richer.
9. Your life is difficult since you have to do everything by yourself and have family problems because you have some merit of donation, but you don’t have merit from asking people to perform good deeds. That’s why you don’t have any good assistant or relative to support your work.     

  • Therefore, starting from now, you have to extremely perform the merit of donation, precept observance and meditation, and make a wish to have a perfect life with the perfect appearance, treasure and qualifications, including good companions, assistants and relatives, etc.
10. Making merit by transferring money through the internet when both sender and receiver, i.e. a monk, are being online doesn’t make any difference than making merit with our own hands because this is the time of high technology.

11. You and your daughter were in the provisions division of our merit-making group, but you pursued perfection along your emotion. Sometimes, you fully paid attention to it, but sometimes you didn’t really pay attention, and sometimes you didn’t even pursue perfection with the group, and you later had a problem with somebody in our group and left the group.

  • You stayed away from our merit-making group for Buddhist intervals and we just meet again in this life. Therefore, you shouldn’t stray away from our group again. You need to be patient and calm and pay full attention in making merit as best as you can.
12. The coordinator and the monk who have performed the function of Kalayanamitra (good friends) to you have thoroughly pursued perfection with our group. In the last Buddhist interval, the monk was a son of a well-to do family who got a lifelong ordination after the king and spread Dhamma to many regions. He could attained the Buddha image inside of his body and could go back to Tusita (the 4th level of heaven),    

  • The coordinator, in the last Buddhist interval, was a daughter of a well-to-do family. She was in the division of provisions and supported the works of Vijja Dhammakaya.  She could reach the bright Dhamma ball that was enough to bring her back to Tusita, the land of Bodhisattva.
  • Since we have met again in this life, you need to make every merit with all your might and make a wish to follow the group to Tusita, the land of Bodhisattva and never stray away from our group.

Case study in real life

The Law of Kamma (Pali:Compared to "Karma" in Sanskrit) segment or "Case Study" is one of the prominent sections on the Dream in Dream kindergarten program, conducted by the Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh, also known as, Luang Phaw Dhammajayo of the Dhammakaya Temple in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand.

Each individualized "Case Study" is based on the timeless Law of Kamma (the Law of Cause and Effect) which examines the reasons for many situations and complex inter-relationships people find themselves in. Viewers from around the world write personal letters to Luang Phaw wanting to understand the karmic reasons for many special circumstances in their life.

This program is not intended to convert anyone to Buddhism or any other religions persuasion. Rather the goal is to help spread genuine peace, happiness and understanding here in Thailand and around the world. By first discovering and cultivating inner peace within ourselves through meditation, we can help spread love and kindness outward, helping to make our world a better place for everyone.


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