Back To A Young Lady Again

I am a staff of Thai Airways. My husband is a flight captain. We have a chance to accrue all merits with Luang Phaw for twenty-three years. The heart’s valve was treated from leaking, and even the doctor was surprised. I currently feel very fresh and ready to work non-stop, and I feel like I am young again.

Dhamma Articles > Case studies
[ Jan 11th, 2007 ] - [ read : 18282 ]
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Back To A Young Lady Again
Dear Luang Phaw,

I am a staff of Thai Airways.  My husband is a flight captain.  I have visited Dhammakaya Temple for twenty-three years.  Persuaded by a virtuous friend from Thai Airways, I and my husband have a chance to accrue all merits with Luang Phaw.  We are proud of every merit we have made and having a chance to pursue perfection with Luang Phaw.  Luang Phaw is the leader in pursuing perfection and no one can compare with him.  He focuses on merit project and offers us merits to continuously accrue.  

Especially in recent years, we have accrued merits frequently.  We do not let ourselves miss on any merits.  We wish to pursue perfection and follow Luang Phaw to the fourth level of heaven [Tusita]. I would like to ask on the following case study.

My father had respected Luang Phaw for long time.  During crisis of the temple, he followed all news and often got mad to that news.  I needed to calm him down.  Five years ago, he got sick from prostate cancer, swollen feet, and had difficulty to urinate.  He had surgery to relieve those symptoms.  The doctor said that he could survive only for 6 months at most.

His lung was getting thin quickly every time he had an x-ray.  The doctor told him to take chemotherapy.  I and my sisters thought that this would torture him.  We decided for him not to take chemotherapy, but took him to the temple on every Sunday instead.  We also asked him not do other activities, e.g., socialize with relatives or Chinese chess friends.  He trusted us and did the chanting regularly.

He later was relieved of his symptoms, returned healthy, and was able to visit the temple every Sunday.  He enjoyed watching Dhamma Satellite Dish.  Although he got hearing problem and could not hear Luang Phaw effectively, only pictures could satisfy him.  Doctor was surprised as every time he had blood check, the result was normal.  He incredibly had survived from this suffering for five years.

Two months before he died, he was paralyzed.  We brought him to a hospital.  He did not have pain and was able to eat as normal.  However, his emotion was unstable.  He sleep talked on old stories which I was worried such as “Do not accuse me in doing illegal business”.

That time, my oldest son was a junior in University.  We discussed and had him ordain for my father.  He agreed to ordain and reside at Dhammakaya Temple, Prajeenburi province.  He ordained in front of my father beside his bed.  My father was very happy and blessed him.  I later put the monk’s picture at the end of his bed for him to look.  He kept removing and reattaching the picture to show others around.

I visited him everyday and led him to meditate by reciting mantra “Samma Arahang”.  I had him picture the Cetiya and he ended with “circumambulate clockwise at Cetiya” repeatedly.  He never disputed on this meditation.

One day before his death, he still did meditation loudly.  I told him to listen only.  But, he refused and was exhausted.  He raised his arm and said “I am tired and need medication.”  After we gave him the medication and Oxygen, he continued to meditate.  It was a delightful moment.  Next day was Sunday. While I was meditating at Dhammakaya Hall, I received a call from the hospital that he finished his lunch, meditated by reciting mantra “Samma Arahang”, and held nurse’s hand before he passed away.  He was eighty-four years old.

My husband’s mother had a faith in Buddhism very much.  She liked to donate with new banknotes.  She had me and my husband bring her requisites for all merits.  She usually stayed with my husband’s older and younger sisters.  I heard that when she got mad, she would lock herself in a room for days.

On her last moment, she stayed in I.C.U for months.  I talked to her about merits and she nodded.  Until her last day, I and my husband visited as usual.  Nurse told us that she had just passed away.  We immediately went to her bed.

At that time the dream in dream kindergarten school had not reached a program that Luang Phaw teaches us that the newly dead will be standing at the end of bed. I went to bed head and told that “Grandmother (mother-in-law), do not worry, you are happy now and please go to Wat Dhammakaya in Pathumthani province, and circumambulate 3 rounds at Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya, which I have showed a picture. Could you get there? It is very beautiful.” I started to worry because my mother-in-law had never gone to any place by herself.

I was very sick in 2007, which doctor could not diagnose. I tried to go many places to get cured, but in consequence I got a wrong medicine, which made me worse. I lost my hair, my body was swollen, and my heart was pounding and had a very bad headache.   

Some days when I lay down and cried on my son’s lap; I told him that “Son, do not be sad if I have to go back to heavenly mansion.” He kept quiet because he knew that I was very sick. I sometimes went to a hospital at midnight because my blood pressure was decreasing to only 40.

One day, my father wanted to pay respects at Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya. When we arrived there, I led my parents to make a wish and told them that at the base of Buddha images, there is everyone name pledged on. Also on the outside of the Cetiya, there are Buddha images that I offered requisites myself and persuaded others to cast more than 500 Buddha images.My parents were very delightful; also I myself was very happy and very proud. At that night even I was very delighted, but I was still sick.

At dawn, I had an extraordinary dream that a good friend told me that she would bring me to the best doctor, which can cure all diseases. I followed her to see a doctor, but that was no doctor because he was very elegant and all in bright yellow. I was stunned because he looked like a Buddha image on the Cetiya. He opened his eyes and spoke to me with a language that I did not understand, but I still sat and listened to.

Two days later, I did not feel good as usual. One of my good friends took me to see a doctor, and told me that this doctor is very superior. I did not hope for any better. When I met the doctor, he said that he was waiting for a long time because Khun Yay entrusted to cure. It would have been too late for me, if I had arrived after 5 days. The treatment was very simple. He only gave medicines. After that I recovered and became healthy. The heart’s valve was treated from leaking, and even the doctor was surprised. I currently feel very fresh and ready to work non-stop, and I feel like I am young again.  

My uncle was a very kind policeman. He used to join merits of casting Buddha image. I knew that he had killed animals for food since he was young. Before he died, he panted very hard. I told him to think about merit of casting Buddha images outside the Cetiya that we have done so many years. He seemed to understand. My uncle died when he was 86 years old.

Eleven years ago, my family and I had experienced the grace of Luang Pu on Magha Puja Day as we offered a lantern at the place that currently is a refectory. After the ceremony, my car was stuck in a mud hole. It took a long time to pull. We went home at almost midnight.   

In the morning, my 7 year old son told me that he was dreaming last night about seeing one Buddhist monk holding kitbag standing at the stair balcony in the middle of the house. The Buddhist monk had sparkling eyes and smiled at him. He asked the Buddhist monk, “Who are you? And why do you come here?” the venerable one smiled and said, “I will stay with you here.” My son answered, “We do not have enough room, and all the rooms are taken.” Venerable one said, “That is not a problem, I will stay in this room.” Then the Buddhist monk walked pass through monastic room. I brought Luang Pu’s picture to him, and he said out loud that this was the Buddhist monk that came to him.   

Teaching monk who is my oldest son’s teacher when he ordained is very patient and generous. My husband and I intend to be his attendants forever. After I met the teaching monk, I had inspired to be a male that could be ordained and be an abbot of Wat Dhammakaya’s branch, which has a peaceful atmosphere and is beautiful.  


1)    What kamma made my father have prostate cancer and hard hearing?

Did having faith in Buddhism and practicing Dhamma during the last phase of my father’s life prolong his life for another 5 years?

Can the mantra “Samma Arahang” and “circumambulate clockwise at Cetiya” help my father not to go to unfortunate realms although he did some bad deeds in the past life?

Where has he been reborn after passing away? How is his living condition? Has he had any message to me?

2) Where has my husband’s mother been reborn after passing away? Can she circumambulate Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya as I told her since she had never gone by herself?

3) My husband’s mother hid money in many places e.g. under cabinet and bed. Before she died, she told my husband to donate all her money. After she died, my husband’s sister collected money to me and family to contribute to Kathina for almost 200,000 Baht. Has my husband’s mother received this merit?

Has she had any message to my husband and me?

4) I told my uncle to recollect merits from casting Buddha image at Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya. Can the merits from casting Buddha image help him in afterlife?

Where has he been reborn after passing away? How is his living condition?

5) What retribution made me seriously ill and almost die without a reason?

Does the delightedness of my parents by me, taking them to Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya on that day take part in my recovery from illness?

6) Is the person I saw in my dream from Dhammayaka image? Or I just dreamt because of the joyfulness when I took my parents to prostrate before Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya?

What wholesomeness made my dream feel so real like he was a real person?

7) What fruit of wholesomeness would my oldest son have when he ordained for his maternal grandfather? How had he pursued perfection?

He would like to be a benevolent wealthy person and help out in Dhamma army. Will he have an opportunity to do that?

8) My youngest son regularly visits the temple during merit ceremonies but always plays with the friends at the same age and does not usually meditate. How had he pursued perfection?

Will he have an opportunity to help in the Dhamma army in this life?

Is his seeing Luang Pu in the house because of power from an angel or power of Luang Pu to be present there?

9) What wholesomeness had our family accrued with teaching monk? How had he pursued perfection with the Dhammakaya community? What are his duties? How many times did he come down to pursue perfection? How is his meditation progress? Has he ever made a wish to be an abbot?

10) How did the feeling; that I want to be a man, so that I can ordain in Buddhism come up when I saw my son’s teaching monk at the temple in Prajeenburi province? Will it happen?

11) My husband has accrued merits with me every time and financially supports my meritorious projects. What fruit of merits does he receive?

Is my husband’s and my poverty blueprint demolished? Will we be miraculously wealthy in this life?

I would like to thank Luang Phaw with high respect.

Luang Phaw's Dream

I closed my eyes, dreamed and woke up with these answers.
When you tell anybody the story like a tale, it will make anyone know more about retribution (Law of Kamma)
1) Your father had prostrate cancer and hard hearing because of his past kamma. He killed animals for food (killing kamma) often and conducted adultery (adultery kamma) as well as kamma from pretending not to listen what his parents tried to teach him.

  • Your father was alive for another 5 years because merits he had accrued at the last phase of his life helped to extend his life span.

  • He passed away with clear mind because he could recollect all merits he had accrued so he becomes a smart angel having golden heavenly mansion in second level of heaven [Tavatimsa] phase 3. He is very happy and excited by his heavenly treasures. He has received all merits you have dedicated to him and it makes him have more heavenly treasures.
  • He passes a thank you message to you for being his virtuous friend who makes him able to be at the place he is right now.
2) After passing away, your mother-in-law becomes a beautiful female angel having a golden heavenly mansion in second level of heaven [Tavatimsa] phase 3. It was like she was sleeping and woke up in the middle of golden heavenly mansion, and she did not circumambulate Maha Dhammakaya Cetiya. She can be at this level of heaven because of the wholesomeness she had accrued herself and you have accrued for her.

3) Your husband’s sister collected money that your husband’s mother asked your husband to make merits for her and the money was donated to Kathina for almost 200,000 Baht. The fruit of the wholesomeness makes your mother-in-law have more heavenly treasures considerably.

  • She passes a thank you message to you for dedicating merits to her. The merits make her happy. She is smilingly admiring her heavenly treasures now.
4) After passing away, your uncle recollected the merit he cast Buddha image. These merits close the door to hell but open the door to heaven for him.
  • He was born as an air-sprite having a medium-sized golden heavenly mansion from merits he cast Dhammakaya image and merits he had occasionally accrued in tradition. He has received merits you have dedicated to him and these merits make his living condition better.
5) You were seriously ill and almost died without a reason because of your past kamma. In one of your past lives, you were born as a young girl of good behavior in a wealthy family with lots of slaves and retinues. You liked to regularly over use labors from both human and animals because you were afraid that it would not be worth with their wages you paid. As a result of these, you had heart valve disease, were easily panted and exhausted and almost died without knowing any reasons.

  • You recover from illness because of your past wholesomeness that you offered food and medicines to Buddhist monks and all merits you have presently accrued with Dhammakaya community as well as your retributions are lessened; so any doctor can cure you easily.

6) You dreamt about Dhammakaya image because of wholesomeness that you cast your own personal Dhammakaya image and persuaded others to cast their own Dhammakaya image with your fullest efforts. These merits create wholesome mental object which makes your dream so real.
7) Your oldest son ordained for your father. Fruits of his ordination can be summarized as followings. He will have his own renunciation perfection and this wholesomeness made his grandfather recollect his merits easily; as well as this is a major cause that makes your father to become an angel in second level of heaven [Tavatimsa] phase 3 because scenes of unwholesomeness he had made did not have a chance to slip through.


  • He used to pursue perfection with Dhammakaya community in the last Buddha aeon. Then, he was a young boy of good behavior whose duty was a provider with regular capable efforts.
  • As a result of his past wholesomeness, he will continuously have treasures and will not have hard life. Therefore, in this life, he should intend to pursue perfection better than before. 

8) Your youngest son used to pursue perfection with Dhammakaya community. In the last Buddha aeon, he was a young boy of good behavior whose duty was a provider with occasionally capable efforts similar to his older brother. So consequences of his wholesomeness will be similar to those of his older brother.
  • Therefore, in this life, he should intend to pursue perfection better than before.

  • When your youngest son was 7 years-old, he dreamt that Luang Pu visited him at his home. This was a wholesome mental object influenced by wholesomeness that he followed his parents to accrue merits with Dhammakaya community.

9)  In the last Buddha aeon, your teaching monk was a soldier of a king who ordained. He ordained to follow the king, and had duties to spread Dhamma his entire life time. His meditation progress was at the level that he attained inner Dhammakaya and survived to return back to special merit zone of the fourth level of heaven [Tusita]. He came down to pursue perfection both the times.
  • He made a wish to be a leader of spreading Dhamma, and he used to be virtuous friend to your family before.

    10) The feeling that you want to be a man so that you can ordain in Buddhism came up when you saw your son’s teaching monk in Prajeenburi province because the teaching monk had preached you before about harms of being householder in the past life and this inspires you to feel like that.
    • If you really want to be like that, you should serve your husband like an angel and try to observe 8 precepts every quarter moon day. Once you have accrued all merits, and then make a wish to be a man. It is possible that your wish will come true.

    11) Your husband has accrued merits with you every time and financially supports your meritorious projects. As a consequence of his actions, he will receive all merits with you and these merits will completely demolish your poverty blueprint as well as create wealthy blueprint at a certain level in this life.
    • Since we have met each other in this life, therefore you must try to pursue perfection in all merits with fullest efforts and make a wish to follow the Dhammakaya community to Tusita (fourth level of heaven), in the special merit zone – bodhisatta as well as do not be apart from each other again.

    Case study in real life

    The Law of Kamma (Pali:Compared to "Karma" in Sanskrit) segment or "Case Study" is one of the prominent sections on the Dream in Dream kindergarten program, conducted by the Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh, also known as, Luang Phaw Dhammajayo of the Dhammakaya Temple in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand.

    Each individualized "Case Study" is based on the timeless Law of Kamma (the Law of Cause and Effect) which examines the reasons for many situations and complex inter-relationships people find themselves in. Viewers from around the world write personal letters to Luang Phaw wanting to understand the karmic reasons for many special circumstances in their life.

    This program is not intended to convert anyone to Buddhism or any other religions persuasion. Rather the goal is to help spread genuine peace, happiness and understanding here in Thailand and around the world. By first discovering and cultivating inner peace within ourselves through meditation, we can help spread love and kindness outward, helping to make our world a better place for everyone.

    Tag : peace  case study  


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