Selling Poverty

My brother in law had kidney failure, but he did not want to have treatment because he wanted to save money to make donations for the kathin ceremony at the hometown temple. He said that my sister wanted to make a donation for this kathin ceremony but she died before she could do it. He was afraid that when he wanted to make a donation, he would also die before having the opportunity. Why is it so difficult to make this merit? "You can see that we have to make merit quickly. We should not wait."

Dhamma Articles > Case studies
[ Jan 15th, 2007 ] - [ read : 18275 ]
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Selling Poverty

With my respect to Luang Phaw
I came to know this temple in 2538 BE.  My niece is my Kalyanamitta (good friend). She persuaded me to donate for building my own Dhammakaya statue.  I had goose bumps all over my body when I heard about this possibility and I donated right away. Since then, I have come to know Luang Phaw and the team.  Right now I am a student at Kindergarten school via Dhamma Satellite. My niece asked me to do it so I can learn the law of kamma.

I came from the Kalasin province. My family had a business selling chicken eggs and duck eggs.  I have five children. My fourth son lived a short life.  He died from drowning in 2521 BE along with two of his friends.

My eldest daughter is a good child. She makes merit at full strength according to tradition such as helping build the main chapel and donating bags of rice to the temple in my neighborhood.  She likes to donate to charities such as buying coffins for the Poh Teck Tung foundation, etc.  Moreover, she is grateful to her parents. She asked me to retire from my work and stay home and she would pay for all my living expenses.

After she got married, she had a business of selling eggs and selling life insurance.  She was doing well and advanced to a high rank in the company as she was active, chatty, humble and diligent.  

At the same time, she also had a second job selling illegal lottery tickets.  Some played the lottery until they were broke.  They became lottery sellers, "selling poverty".   After some time, she was later caught by the police because she sold illegal lottery tickets.  She then opened a grocery store instead.  It was a wholesale grocery store.  Her business was successful.  She was successful with every business with which she got involved.  Then she opened a liquor refinery.  One month after she opened this business, on December 2nd, 2547 BE at 5 pm, three men in a white pickup truck came to see my daughter. They forced her and her secretary to get out of her car.  There was a big fight and the men kidnapped her and her secretary.  They were forced into the men’s white truck, which then ran away.

I filed a police report, but it seemed that there was no progress on the case. I tried to trace my daughter by myself. Whatever merit people told me to do, I would do.  I sought refuge until I learned the law of Kamma from DMC. I found that there are many people who are in the same situation as my daughter. I then had Dhamma as my refuge.  Every morning I would make alms offering. Every Buddhist holy day I would go to the temple to make all kinds of merit such as praying and taking precepts. I always made a wish for my daughter and dedicated merit to her.  I have been in merit everyday.   

My eldest brother was the head of public health of the city. He was a government officer with C7 rating. He was kind and generous. He helped take care of his brothers and sisters. After he retired, he would go to the temple to take the precepts on every Buddhist holy day. He was very proud that he was the head of the kathin ceremony at his hometown temple in 2548 B.E.  He died of gallbladder failure at the age of 68.

When my brother was enlisted in the army as a soldier, he fell in love with a lady from the Ubolrachathani province.  When he finished his term, he came back to open a restaurant and form a band in the Kalasin province. He loved his family and made merit according to tradition. He liked to help out with any meritorious activity. He was loved by his friends.  Because of this, he had to attend many parties where he had a lot to drink.  He also died of gallbladder failure at age of 51.

My elder sister finished only forth grade. Her parents wanted her to help at the farm.  At the same time, she also worked as hairdresser and sold dessert and rice soup to earn money to support her brothers and sisters.  They all graduated and worked for the government. Thus, she was like our second father and mother.  After she got married, she earned a living from farming and selling. She had six children.

My sister’s youngest daughter is now working for the temple. She is the kalyanamitta for my family and me.  She persuaded my sister and me to attend several meritorious ceremonies.  Although my sister had great pain from cervical cancer, she still attended ceremonies such as the ceremony of casting the great Buddha Statue, the ceremony of casting the golden statue of Khun Yay, and the ceremony of installing the first piling for the Memorial Hall of Phramongkolthepmuni.

The day that my sister was about to die, my niece played the preachings of Luang Phaw.  My niece told her to recall the merit that she made with the Dhammakaya temple, to think of Luang Phaw and to recall the ceremonies that she had attended.   When she passed away, she clenched her fists tightly. After she passed away, people had many dreams about her. My son-in-law had a dream that she came to see him and asked him to take her to Dhammakaya temple.   

My brother-in-law was responsible. He liked to make alms offering every morning. He made merit according to tradition and always helped his friends and cousins.

He had kidney failure, but he did not want to have treatment because he wanted to save money to make donations for the kathin ceremony at the hometown temple. Many people asked him to get treatment but he refused. He said that with or without treatment, he will die anyway. So he did not want to get treatment.  He said that my sister wanted to make a donation for this kathin ceremony but she died before she could do it. He was afraid that when he wanted to make a donation, he would also die before having the opportunity. Why is it so difficult to make this merit?  "You can see that we have to make merit quickly. We should not wait."  

My brother-in-law tried to live on.  His health got better. He could eat, laugh and smile. It was like a miracle. He was so happy that he would live until the kathin ceremony.  He would put the kathin flag himself.  The kathin ceremony would be on October 21st and 22nd, but he did not live until that day. He died one month before the ceremony. At that time he was 63 years old. His relatives and friends made the kathin donation at the hometown temple on behalf of him.

My niece and others had collected money to make a donation on his behalf in the amount of 10,000 baht for 122 years of Phra Mongkol Tepmuni. The remaining money was donated to the kathin ceremony of Dhammakaya on bahalf of my brother-in-law and my sister.

I have the following questions:

1.    What is the retribution that my daughter and her secretary were kidnapped?  How did they have joint retribution with those three men? When did this retribution start? What should we do to end this retribution?

2.    Are my daughter and her secretary still alive? If they died, what are their lives after death like? Why do I always have dreams about them? How does the merit that I made for her, such as building a Dhammakaya statue, help her?  Does she have a message for me?  Were we mother and daughter in the past life?

3.    Where did my forth son who drowned go after death?  Did he receive the merit that I dedicated to him?

4.    What is the retribution that my eldest brother and younger brother have such that they both died of kidney failure?  How have they been since their death? Where did they go after death?  Did they receive the merit that relatives dedicated to them?  How did the merit that he was the head of a kathin ceremony help him?  Does he have a message for us?  

5.    What is the retribution that my sister had cervical cancer?  Has the retribution almost ended?  Where did she go after death? Why did she hold her fists tightly when she died?  What is her state of being after death?  Many people had dreams about her. Is it true that she appears in their dream?

6.    What is the retribution that my brother-in-law had kidney failure and refused to get treatment?  What is the kamma that prevented him from making merit for the kathin ceremony?  What is his state of being after death?  Did he go to see his daughter who works at the Dhammakaya temple?  Does he have a message for us?

7.    How does the merit that he saved money for kathin ceremony instead of getting treatment help him?  How is helped by the merit that his children and relatives finished for him?

8.    My niece dedicated her life to perform perfection at the temple to help my sister and brother-in-law to advance to a better state.  How did this merit help them?

9. What will be the merit that my niece will build a pagoda to keep ashes from the bones of my sister and brother-in-law so descendants can pay homage to them?  

10.    My nephew who is the son of my brother got ordained at a funeral and did not want to leave the monkhood. His parents had to ask him to leave the monkhood to go to school.  Why did he want to get ordained? Is it because he got ordained and performed perfection with the team in the past?

11.    Did I, my sister or my brother-in-law perform perfection with Laung Phaw in the past?  What was my meditation experience in the past?  How did I and my niece relate to each other in the past? Was she a daughter of my sister and brother-in-law in the past?

Luang Phaw's Dream

I closed my eyes, dreamed and woke up with these answers.
When you tell anybody the story like a tale, it will make anyone know more about retribution (Law of Kamma)

1.  Your daughter and her secretary were kidnapped because in the past they were born as a man who did a lot of business. Her secretary was her secretary in that past life too.  One day this secretary hired a hitman to kidnap his opponent, kill him and make him disappear without a trace. This retribution takes effect in this life.  Those three men were their opponents in the past.  The starting point of this retribution is from those actions in the past.

  • In this present life, it is due to the conflict of benefits provided by the liquor refinery.
  • To end this retribution, both of them have to resolve it by themselves.
2.  Your daughter and her secretary have died already. They passed away with dull minds because they were angry with those who killed them and because of their kamma from building a liquor refinery. 
  • They went to the 5th level of great Hell. They were pulled up from a pond filled with black hot liquid acid by a hell officer. Both are vomiting such that they are covered with vomit.  They try to get away. The hell officer feeds them with acid until they die. Then they are thrown back to the acid pond.
  • ตายแล้วด้วยใจที่เศร้าหมอง   เพราะความโกรธแค้นคนที่มาทำร้าย   รวมทั้งกรรมที่สร้างโรงกลั่นสุรา   จึงทำให้นำไปสู่ “มหา-นรกขุม  5”  ,  กำลังโดนนายนิรยบาลจิกหัวขึ้นมาจากบ่อที่เต็มไปด้วยน้ำกรดสีดำร้อนแรง   ที่ทั้งคู่อาเจียนออกมาจนท่วมตัว   แล้วกำลังตะเกียกตะกายหนี  ,  โดยเอากระบวยตักน้ำกรดนั้นกรอกใส่ปากทั้งคู่จนตายอยู่บนฝั่งนั้น  ,  แล้วจับโยนลงไปในบ่อซ้ำ ๆ ซาก ๆ ทุกข์ทรมานมากจ่ะ !  

  • They are in great suffering and cannot receive any merit. The merit you dedicate to them is waiting for them in Purgatory.
  • In the past, you and your daughter used to be mother and daughter.
3.  Your forth son drowned because in the past life, while he was playing with his friends, he pushed his friend into a rapid river and his friend drowned because he could not swim. This retribution took effect.
  • After he died, he was born as a human. But he has not drowned because the retribution is mostly diminished. The same thing has happened in many past lives.
  • He cannot receive merit.  And he does not have a message for you.
4.  Your eldest brother and younger brother died of gallbladder failure. This is because in the past they were brothers and were born to an agricultural family. They had an animal farm, sold the animals to slaughter houses and sometimes killed animals for food. Both had bad tempers. When they were angry, they were violent. They did not forgive those they were angry with. Sometimes they took revenge. As a result, they had short lives and died because of that illness.


  • After they passed away, the eldest brother became a handsome deity and had a golden mansion in the 3rd phase of Tavatimsa (2nd level of heaven). This is due to the merit that he made in Buddhism and the merit that he helped others. 
  • Your younger brother became an earth deity in the Naga group due to the merit he did according to tradition and the demerit of drinking alcohol. Both received the merit that you dedicated to them and this raised their state of being. Both are happy that you dedicate merit to them and want to thank you.
5.  Your sister had cervical cancer. This is because of the demerit that she had an animal farm, sold them to slaughter houses and killed them for food.  In addition to this, she had an adultery demerit in the past. It took effect in this life.

  • After she passed away, she wandered around, so people had dreams about her. The reason that she held her fists tightly after she died is because she was still worried about her family.  Later, she received merit that her daughter dedicated to her regularly.  As a result, she became a beautiful Gandhabba (celestial musician) with a high rank and is living in Catummaharajika (1st level of heaven)
6.  Your brother-in-law had kidney failure and refused to get treatment. He had kidney failure because of the demerit that he gave high interest business loans.  In addition to this, he also had demerits from killing animals for food and for sale. It took effect in this life.
  • He refused to get treatment because he had a meritorious mind and wanted to save money to make merit.
  • He died with his mind full of the merit that he did regularly and the merit he made during his final time. 
  • After he died, he woke up in the golden mansion of the 2nd phase of Tavatimsa (2nd phase of heaven)
    He did not appear in the dreams of anyone. 
  • He did not appear in the dreams of anyone. 
  • He did not go to see his daughter who works at the temple.
  • He is excited with his golden treasure and rejoices in merit and appreciates the ones who dedicate merit to him.

7.  Your brother-in-law saved money to use for his treatment but used it to make merit for the kathin ceremony at his hometown temple. As such, it caused him to become a handsome deity with a golden mansion in the 2nd phase of Tavatimsa (2nd phase of heaven).

8.  Your sister and brother-in-law receive merit that your niece dedicates directly to them and also receives merit from her performing perfection at the temple.  It raises their state of being. But it dose not raise them to a higher level of heaven. They still live in the same level but have more heavenly treasure.

9. Your niece wants to make a pagoda to keep the ashes from the bones of your sister and brother-in-law so that descendants can pay homage to them. 
  • The result of this merit is that she will have grateful, obedient children and a united family.  But it is not as good as dedicating merit making in Buddhism.  They will recieve it directly.
  • The building of pagoda is only a hidden strategy to persuade descendants to pay homage to the ashes and make merit at the temple.
  • The important thing is to teach the descendants to perform perfection and dedicate merit to them.

10.  The nephew who is the son of your younger brother  was ordained at a funeral and did not want to leave the monkhood. His parents had to ask him to leave the monkhood and go to school.  This is because your nephew has a long ordination plan with the team and in general.

11.  You, your sister and your brother-in-law used to perform perfection with the team as provisional support according to their emotions. As such, sometimes you met the team and sometimes you didn't.  If you want to meet the team in every life, you have to perform more perfection than this and make a resolution to follow the team.
  • As for your meditation experience, you did it occasionally, so you sometimes had clear vision and sometimes had bright vision. In this life, you should be determined to meditate more regularly. 
  • Your niece used to be kalyanamitta (good friend) to everyone in your family.
  • In the recent past life, she was not born as your niece or the daughter of your sister and brother-in-law. 
  • But in the distant past life, she used to be. 
  • We met each other in this life. You should be determined to perform perfection in all kinds of merit and make a resolution to follow the team to the special zone of Bodhisatta in Tusita (4th level of heaven). We shall miss each other until then.

Case study in real life

The Law of Kamma (Pali:Compared to "Karma" in Sanskrit) segment or "Case Study" is one of the prominent sections on the Dream in Dream kindergarten program, conducted by the Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh, also known as, Luang Phaw Dhammajayo of the Dhammakaya Temple in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand.

Each individualized "Case Study" is based on the timeless Law of Kamma (the Law of Cause and Effect) which examines the reasons for many situations and complex inter-relationships people find themselves in. Viewers from around the world write personal letters to Luang Phaw wanting to understand the karmic reasons for many special circumstances in their life.

This program is not intended to convert anyone to Buddhism or any other religions persuasion. Rather the goal is to help spread genuine peace, happiness and understanding here in Thailand and around the world. By first discovering and cultivating inner peace within ourselves through meditation, we can help spread love and kindness outward, helping to make our world a better place for everyone.


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