Super Perfection Pursuer

What did my mother do which causes her to love merit accumulation so much and had the chance to make merit with Luang Pu when he was still alive? What deed makes her, at the last period of her life, suffer with blood pressure, rheumatoid, thyroid and makes her tumble so many times that her ankles are no longer strong which obstruct her from coming to the temple? What retribution makes her not to have gum edge which causes her to be unable to wear false teeth, so it is difficult for her to eat and defecate?

Dhamma Articles > Case studies
[ Jan 30th, 2007 ] - [ read : 18271 ]
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Super Perfection Pursuer

Dear Luang Phaw whom I respect the most,

            I am a perfection pursuer of the pioneer generation, and I have walked on this virtuous path since my very young age because of my mother. I have got the chance to accumulate merit since at Paknam Bhasicharoen Temple until Dhammakaya Temple. I sacrifice my life to make merit with my mother, not only do I make it myself, but I also invite others to make merit with me.  

        In these recent years, I haven’t got any chance to come to the temple because my mother can no longer come here; therefore, I have to take close care of her. Nonetheless, I still do not allow myself to miss any merit. I give somebody money and ask him to make merit for me. It is greatly fortunate that Dhamma satellite is created which gives me the chance to listen to Dhamma through the Dhamma satellite. Presently, I am a student of Dream in Dream Kindergarten. Today, I send my case to ask for Luang Phaw’s mercy to please dream about my story.

        I have 5 siblings, and I am the 2nd child. Formerly, my parents ran a dry cleaning business. Our family is generous and likes to make merit starting from my grandparents, my parents and us, their children. Since I started memorizing thing, I could remember that my mother liked to make merit at Paknam Bhasicharoen Temple. And when she went to the temple, she never forgot to bring my grandfather and us with her. Back then, Venerable Luang Pu Sod was still alive.

        After Luang Pu had passed away, my mother still kept pursuing perfection with Khun Yay at Dhammaprasit House since year 1963 (B.E.2506). I got the chance to support the ordination of both Luang Phaws at Paknam Temple. Afterwards, Khun Yay built Dhammakaya Temple and moved here, so my mother brought my grandfather and us here as well, to continue pursuing perfection with her. So our generation is called the pioneer.

        We took a part of building the chapel, the fences, depositing the boundary marking stones at the temple’s front gate, building Catummaharajika pavilion, informing people to support casting the principle Buddha image in the chapel, concreting the chapel, its fences and the 8-direction poles of the boundary marking stones. I have participated with every merit and never ever miss even a single merit throughout 40 years.

        Until the temple was extended to 2,000 Rais (3,200,000 Square Meters), I partially built the thatched Sapha Dhammakaya Hall, bought the land until this present Great Sapha Dhammakaya Hall is established, built 3 principle poles of Dhmmakaya Cetiya, cast 100 personal Dhamma images and invited other people to cast more than 100 personal Buddha images. We also attended the merit of casting Luang Pu’s golden statue. To make this merit, my mother donated 1000-kilogram gold. Besides, I donated 250,000 Baht (about $7143 when $1=35 Thai Baht) to build Luang Pu’s Vihara. I also perform a great number of merits. These are all my merits.

        At the beginning, when the merit of permanent millionaire was not set up, my mother would invite people to buy sacks of dry rice and sugar to offer to the temple. At the first Sunday of each month, she would put rice into food carrier to offer monks at the temple. Until later, the merit of permanent millionaire was set up, my mother then makes this merit every month a without missing even a single month up to this present time.

        Since she has turned 70s, many diseases come to her, e.g. blood pressure, Rheumatoid and Thyroid. She also tumbles so many times that her legs become weak and has to sit in a wheelchair to come to the temple. However, she still laments that only if she were stronger, she could do more works for the temple. The latest time she came to the temple was the merit of 3000 delights. After that, she could not come to the temple anymore.

        Presently, she is 78 years old and starting being forgetful. She can barely eat because she has lost all of her lower teeth and her gum does not have an edge which does not allow her to have false teeth. After finishing food, she would only lay down. It is also difficult for her to defecate, so I have to take close care of her.

        After coming to the temple with my mother persistently for tens of years, my grandfather suffered from diabetes at his old age and passed away when he was 80 years old.

        My father likes to make merit. He usually offered food to monks on alms-round in front of the house, but he also liked to worship the Chinese gods. He was always healthy and liked to travel by himself around Bangkok to buy some trifling things for the house. One day, he was found tumbling in China town. Back then, he was 80s years old. The person who found him brought him to a hospital. 

        From then on, he became weak. We, children, could not take care of him because we all were busy, and I had to take care of my mother, so he was sent to a nursing home. Later, he spoke incoherently and became indistinct. He often saw that Chinese gods and goddesses that he worshiped before visited him. The doctor mentioned that these symptoms happened because of the incident that he tumbled, so he needed a head surgery to have liquid removed. We consulted each other whether we should give him a surgery because he was already old, and we were scared that we would lose him.

        But before we got the conclusion, one day, he sat in bed with legs down and inserted them into the bed’s side metal. I have no clue how he did, but that broke his legs. Hence, the doctor made a judgment that he must get 2 treatments at once, i.e. a head surgery to remove the liquid in his head and a leg surgery to place metal into his legs. After the surgeries, he was safe and could regain some memory skill. Presently, he is 92 years old, and his memory is a lot worse. He cannot remember what he wants to remember, and cannot forget what he wants to forget.

        And he barely agrees to walk. He cannot defecate and still under the control of the nursing home. My grandmother was generous and liked to make merit. She loves her descendants so much and was even nice to other people. At her 70s years of age, in an evening, while she was standing talking to the neighbor in front of the house, unexpectedly, she felt like something speedily came into her body, and she then started having pains at both side of her hip. The pains were so torturing that she could not stand them.

        My mother invited a doctor in the same neighborhood to give her an injection. The doctor said “She is addicted to morphine.” even though she never got involved with any drug. My mother took her to a hospital. A nurse gave her a small pill. After taking that pill, my grandmother told my mother that “The doctor gave me a wrong medication.”, and she then asked my mother to find some morning glories to pound with brown sugar and squeeze it for the liquid and then let her have that liquid in order to eliminate the medication. But because it was late at night, my mother had no clue where to find them, so my grandmother did not have the chance to drink morning glory liquid. Throughout that whole night, she complained that she was tired and kept standing up and sitting down repeatedly. In the next morning, she passed away.

        When my eldest brother was small, my mother held him and gave him a bath. But due to being her first child, she did not really know the correct way to give a bath to a baby. Water got into his ears for many times, so when he grows up, his both ears can barely hear. He got many surgeries, but the symptom does not get better.

        This brother of mine is nice. He loves his parents and siblings. He got a chance to further education overseas, and when he finished it and came back to Thailand, he paid attention to his work and helped our mother to support his siblings’ education. He is tender and very nice to people. Even to a friend that nobody wants to associate with, he still associates with him. To himself, he is fugal; but to others, he loves to help them. He is really a wonderful brother.

        Because of this behavior, he was asked by his friend to stand surety for him. After the transaction, that friend ran away, so my brother had to take this responsibility and was sued which was so bad that he might be bankrupted. Up to now, this lawsuit is still unfinished.

        My youngest sister was a very cute girl who liked to make merit like our mother. Whenever she saw our mother’s friends visiting our house, she would know spontaneously that those ladies must invite our mother to make merit for sure. Therefore, she got closer to them to listen to their conversation and follow our mother to make merit every time. She paid homage to the triple gems without being told. Nevertheless, she had the chance to accumulate merit until she was only 5 years old because she passed away by dengue fever after only 9 days of sickness.

        My uncle is a retired government official. He is very clean and very methodical even the way he parks must be specific. Well…safety always comes first for him.

        When he is 50s, he starts getting worried about everything. Before going somewhere, he has to turn around undecidedly because he is scared that he might forget something. But he likes to make merit and makes every merit my mother tells him. His health is not good because he has suffered with asthma since his childhood. After getting married, he does not have any child.
        His wife liked to make merit by giving alms to people. At first, she was healthy, but she later suffered from thyroid and socialized with people who liked spiritual incarceration which caused her to be interested in it like her friends. She traveled to many places to visit mediums until she afterwards got a mental problem which changed her behavior. She gibbered, liked to wear old and dirty clothes like an unaware person. She liked to smoke a lot and said that she was incarcerated by a spirit. My uncle took her to a hospital for a treatment, but when she came back home, these symptoms came back to her and never go away. Presently, she is taken care of by my uncle.

1.  What retribution caused my father to tumble which caused him to speak incoherently and become indistinct, and he had to get a head surgery to have the liquid in his head removed? And what retribution broke his legs, so he had to get 2 surgeries together? What retribution does he have which causes him to be unable to live in his own house at the last period of his life, but he has to live in a nursing home?
2.  What did my mother do which causes her to love merit accumulation so much and had the chance to make merit with Luang Pu when he was still alive? What deed makes her, at the last period of her life, suffer with blood pressure, rheumatoid, thyroid and makes her tumble so many times that her ankles are no longer strong which obstruct her from coming to the temple? What retribution makes her not to have gum edge which causes her to be unable to wear false teeth, so it is difficult for her to eat and defecate?

3. What merit did I make with her which causes me to be able to accumulate with my mother since my young age? What retribution obstructs me from going to the temple for years because I have to take care of my mother?

4. Where did my grandfather go after he died? Did he receive the merit transferred to him?

5. Why did my grandmother feel like something speedily came into her body? Was it related to the pains at her hip? What retribution gave her pains at her hip?

6.  Why did the doctor in my neighborhood say that my grandmother was addicted to drugs? Did the nurse really give her the wrong medicine? If she really did, what retribution caused it? What made her tired and keep sitting down and standing up repeatedly throughout the whole night? Was it because she took the wrong medicine or something else? What was the reason behind her death? Where did she go after she died? Did she receive the merits transferred to her?

7. What retribution caused water to come into my brother’s ears which makes them partially lose their hearing ability, and he had to get many surgeries, but he still does not get better? What retribution took action which caused him to be tricked by his friend until he was sued for bankruptcy even though he is a nice guy, and this lawsuit is still unfinished up to now?

8.   What did my youngest sister do in her past life which gave her a beautiful appearance and merit-loving habit since her very young age? What retribution caused her to pass away with dengue fever when she was only 5 years old? Where did she go after she died? Did she receive the merit transferred to her?

9. What retribution causes my uncle to suffer with asthma and bad health since his young age? Why does he have a very clean and orderly behavior until he gets worried about everything? To a person who gets worried easily and is sentimental, and his brain is never lacking of thoughts even when he sleeps, he can still dream the whole night, and that makes him tired as if he does not get enough sleep, does it happen because of drinking retribution?

10. Why don’t my uncle and his wife have a child? What did they do in their past which causes him to have to take care of his wife who suffers with neurosis?

11. My right ankle is very inflamed. Sometimes it delivers a sudden pain, sometimes the pain disappears, sometimes it comes back, and sometimes the pain occurs unexpectedly when I only sit still. What retribution causes it? How can I solve it?

12. How did my mother and I pursue perfection with our merit-making group? How were our meditation experiences? How did my siblings pursue perfection with our merit-making group? Our mother spends the money they give her every month to make merit. What fruits will they get, and will they be mother and children again?



            Thanks a lot to Luang Phaw whom I respect the most.

Dream in Dream

I closed my eyes to dream coherently and woke up with a yawn to tell you a tale.

1. Your father tumbled which made him later gained the symptom that he spoke incoherently and became indistinct until he had to get a head surgery to remove liquid in his head. He legs were broken, so they had to get surgeries together because, in one life, when he was a teenager, he fought with another teenager group. In that incident, he hit his foe’s legs with a log until they became broken. He also pounded his foe’s head until it became severely injured. These retributions took action together.
  • At the last period of your father’s life, he has to live in a nursing home because he, in his past life, did not perform many meritorious actions, so he is lacking of merit about taking care of his parents. The present life is close to his past pictures that he only sent money to his parents and did not visit them himself because he was busy working.

2. Your mother likes to accumulate merit so much and had the chance to make merit with Luang Pu when he was still alive because she has had a meritorious relation with Luang Pu and the merit-making group for lives. Also, she liked to make wishes after performing meritorious actions to meet Luang Pu and every great master. Her place is in the provisions division.
  • At the last period of your mother’s life, she suffers with blood pressure, rheumatoid, thyroid and tumbles so many times that her ankles become weak which obstruct her from coming to the temple because she, in her past life, killed petty animals for many times and in many lives. These retributions take action together and cause her to suffer with many diseases at the last period of her life.

  • She does not have gum edge, so she cannot use false teeth. This gives her difficulties to eat and defecate. It is because of her own speech retribution in her past life. In one life, when she was a kid, she liked to gossip her grandparents and old relatives who taught her. Besides, she, in that life, was stubborn and tough to the senior people who were mentioned. These retributions take action together which gives her a difficulty to defecate as well.


3. You and your mother have made merit since your very young age because you both, in your past, were mother and child. You made merit with our merit-making group before and made wishes carefully to make merit since your very young age with your mother.
  • That you have to take care of your mother which obstructs you from coming to the temple for years is not because of any retribution. It is just your special merit that you get the chance to take care of your mother for years. Even though you have not come to the temple for years, you still do not miss any single merit. And the merit that you take care of your mother bears these brief fruits, i.e. you will be born in a family that takes good care of you, your life will be prosperous and never goes down, your descendants will listen to you and take good care of you like what you are doing now.

4. After your grandfather died, he became a handsome male angel owning a gold heavenly mansion in phase 2 of Tavatimsa (the 2nd level of heaven) due to the merits he made in Buddhism. Receiving the merits transferred to him, he gains more heavenly property.
5. That your grandmother felt like something speedily came into her body was only her imagination because she was worried. But actually, nothing got into her body. It was only a symptom of the disease.
  • Your grandmother’s hip was inflamed and painful because she, in her past life, liked to punish her servants by hanging them with crossbeams and hit their hips hard with some wood due to her anger in order to punish them for their guilt.

6. That the doctor at your neighborhood said that your grandmother was addicted to drugs which caused the nurse to give her the wrong medication was because of her own retribution from the same past life. In that life, a slave in her house was sick, and she diagnosed the sickness by herself and gave that slave a wrong medication until that slave’s symptom turned worse and he later passed away.
  • She was tired and kept sitting down and standing up repeatedly throughout the whole night because she took the wrong medication, and the fire element in her body was destroyed because her life had come to the end.
  • After your grandmother died, she was around for 7 days and later became a beautiful female angel owning a gold heavenly mansion in phase 2 of Tavatimsa (the 2nd level of heaven) due to merits she regularly made in Buddhism. Receiving merits transferred to her, she gains more heavenly property.


7. Water got into your eldest brother’s ears which destroyed their hearing ability, and he had to get many surgeries, but nothing turned better, because he, in his past life, did not listen to his parents when they taught him or told him to do works.
  • Your eldest brother is a nice guy, but he had to be tricked by his friend until he was sued for bankruptcy, and this lawsuit is still unfinished up to now because he, in his past life, also borrowed somebody’s money and did not pay it back. He had his friend get some loan for him, and he did not make a payment until that friend had to take this responsibility. This incident does not match his present good deeds, but it matches his mentioned past deed.


8. Your youngest sister was good-looking and liked to make merit since her very young age because she performed meritorious actions in Buddhism in her past life, and that gave her beautiful appearance and good parents who recommended her to walk on the virtuous path. Besides, she herself likes to walk on this path too.
  • But she passed away when she was 5 years old due to dengue fever because she, in one past life, liked to kill baby animals, e.g. baby pigs, baby ducks, baby chickens, calves for food.
  • After death, she is already reincarnated as a human, so she cannot receive merit.

9. Your uncle has suffered from asthma and bad health since when he was first born because he, in his past life, liked to torture animals, e.g. making them work too much, teasing kittens and puppies for many times, especially, he liked to throw baby chickens into water to see if they could swim like baby ducks or not.
  • He is so orderly and clean that he becomes worried about everything because of his past deeds, i.e. mental deed that he liked to think about wicked things, speech deed that he liked to speak bad things, methodic habit and the habit that he liked to catch others’ faults. These are principle retribution. Drinking retribution is only a supportive retribution. A person who gets worried so easily that he cannot sleep easily and tightly throughout the whole night until he becomes tired is affected by drinking retribution as a supportive retribution.
10. Your uncle and his wife do not have a child because your uncle, in his past life, liked to eat eggs which had chicken that hens were hatching due to the thought that they were elixir or tonic.
  • He has to take care of his wife who suffers from neurosis because they both have drinking retribution from their past lifetime. Especially, your uncle liked to give others alcohol as a gift. These retributions take action together.

11. Your right ankle is very inflamed, and the pain is on and off all the time because you, in your past life, liked to chain your servants to iron to punish them for their faults, so that they would be chastened.
  • To solve it, you need to accumulate every merit like donation, precept     observance and meditation and make a wish to be free from this retribution, as well as transfer merits to people whom you punished too.

12. You and your mother pursed perfection in the provisions division of our merit-making group persistently. You both could attain the clear crystal ball and the crystal Buddha image which was enough to bring you back to Tusita (the 4th level of heaven). Your siblings have meritorious relation with our merit-making group in the provisions division. Some of them made merit persistently, but some did not.
  • They gave your mother money, and she spends that money to make merit. The brief fruits they will get are they will become mother and children again and will have meritorious relation with our merit-making group. When the group comes back to the world again to pursue perfection, they will come to the world to pursue perfection with the group as well.
  • Since we have met again in this life, you need to pursue perfection with all your might and make a wish to follow our group to the special merit zone of Tusita, the land of Bodhisatta , and never stray away from our group.

Case study in real life

The Law of Kamma (Pali:Compared to "Karma" in Sanskrit) segment or "Case Study" is one of the prominent sections on the Dream in Dream kindergarten program, conducted by the Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh, also known as, Luang Phaw Dhammajayo of the Dhammakaya Temple in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand.

Each individualized "Case Study" is based on the timeless Law of Kamma (the Law of Cause and Effect) which examines the reasons for many situations and complex inter-relationships people find themselves in. Viewers from around the world write personal letters to Luang Phaw wanting to understand the karmic reasons for many special circumstances in their life.

This program is not intended to convert anyone to Buddhism or any other religions persuasion. Rather the goal is to help spread genuine peace, happiness and understanding here in Thailand and around the world. By first discovering and cultivating inner peace within ourselves through meditation, we can help spread love and kindness outward, helping to make our world a better place for everyone.


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