If You Do It, I Have To Do It, Too

Aunt Choop was the daughter of one of Luang Pu’s closest friends. She had the opportunity to help with the funeral for Luang Pu’s mother. She had always made desserts and offered the desserts and alms to Luang Pu. As soon as she learnt that Uncle Laum and Aunt La Aw would donate the land for the construction of the Memorial Hall of Phramongkolthepmuni, she promptly announced that, “ If you do it, I have to do it, too.” After Aunt Choop donated the land, she had been looking forward to the completion of the Memorial Hall. https://dmc.tv/a2013

Dhamma Articles > Case studies
[ Jan 31st, 2007 ] - [ read : 18279 ]
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If You Do It, I Have To Do It, Too
I pay my highest respect you to, Luang Phaw.
        We have been in a riveting state of alertness everyday since Luang Phaw kindly began the construction of the Memorial Hall of Phramongkolthepmuni at the Lotus Land (Luang Pu’s birthplace). As a representative of Luang Pu’s real descendents, I really appreciate Luang Phaw’s kindness, without knowing of a way to reciprocate.  In addition, I always feel night and day passing by, wanting to see the completed Memorial Hall while I am still alive. Many of Luang Pu’s descendents feel the same way. But unfortunately, one of them has just passed away at the young age of 93, too young to wait until the Memorial Hall is completed.  I would like to begin the story now.  

        Aunt Choop was the daughter of one of Luang Pu’s closest friends.  She was also a close friend of Aunt La Aw, who is Uncle Laum’s older sister. Aunt Choop was a person who faithfully respected Luang Pu.  She had the opportunity to help with the funeral for Luang Pu’s mother.  She had always made desserts and offered the desserts and alms to Luang Pu. As soon as she learnt that Uncle Laum and Aunt La Aw would donate the land for the construction of  the Memorial Hall of Phramongkolthepmuni, she promptly announced that, “ If  you do it,  I have to do it, too.” After Aunt Choop donated the land, she had been looking forward to the completion of the Memorial Hall. But with at the age of over 93, she was exhausted and sickly.  She just passed away this January 12, 2007.

        Aunt Choop never got married, so she lived with her brother and helped look after her nephews. She loved all her nieces and nephews, except for only one whom she hated so much that she could say, “I really hate you.”  It was her 3rd niece who liked to speak bluntly, quite often irritating her. Where ever Aunt Choop wanted to go, she would not bring this niece with her.  Whenever she gave things out, this niece would get less than anyone else.  One time, Aunt Choop went to see a psychic, the psychic said, “Do not hate her too much, at the end of your life, it is this niece who will take care of you.” This made Aunt Choop really angry and so she cursed that psychic.  But it did come true. Towards the end of her life, this 3rd niece was the one who brought Aunt Choop home and looked after her for more than 20 years, as if she was her mother until she passed away.  Although she knew that Aunt Choop really hated her, she never hated her in return. Instead, she loved her more and always was the one who took care of Aunt Choop until finally, Aunt Choop had turned to love her.

        The great-granddaughter was Aunt Choop’s most beloved one. She is only 10 years old but is a pitifully handicapped child who was born with a disabled left leg. She has gone through many operations since childhood, but is still unable to walk.  In addition, she is also an orphan. Her parent placed her in a box and abandoned her in a trash pile shortly after she was born.  Fortunately, the husband of Aunt Chop’s 3rd niece found her and adopted her as a daughter.  It seems really strange that since we began taking care of her, some energy causes every family member to love and care for her. This makes all the family members fall in love with her with all their hearts and take good care of her all the time. Who ever sees her wants to carry her.

        Grandmother Yaum held 2 positions. She was Aunt Choop’s sister and she was my uncle’s wife. Usually, Grandmother Yaum was the thriftiest person in the family. She also did not respect monks.  But after she had allowed her daughter to join the meditation retreat at Suan Bua, she asked her daughter, “You went to practice meditation according to Luang Phaw Wat Paknam’s teachings. What did you see?” Her daughter joyfully shared her inner experience and the happiness she had from attaining the Dhamma sphere and Buddha image within. She asked Grandmother Yaum for her consent to donate the golden necklace, which weighed 2 ounces, which she wore around her neck for the casting of Luang Pu’s golden image. Grandmother Yaum strongly believed in her and felt extremely delighted, since her daughter was quite an honest person.  She told her daughter that the necklace was old and had been used.  She went out to find a new gold bar weighing 2 ounces and brought the whole family to the temple to offer it to Luang Phaw herself.  This was the first time that Grandmother Yawm saw Luang Phaw. She was stunned by Luang Phaw majestic looks; her faith and confidence in Luang Phaw rose tremendously. Since then, she has become the main person in the family who persuades other people in the family to make donations at the Dhammakaya Temple regularly.  She has invited people to cast 30 Buddha Images and became one of the representatives in the Kathina Robe Offering Ceremony. She played a significant role in bringing together all the pieces of Luang Pu’s home land. She also donated her property for the construction of the Memorial Hall.

        Aside from her wholehearted merit-making, Grandmother Yaum had a love life filled with happiness with the greatest husband, Gandfather Pan.  He was my true uncle.  They both were like oxygen to each other.  They helped and cared for each other as if they were appointed to be on Earth for each other.    They were compared to a boat that is loaded with love and sailing, afraid of the wind’s power.  They gave each other faithful love. After they got married they never separated from each other.  The longest time they were apart was when they alternately meditated in Chiang Mai for 7 days at a time.  And with the love that he had for her, he never had any love for other women, even when other women gave him beautiful flowers.  He brought those flowers to her and told her the story of how he was given those flowers, to show the pure heart he had for her.  It is a normal condition on Earth that when there is a meeting, there is also a separation.  Towards the end of his life, he fell ill, but it wasn’t serious; he was just tired.  Of course, in all of his life of love, he had been running in her heart around the clock; so, becoming tired is normal.  In the end, death pulled them apart.  The death of Grandfather Pan made Grandmother Yaum very sad.  After he died, she made a lot of merit and dedicated it to him until the she passed away.  She fell ill and died at the age of 78.

        Aunt Samur is Luang Pu’s niece.  She loves and has great faith in Luang Pu. She was also proud and delighted that Luang Phaw had pounded the foundation piles in the making of Luang Pu's Memorial Hall and gave dedicated assistance in all of the construction.  This made her have more faith and want to make more merit with Luang Pu.  So, she gave great consideration and convenience in matters related to the estate, so that the Memorial Hall for Luang Pu could be built on its land.

I would like to ask Luang Phaw the following questions
1. What was Aunt Choop and Aunt La Aw’s relationship in their past life? Why are they close friends in this life and are an inspiration to each other to donate the land for the Memorial Hall? Why have both of them remained single?

2. How had Aunt Choop pursued perfections with Luang Pu in her past life, which had sent effects allowing her to live on the Lotus Land, and also had given her the opportunity to pursue perfections with Luang Pu?
3. What merit allowed Aunt Choop to live a long life? What kammar retribution caused her to hate her 3rd niece very much, although that niece ended up taking care of her in the latter part of her life? Where did Aunt Choop go after she passed away? How is she doing? Does she have a celestial castle close to Aunt La Aw’s?  

4. What
kammar retribution caused Aunt Choop’s great-granddaughter to be abandoned in the trash by her real parents? What was the relationship she had in her past life with the 3rd niece, the niece’s husband and Aunt Choop? What kammar retribution caused her left leg to be handicapped? Will she be cured? How can we correct it? What merit makes everyone love her?

5. What kammar retribution caused Grandmother Yaum to be stingy in the beginning of her life, but later believed and made a lot of merit in Buddhism? How had she pursued perfections with Luang Pu and Luang Phaw?

6. Why did Grandmother Yaum and Grandfather Pan love each other very much? What was their past relationship? Why did Grandfather Pan never cheat on Grandma Yaum? Is it because Grandmother Yaum does not have adultery kamma? If she does not have adultery kamma, why was she born a woman? Is there an example where a person does not have adultery kamma but is born as a woman?

7. Where did Grandma Yaum and Grandfather Pan go after they passed away? Did they get to be together?

8. What merit allowed Grandmother Yaum’s daughter to be born in a warm family where the parents love each other very much? What merit allowed Grandmother Yaum’s daughter to have a good inner experience although it was her first time practicing meditation?

9. What if you were born as a descendant of Luang Pu and have made merits with him in the past, but did not pursue perfections to your capability when you were alive. After you pass away, Luang Pu is kind enough to help rescue you to Tusita Heaven with the power of his Dhammakaya. In this situation, how long can you stay in Tusita Heaven? Is it possible for you to fall down to the former level of heaven? Will Luang Pu help you back up again?

10. If you simply think about providing convenience and assistance regarding the land to be used for the construction of Luang Pu’s Memorial Hall, what is the effect and scope of merit in the next life? If you think, act upon that thought, and invite others to do the same, what is the difference in the percentage of merit?

11. In donating to build the Memorial hall for Luang Pu, what is the difference in the effect of merit when you are Luang Pu’s blood descendant and when you are not his relative or descendant under the circumstance when money, level of belief and all other factors are the same?

12. How have Aunt Choop’s 3rd niece, her husband, her child and Grandmother Yaum’s daughter pursued perfections with the community? What were their meditation experiences?

13. Grandmother Yaum’s son is the person who is supervising the land grading and all the contracts for the construction of the Memorial Hall. How has he pursued perfections with Luang Pu, causing him to have the duty of working on this merit project? What will be the result of the merit?

I pay my highest respect to you.

Luang Phaw's Dream

I closed my eyes, dreamed and woke up with these answers.
When you tell anybody the story like a tale, it will make anyone know more about retribution (Law of Kamma)

1.    Aunt La Aw, made merits together with Luang Pu when he was a king. He had constructed an almshouse on this Lotus Land, although the land was much bigger than what we see now. They were both ladies, who were close friends, and helped oversee the donations made by the king on this piece of land.  This merit has made them remain together affectionately on this land.  The merit they have made with Lung Pu in that past life as officers in the almshouse inspired their deep faith and love for making merits with Luang Pu causing them to donate their land for the construction of the Memorial Hall.  
  • They were both single and tired of the marriage life because they both had husbands who committed adultery in their past lives and so, they made resolutions to be born single in the next life.

2.    Aunt Choop has made merits with the community and with Luang Pu in her past lives. She has always pursued perfections with the community whether or not she meets with Luang Pu.

3.    Aunt Choop had a long life because in her past life, she loved to offer medicine and was an officer who helped make donations in the almshouse of the previously mentioned king.  She also did not have any killing kammar retribution, giving her a long life. 
  • Aunt Choop hated her 3rd niece at the beginning, because this niece had been her child in their past lives. The niece loved to argue with Aunt Choop (who was her mother). Aunt Choop was always frustrated and tended to say to her, “Do not be born as my child in the next life.” But they have made merit together in that life and she was also the child who took good care of her until the end of her life, too. So in this life she was born as her niece because of that curse.  The previous plan she made in her past life caused her to look after Aunt Choop until she passed away. It is the 3rd niece’s new merit.

  • Aunt Choop died and became a beautiful angel with a golden castle in the special merit zone of Tusita Heaven, in the Bodhisatta area. Her golden castle is next to Aunt La Aw’s. At this moment, they both are meditating in the castle of the Great Monk (Maha Samana) Angel, in order to purify their inner Dhamma in the supporter zone.   

4.   The great-granddaughter was abandoned on the trash pile because in her past life, she was a wealthy man whose daughter fell in love and became pregnant by a village man. With anger, the wealthy man ordered his servants to chain up her daughter in the room until she delivered the baby. The baby was taken away and abandoned in a trash pile. The wealthy man kept his daughter chained up for year so that she could not run out to find her child.  This kammar retribution sent its effects.
  • In her past life, this great-granddaughter had been a relative of the 3rd niece. Aunt Choop and her husband had supported her. The kammar retribution of chaining up the daughter has made her handicapped.  She should accumulate every merit by being generous (dana), observing precepts (sila), and meditating (bhavana), and she should dedicate these merits to those persons she had taken advantage of. The serious kamma will lessen and the lesser kamma will disappear.  The merit from taking good care of her parents and relatives in her past lives has made everyone love her.

5.    Grandmother Yaum was stingy at the beginning, but in the end, had great faith in Buddhism, accumulated great merit, and   had faith in Luang Pu and the community because in her past life she pursued perfections in the Buddhist realm with the community, just like in this life.  But when she made merit, she did not make a resolution to have faith in Buddhism and to pursue perfections throughout her next life, so the stinginess occasionally has the chance to come in her mind.

6.    Grandmother Yaum and Grandfather Pan really love each other because they had been husband and wife, who loved each other, in many past lifetimes. They also have made merit together. Grandmother Yaum’s has very little adultery kamma left, causing her to have a husband who does not commit adultery and who does not think of committing adultery. Grandmother Yaum still has some leftover adultery kamma but there is very little, which is why she was born a woman. Also, she has not become bored with being a woman.
  • A person without kammar retribution from committing adultery can be born as a female. For example, the Lord Buddha’s mother who no longer had any remaining adultery retribution and had become a male angel in the Tusita Heaven, had a duty to come down as the mother of the Lord Buddha according to the resolution she made. 

7.   Grandmother Yaum and Grandfather Pan died and were reborn as angels in the same golden castle in the special merit zone of Tusita heaven, in the Bodhisatta area, because of the merit they have made together with love. Grandmother Yaum was a leader in making merit, while Grandfather Pan did not object, so they had to share the celestial wealth.

8.    Grandmother Yaum’s daughter was born in a warm, loving family, because she had taken good care of her parents and husband in her past life.
  • Grandmother Yaum’s daughter meditated for the first time and had a good inner experience result because the merit of meditation (bhavana) from the past life.

9.    Those who are born as Luang Pu’s descendents or have pursued perfections with Luang Pu in their past life, if they did not pursue perfections with all their might while Luang Pu was still alive, after they pass away, Luang Pu will use the power of Vijja Dhammakaya to help them be reborn in Tusita Heaven. Most of the people will be able to stay there, with the exception of those who have weak inner Dhamma. He helps purify the inner Dhamma of each person so that it is clean but each person must purify their inner Dhamma as well.   
  • Those who made some merit will have their own celestial castle. Those who made less merit will have to live with those who made some merit.
    To bring anyone up to Tusita heaven, Luang Pu will examine whether he can purify their inner Dhamma. If it is not possible, he will leave them where they are. If it is possible for him to help, he will purify their inner Dhamma and they will never fall down to the original level of Heaven.

10.    The merit that arises from “simply thinking,” about initiating the convergence of and opening the pathway for the construction of Luang Pu’s Memorial Hall  will cause one to have a comfortable life during childhood. 
  • But just thinking about it without acting upon it will cause one to experience hardship when one becomes an adult, since the real merit has not been made to support life.

  • It is like some people who are born in a wealthy family, but their life turns into one of hardship because there was no merit to support them, causing a disaster. 
  • If one has the thought, makes the merit, and more over, persuades others to make merits, one will become wealthier when one becomes an adult. And if one never regrets the merit one does, one will be wealthy throughout one’s life.

11.    In the case of having the same level of faithfulness, money, and other necessities for the construction of the Memorial Hall, but as Luang Pu’s descendent, the result of the merit will be different. One will gain the same basic fruits of physical appearance, material wealth, wisdom, and the attainment of the Dhammakaya, for example. But the difference is that the descendent will be born as Luang Pu’s descendent again.

12.    Aunt Choop’s 3rd niece, her husband, Aunt Choop’s great-granddaughter, and Grandma Yaum have all pursued perfections with the community and with Luang Pu. They were all supporters, not serious ones, because they think that, no matter what happens, Luang Pu will help them. This caused them not to be so wealthy. They have enough to get by.
  • Everyone has meditated and attained the Dhamma sphere and crystal Buddha image within, in their past lives.
13.    Grandmother Yaum’s son, who is supervising the land survey and the construction project for the Memorial Hall had pursued perfections with Luang Pu in his past life as a supporter, but not so seriously.
  • You should strongly intend to pursue perfections so that you can have a special merit connection with Luang Pu in your next life, and have the wealth to eliminate your plan of being poor and build up your plan to be wealthy and follow Luang Pu in every era when he is reborn.
  • Having met with the community in this life time, you should strongly intend to pursue perfections with all your might in every merit and make resolutions to follow the community to the special merit zone of Tusita heaven, in the Bodhisatta area. Do not allow yourself to stray.



Case study in real life

The Law of Kamma (Pali:Compared to "Karma" in Sanskrit) segment or "Case Study" is one of the prominent sections on the Dream in Dream kindergarten program, conducted by the Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh, also known as, Luang Phaw Dhammajayo of the Dhammakaya Temple in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand.

Each individualized "Case Study" is based on the timeless Law of Kamma (the Law of Cause and Effect) which examines the reasons for many situations and complex inter-relationships people find themselves in. Viewers from around the world write personal letters to Luang Phaw wanting to understand the karmic reasons for many special circumstances in their life.

This program is not intended to convert anyone to Buddhism or any other religions persuasion. Rather the goal is to help spread genuine peace, happiness and understanding here in Thailand and around the world. By first discovering and cultivating inner peace within ourselves through meditation, we can help spread love and kindness outward, helping to make our world a better place for everyone.


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