Perpetual Virtue Never Been Told - Part 1

He grew up in a perfect family. He was taught to have discipline and moral principles. He quite succeeded in his study and career. His life went into a politics and got many important positions in politics, such as minister in the prime minister’s office. People respected him as a “political advisor”

Dhamma Articles > Case studies
[ Feb 5th, 2007 ] - [ read : 18263 ]
Perpetual Virtue Never Been Told - Part 1

I pay respect to Luang Por,

     I am a new student of dream in dream kindergarten. I just started the class at the end of last year.  I like your smile in DMC. I am enjoying watching and listening to you. Usually I don’t like to listen to anyone, but everyone likes to listen to me. I listen to many other peoples’ case studies. So I like to send my own case.

I was born in Chiangmai. My father was a policeman. He was just a buffalo caretaker boy back then. He found his love and married my mother who was a high class lady. She was the daughter of the Governor of Chiangmai.  They have six children together - three boys and three girls. Sadly we lost one sister. I was the youngest son.

Our parents took the best care of us in every way. They taught us both discipline and moral principles. All of us had to observe five precepts daily and eight precepts every quarter moon. They lead us to do morning alms around every morning. I had a chance to do morning alms around with the highest respected monk and his group every day. I gave fragrant sweet rice in the banana leaf along with other food and bananas. My father also raised 400 ducks. When they lay eggs he would gave the eggs away to the poor. My father was a very generous man. He always helped people. He did not smoke or drink. He was a very honest man. He liked to go to the temple; he liked to chant and meditate. As a result, all of us picked up all of his good qualities. None of us drink nor smoke. And all of us did very well in school.

I was able to read since I was three by secretly studying when my father had both Thai and foreign tutors for my eldest siblings. Since then I entertained our worker by reading a story from the newspaper to them. From first grade to fourth grade I was the top of the class. I skipped school grades because I had very high scores. I was picked to study in the best school in the province.

When I took the examination to enter the university, my score was the top. I choose to study engineering at Chulalongkorn University. The leader took me in as an adopted son. I was one of the 15 genius students. I lived in the University, and I had many new friends. Later they became the most influential in the country. There I spent my time studying, and I was involved with many activities. But I did not get involved with drinking and smoking like the other students.  This was because my parents’ teachings were always in my heart. I used my time wisely, so I was very successful in many ways. So I was chosen to be the student president. I was in involved with soccer and basketball. After I graduated, I got a scholarship from the Thai government to study other branches of engineering in Great Britain, Germany and the U.S.A.

Every country I went to gave me good experiences - both personal and social. Many high ranking people were interested in my ability to do work with others. I used my knowledge and my ability to do work for society. I received an honorary law degree from the Sriphatum University and I got doctoral degree in Public Management from Philippines.

In my first job, I worked with electrical energy at the Department of Public and Municipal Works in the Sam Sane Branch. And later I work as a director of Northern Power. My life and my work were filled with joy. I was still the same as I was before. I did not smoke or drink. I still did morning alms and other merits as usual.  Now I am printing 100,000 copies of the “Manual of Peace” to give away with the intention to see people improve their lives through the teachings of the Lord Buddha. I built the modern electrical power system all over the country and I brought in electricity to 981 temples. I also fixed up the temples.
Later I entered politics in the year 1969 as the representative of Chiangmai province. I served for four terms. And I got many important positions in politics. Such as minister in the prime minister’s office, Deputy Minister of Agriculture and Co- operatives, and  Minister of the Bureau of Higher Education. Entering politics was a valuable experience. I was the consultant of many politicians for many terms.  So they respected me as a political advisor. I would be invited as a guest speaker both in Thailand and overseas. I also offered my knowledge to all classes of the people and to the monks and novices. With my passion to give knowledge, I support my younger generation to become teachers to produce a quality younger generation. I want the younger generation to be both a knowledgeable and a moral generation, so they will strengthen our nation and also the world. Like the old adage said, “If one did not share the knowledge, it is like a lamp running out of fuel”.


1. My father died at the age of 92. He died while meditating in the sitting position. He knew ahead of time that he was dying. He called for all his children and said good-bye. Then he passed away peacefully. Where is he and how is he now?   Does he have any message for me?   How did the fruit of the merits he did support him in life after death? He was a good-hearted person; he donated the land and money to build seven temples. He supported the building of many schools. He supported   1000 monks to ordain. He did morning alms around and did merit at the temples, chanting and mediating regularly. He also was a monk and studied Buddhism.

2. My mother passed away when she was 74 years old with cervical cancer. She knew she got cancer when she was 60 years. She healed herself by meditation; she did not have any other treatment. She did not complain about the pain for the 14 years that she was sick. What karmic retribution caused that? Where is she and how is she now? Does she have any message for me? Why was she born in a high class, rich and highly respected family? Why did she find my father who was poor? Will they be husband and wife in their next life? What kamma caused me to be born as their child who received the best from them?

3. What karmic retribution caused my oldest sister, whom I loved and was very close to, to die when she was only 30 years old? She died with cervical cancer even though she was never married. I took care of her when she was sick. I did not mind the strong odor. Where is she and how is she now?

4. When I was 3 years old, the worker held my hand and pressed it on the hot tar. It was painful and it caused my middle finger and ring finger to be attached together until now. And then when I was 22, I had an auto accident; the vehicle turned over and I was thrown out of the car and hit the ground.  I was unconscious several days, and the doctor found that I had a broken back.  I had to have an operation and pull my back.  I had to lie still for a year but luckily I got a foreign doctor who specialized in cases like mine. From then on I have had a problem with back pain. What was the karmic origin of the two problems that I had? Can I weaken this kamma? What should I do to lessen it?

5.   Someone told me that I have been successful since I was born. I was born in a good family, was smart, got a scholarship, earned five degrees, have a doctor’s degree, and got a good job. Moreover I am always in a good mood (Sometimes I have a bad mood but I can adjust it quickly). I was tall, handsome, and personally strong. I had good hearing, good eyesight, and a good memory because I did a lot of good deeds in past lives. Is it true? What did I do in past lives to cause me to receive all the good in this life? What should I do to have a long and successful next life?

6.  I gave food to Luan Phu Mun and his group for 100 days and to other monks and novices regularly. And I was a good example for people who work under me. For example, I did not get involved with smoking and drinking, and I dedicated my work for the others. I have many works such as bringing in the modern electrical power to Thailand and connecting electricity to temples. I supported the printing of more that 100,000 copies of the “Manual of Peace." I started the first private university.  When I was working I helped many people for more than 30 years. Considering all of the good I did, what will be the fruits of these good deeds? Why have I done the way I did?

7. I like political science and have taken political science class offered by universities from different countries. I have been elected as advisor for many politicians and was named a political master.  Because I want the world to have good politician so I have written many books such as “Political Master” (which has been translated to 5 different languages and been using in university around the world) and another book is “New Flower Bouquets” What would be my fruit of merit from doing that? How can one become a teacher of politicians and student?  In Luang Phaw’s opinion, what would the good politician be like? How can one maintain their political leading role for a long time? How can one be a popular politician who brings prosperity to his/her country?

8. In November 22, 1975, I had a meeting with one of the most important persons in the world, Mao Tse-Tung. I met him face to face. I talked him out of taking over Thailand. I saved Buddhism and Thailand from being a communist country. What would be a fruit of this good deed? Why did I  have this mission?   

9.  Now I am meditating every day. My best experience is that I can see a large crystal ball. It filled up my abdomen, and it had a bright radiance around it. I was very happy and my body was very light. Do I have enough power of good deeds to attain Dhammakaya? How did I pursue perfection with you? What was my duty to our community? Now my intention is to spread Buddhism to the world. How successful  will I be?

10. I  have one nephew, and we are very close. He did very well in school. He likes math. He got doctoral degree in math from a world famous university. And he is a professor teaching math to doctoral students. He is my advisor. When I need any information on my research, he always has the answer for me.  He would be my representative to making contact with important people. What was his kamma in his past lives? Did we do good deeds together in our past lives? Is there is a chance that  he will pursue perfections with us? What was his duty with the Dhammakaya community?   

11. I have two persons to look after my health. I felt warmth and closeness when we met and talked. They eased my mind and took good care of my health. They can heal me in a short time. Did these two people ever do good deeds with me in the past? Will they follow me and help me in my next life? How much will they be the part of my success? (One is a male temple staff member and one is a female temple staff member)How were they related to you in the past? What was their duty with the Dhammakaya community? Why are they very close to you and me?

Luang Phaw's Dream

I closed my eyes, dreamed and woke up with these answers.
When you tell anybody the story like a tale, it will make anyone know more about retribution (Law of Kamma)

1.Your father died because of his time. He died with a radiant mind from meditation. An image of him doing good deeds appeared in his mind. His dying vision was very bright. His dream body disconnected from the human body. He saw the leader of his servants leading many servants to stand in line to welcome him to the heaven. He walked between the servant lines into to the chariot which was decorated with gold and large precious gems. Then his dream body transformed in to the Celestial body. As soon as he sat on the throne, he appeared in his golden mansion decorated with the precious gems in the Sixth level of heaven.


These are the fruit of his good deeds that he has done within Buddhism all his life such as donating land for building temples, building seven temples, building many schools, ordaining  1000 monks, offering food and doing merit at the temple, meditating regularly and ordaining in the Buddhism, and taking good care of the ones under his care.
He is very happy right at this moment. He has many servants that wait to serve and create things that he wants. He is sitting on his throne at the center of his heavenly mansion. He is checking his heavenly treasure that his servants bring to show him. Ever since he left the earth and went to the heaven, he has not finished checking his heavenly treasure, because he did so many good deeds when he was alive. His joy is not over yet.

His message to the most loving son is that he is very happy to see the result of the merit that he did when he was alive. He is still not able to see all his heaven treasure. He wants to tell you not to be careless about living and accumulating good deeds. He wants you to do the same as he did when he was alive.
2. Your mother died when she was 74 years old from cervical cancer because of her karma in the past eon.  She was born as a young, rich, handsome man.  So he had many women offer themselves to him. He accepted all the offers.  That sexual misconduct kamma caused him to be born as a woman in later lives. And one life she was also born as a woman in the middle class. That time she met your father, and she had a chance to do good deed with Buddhism regularly. But her husband (your father in this life) did not do merit himself but he supported his wife in doing merit. On and on they were reborn. Your mother was born in an ordinary family; she killed animals for food regularly. Until this life with the merit she did when she was with your father that brought them together. With the good deeds that your mother did herself with in Buddhism. She did the merit with highl respect which sent her to be born rich in high class society and beloved by people.

On the other hand, your father rejoiced in merit that your mother did. But he did not do it himself, and he did not do it with respect. So this life he was born in the lower class. But later he married your mother and became a part of her wealth.  For your mother, the remnant of sexual misconduct combined with the killing kamma to cause her to have cervical cancer. But she did the good deed of giving medicine to the monks and novices. This was combined with the good deed that she did in this life such as giving , observing precepts, and meditating continuously caused her not to have pain  and suffer like other people who have the same sickness. After she died, her servants came and took her to the sixth level of heaven the same way as your father. Like your father she is still checking on her heavenly treasure. They have not met yet. Another thing is that the time on earth may seem long but in the heaven it is not.

Her short message is that she is very happy. She wants you not be careless with your life. She wants you to do more merit like her then you will be happy like she is.

You were able to be born as their beloved son and receive the best care from them mainly because of the merit you did with them and merit you did by yourself. And also because of the merit that you earned because you looked after your past parents, your past wives and children, your generosity, keeping the moral precepts, and meditation. All these caused you to have good parents and receive the best care from them.

3. Your oldest sister, who was very close to you, died of cervical cancer because of karmic retribution. Once when she was born as a man, she worked as border patrolman. When the high ranking ones came to check the area, she would order people to kill animals to feed them and also to provide them with women. She did it regularly. These two karma brought retribution on her.

4. When you were three years old, the worker put your hand on the hot  tar because of the kamma in one of your lives. When you were a young man, you did the same thing to the brother of the young man that you disliked. The boy’s hand got burnt and he wanted the revenge.  That boy is the worker in this life.
5.When you were three years old, the worker put your hand on the hot  tar because of the kamma in one of your lives. When you were a young man, you did the same thing to the brother of the young man that you disliked. The boy’s hand got burnt and he wanted the revenge.  That boy is the worker in this life.
You got in an accident and broke you back because of the kamma of one life. When you were a young man, you asked you friend to go play in the forest. One of your friends climbed up a tree. You wanted to have fun so you shook the tree to scare your friend. Unfortunately your friend fell out of the tree, broke his back, and lost consciousness. Later you took him to the doctor until he got well.  But he still had back pain once in a while

To solve this you should do all the merit such as giving, observing moral precepts, and meditating until you get the Dhamma sphere and Dammakaya. And dedicate the merit to the one you harmed.

6.  You have been successful all your life. You have a good family, and you are well educated. You have a good personality, good looks, good eyesight, good hearing, and good memory because of your good deeds in past lives. For example, you have a good family because you took good care of your parents, children, wives, and servants.

You are smart and have many diplomas and a doctoral degree because, in your past lives, you liked to go see the teacher with respect and asked for knowledge. You also have a habit of loving to study, and you like to improve yourself. And you also like to support people under your care to have a good education.   

You have a good job because you did not envy any one. You also support some one under you to move up.  

You have a joyous mood because you made a wish in a past life that you would be able to teach yourself.

You have a good personality and good looks. You are tall, big, and strong. You have all these qualities because, in the past, you built permanent, strong buildings for Buddhism just as you have done in this life
You have a good memory because you always kept your word and told the truth.  You got good ears because you like to listen to Dhamma in the past lives.
You got good eye sight because you liked to look at people with loving and kindness and wishing them well.

If you want to have all the good things like you have in this life, you must accumulate every merit such as giving and observing precepts. You also need to meditate more. And make a wish to be successful more than this life.

7. And what is the result of the merit that you did with LuanPhu Mun and his group for 100 days, and also with other monks and novice regularly? These good deeds will bring you long life, radiance, happiness, strength and intelligence.   

Because you don’t drink nor smoke, you will have good health and a perfect intellect. You will not have mental sickness or retardation. And you will not have anyone in your care that has mental problems.

You have been a role model for other people. You have done your work the benefit of the people with such deeds as bringing in modern electricity to Thailand and setting up the electricity for temples. The fruit of these good deeds cause you to be a well respected of the people. Wherever you will be reborn, your life will be bright; your eye will be clear and good. You will be welcome every where you go.

You contributed more than 100000 copies of the “The Manual of Peace”, and you supported education both private and federal. These merits will cause you to be intelligent, and you will be surrounded with wise ones. You will have good family and friends

While you were working, you helped a lot of people for over 30 years. You will be loved by the people, and you will be loved wherever you are reborn. You did all the good things that you did, because of your habit of doing the same good things in your past lives. You liked to do things for the good of the country and society.

8. You like political science very much. You got educated in political science from universities in different countries. You have been elected as advisor for many politicians and were named a political master. This is because you have had a teacher nature since past life in last Buddha eons.  Especially in the last Buddha eon, you were a great advisor of a father of a king who got ordained.  You always gave an advice to government officers about how to make a balance in international politics so they can live in harmony. You have done this till you retired.  This nature has carried over from your past life.

 You have written many books such as “Political Master” (which has been translated to 5 different languages and been using in university around the world) and another book is “New Flower Bouquet” The fruit of merit from writing these books would be that you will receive respect from politicians.

The good politician according to Buddhism should have these dhamma principles as follows; the four principles virtuous existence, not having four prejudices, having four bases of sympathy, having four effective means to attain successes, having ten principles for leader, having six perfections, having patience and “SORAJJA” , having conscience, having four resolution principle, having four dhamma principles for wealthy people, having royal four bases of sympathy, having seven Sab Bu Ri Dham, having six principles for managing director, having five justice principle, having seven dhamma principles to make progress, having three fold training, and following three principle of Buddha’s teaching such as refraining from dishonesty, being honest, and purifying one’s mind.  There are more details on this subject.  I will give you more details later. If you follow these principles, you will be loved by people and will be able to bring prosperity to your hometown, your country and the world at large.

9. On November 22,  1975, you met Mao Tse-tung  and discussed important matters that saved Thailand from being a Communist country and saved Buddhism. You were able to do this because in the past you had a habit of being an ambassador of good will, keeping the peace between kingdoms.

The fruit of this good deed will cause you to be born in a land of Buddhism, having a long life. The enemy will not be able to destroy you. You will get through the Dhamma of the Lord Buddha. You will be born in a peaceful family and you will be happy everywhere.

10. When you meditated, you saw a large crystal ball that was the initial path for you to see Dhammakaya. Try to do this regularly. Don’t miss meditation even one day. You will be able to attain Dhammakaya because you did the right way.
11. Before the last Buddha eon, you were a supporter of the Dhammakay community. Every time you were reborn you would support the group in different ways. During the last Buddha eon, you were the high ranking councilor of the King who was the father of the King who ordained. When the King’s father passed away, his son became king. Later when the new King saw the danger of the cycle of existence, he ordained. But you at that time were very old, so you were a supporter. In your meditation you saw the Dhammaphere and Dhammakaya well enough to get to the fourth level of heaven. And you came to pursue perfections with the group twice.

 In this life you came to our community late in life like the last Buddha era. However, you have enough meritorious strength to help spread the Dhamma to the world.
12. Your nephew got a doctoral degree in math from a world famous university. He is your advisor and your assistant. Because in the past life, he had accumulated a lot of the wisdom paramee. He supported a lot of education, he gave knowledge. He also liked to go see the wise ones for their knowledge all the time. He did all this many life-times. This caused him to be very intelligent. You and he were related in the past lives as in this life. And you used to support him and put him in the high position when you work for the King’s father. He was a member of the Royal Institute. The merit of supporting each other has lead both of you to support each other in this life
13.And now we talk about the two people who look after your health. These are the ones for whom you felt warmth when you saw them. In the last Buddha era they both were the soldiers of the king who ordained. They were army surgeons who looked after the health of the high ranking officers in the kingdom. You were one of them. The blue print of closeness is carried on to this life. And this life they can support your important task because they did merit with you in the past.

Later on the two soldiers followed the King to ordain and helped to spread Dhamma until the end of their lives. They meditated and reached the Dhamma sphere and the bright Dhammakaya. They were able to go to Dusita heaven (the forth level of heaven) and came back to pursue perfections twice.   
But one of the soldiers was born as a woman this life because of the sexual misconduct kamma. As a man, she was a sweet talker to the women, and as a result he was involved with too many women. The sexual misconduct kamma of that life and other lives combined. They had a chance to take retribution on her in this life which caused her to be born as a woman. They are close to me because we have pursued perfections together for uncountable life times.

This life we have met. Be determined to pursue perfections with your full effort and make a wish to follow the community to the fourth level of heaven.

Case study in real life

The Law of Kamma (Pali:Compared to "Karma" in Sanskrit) segment or "Case Study" is one of the prominent sections on the Dream in Dream kindergarten program, conducted by the Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh, also known as, Luang Phaw Dhammajayo of the Dhammakaya Temple in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand.

Each individualized "Case Study" is based on the timeless Law of Kamma (the Law of Cause and Effect) which examines the reasons for many situations and complex inter-relationships people find themselves in. Viewers from around the world write personal letters to Luang Phaw wanting to understand the karmic reasons for many special circumstances in their life.

This program is not intended to convert anyone to Buddhism or any other religions persuasion. Rather the goal is to help spread genuine peace, happiness and understanding here in Thailand and around the world. By first discovering and cultivating inner peace within ourselves through meditation, we can help spread love and kindness outward, helping to make our world a better place for everyone.


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