Do not Try

A little girl was sick when she was in 8th grade. She was always depressed and couldn’t control herself. Doctor couldn’t find anything wrong with her. What did her sickness come from? And, what Kammar will the robbery get after stealing a money that she prepared for Katina?

Dhamma Articles > Case studies
[ Feb 12th, 2007 ] - [ read : 18284 ]
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Do Not Try
I have been a student of dream in dream kindergarten school since the program was first broadcast via the internet. I never miss a program. I especially look forward to the case studies. You have made it more sensational than any TV drama program.  This is because the case studies are true stories from real life. I have learned facts of life that I have never known before when you reveal them at the end of stories. The program is both entertaining and educational; it is a complete edutainment.  I would like to write my own case study but I cannot read nor write Thai.  One day my daughter insisted that I should go to the temple every Sunday.  Actually I love to go to the temple. Since she insisted firmly, I asked her in return that “If I go to the temple every Sunday, will you write a case study for me?”  She agreed to do so.  The story was as I wished before. I would like to ask you to read my story that my daughter wrote for me.

I was born in an agricultural family in China 70 years ago.  When I was 10 years old, the war started.  My father was enlisted as a soldier.  My mom took me and my three sisters to board a ship to Thailand. We could escape to Thailand safely.  Later on, my dad traveled to join us in Thailand. My dad was a tricycle driver (a poor tricycle driver).  My mom worked as a cloth weaver at home. When all their children had grown up began earning a living for themselves, both of my parents quit their jobs.  My mom had diabetes when she got older.  One day she fell on the floor and broke her hip.  She had hip surgery and stayed at a hospital for two months before she passed away at 74 years old.  About one year or so after her death, my dad died of heart failure.  He was 85 years old.

When I was young, I did not have a happy time like other children. I had to go to work in the morning and went to bed at night waiting for the time to go to work in the morning again. I lived out this routine until I was 20 years old. Then a match-maker arranged a marriage for me.  I decided to get married so I could change my life.  My husband is very diligent, honest, thrifty, not gallant, quiet (a sought after qualification), doesn’t drink alcohol and occasionally smokes. He actually just quit smoking.  We have 9 children:  5 girls and 4 boys.

My eldest niece, who is the daughter of my eldest sister, had a seizure when she was 13 years old. At that time it was 2544 BE and she was in eighth grade at a girls school. She had a seizure twice.  Within three months after her seizure, she became depressed. She was very sensitive and could be upset easily. She could not sleep at night. Her mom took her to see a doctor to get diagnosed, but the doctor could not find the cause of her illness. The doctor prescribed medicine for her but it did not work.   She had seizures a third and a forth time.  Normally she was a very well-behaved girl, but after she had a seizure, she became aggressive. She could not remember what she had done before.  For example, she forgot that she had her meal.   She could not control herself and sometimes she was not herself.  She started to have a difficult time in school.  One day after she came back from school, she said that she did not want to go to school since she could not communicate with her friends. She asked them whether the chicken or egg came first. (Chicken and Egg)

One night she woke up in the middle of the night and said that she was going to leave as someone was waiting for her at the door.  Actually there was no one at the door at that time. This incident worried everyone, so we called off her classes and took her to a hospital.  The Doctor checked her brain with MRI (an instrument used to scan brain functions). They took her bone marrow fluid for analysis but they did not find any problems. She stayed at the hospital for 1 week and was then released although she still had an illness. This is because they did not know how to cure her.   My third daughter consulted with the monk who is the teacher of her colleague.   The monk resides in remote temple in Kampangpetch province. He said that she had sat on a wooden board at the school which had a spirit residing there.  The spirit was angry with her. The monk suggested that she sponsor an ordination ceremony for novice monks, and meditate. He also suggested that she offer food to the spirit by putting food in the gymnasium of the school where the incident happened.  Later on, she got better, then was completely cured.  She then went back to school and was determined to study as her grandfather had taught her to do. (Grandfather teaching grandchildren)

    My son-in-law, who is the father of my niece, was quite healthy.  He liked exercising. He had a good temper. But he had the habit of eating the same food everyday.  In 2536 B.E. he fainted so he went to see a doctor. The doctor found that he had kidney disease which may be linked to his eating habits.  Only 25% of his kidney was functional.  Shortly after that, his health deteriorated quickly. He had to have his blood purified at the hospital.  The Doctor made a hole in his stomach so he could purify his blood himself.  The doctor suggested that he have a kidney transplant, but he declined to have the operation since he was afraid to leave his family too early.

In January 2545 B.E., he came to Wat Phra Dhammakaya at the first time. At that time, his health was bad. His skin was dark and his body was skinny as if he lacked good nutrition, was anemic, and had heart disease.  He became exhausted easily and had aches and pains all over his body.  Nonetheless, he preferred to spend time with his family with do all activities as if he were normal.
When he was at The Memorial Hall of Khun Yay, he sat on the floor and paid respect to Khun Yay.  He rose up with tears in his eyes saying that he felt cool all over his body.  He was so overwhelmed that he cried.  On that day he made a contribution for The Memorial Hall of Khun Yay.  Afterwards he chanted every morning and evening.  He attended the ceremonies at the temple on the first Sunday of February and March.  These two months were the last before he died.
On Friday afternoon of March 29, 2545 B.E., my son-in-law passed away due to kidney failure. He had been chronically ill for 10 years. Just before he died, he was using the blood pressure monitor to measure his own blood pressure. Suddenly he collapsed. His daughter, who was sitting nearby, thought that he was kidding her. But his wife thought that it was weird, so she touched him and found that his body was soft and weak.  He passed away with a smile on his face and tears in his eyes.

My eldest daughter was robbed two times.  The first robbery occurred in 2536 B.E.  They took both money and gold worth hundreds of thousands of baht.  The police officers could not find the robber.  The second robbery occurred in 2547 B.E.  When my daughter came home, she found banknotes dropping on the floor. She could figure out that she was robbed again.  They took 100,000 baht which she had saved for a Kathina ceremony. This was to be the second time that she would donate for Kathina ceremony.  She was very disappointed.  My third daughter told her that this is a very important merit ceremony.  The more difficulty she had, the more she should overcome it. My eldest daughter tried her best to complete it and she succeeded in the end. (Either fight or loose)

The story of my second daughter.  In 2538 B.E., there was construction of a 12-story flat for government officers at the back of my house.  Some pieces of brick or rock were always falling on the back of my building.   One night my second daughter was washing clothes on the balcony of the second floor which was close to the construction site.  She had not finished her laundry but she felt like talking about merit to her eldest sister.  She was afraid that her sister would go to bed before she finished her work, so she took a break and went to see her sister.  Not long after that, there was a loud noise at the balcony.  Everyone rushed to the scene and saw that it was covered with dust.  When the dust cleared, we saw a body lying on the floor where my daughter had sat before. We found out afterwards that he was a construction worker who had taken drugs while he was sitting on the seventh story of the construction building.  He accidentally fell down onto my building.  (We should not try drugs)

My third daughter came to know Wat Phra Dhammakaya through her friend.  Her friend persuaded her to make merit at the temple in 2527 B.E. She was a very strict and moody person. After she went to the temple and listened to the teaching of Luang Phaw that a bad-tempered person will become an Ogre, she learned to control her temper somewhat.  Sometimes, she approached me and asked for my forgiveness that she had been moody with me. She is the one who persuaded family members to go to the temple, to learn how to make merit and to rejoice in merit. The most important thing that we learn is that we all have the true refuge at the center of our body.  Right now our family is the Dhammakaya family.  We go to the temple every Sunday and attend every big merit making ceremony.  Most of my children and grandchildren have become volunteers at the temple.

1.    Where did my father and mother go after death?  Do they receive merit from building their Dhammakaya idols and merit that my family and I dedicate to them?  Do they have messages for me and my husband?

2.    The father and mother of my husband died of old age in China. Where are they now? Do they receive merit from building their own Dhammakaya idols and merit that my family and I dedicate to them?  Do they have messages for my husband?่

3.    What is the retribution that my eldest niece could not control herself?  Will she have the same illness again? What should she do to be free of that retribution?

4.    What is the retribution that my son-in-law had kidney disease?  How did he feel on the day that he died?  What was his dying vision as he had a smile on his face and tears in his eyes?  Does he receive merit from building his Dhammakaya idol and merit dedicated to him?  Does he have messages for his children and wife? 

5.    What is the retribution that my eldest daughter was robbed two times?  Does the stealing of money saved for the Kathina ceremony get more severe punishment than the stealing of other types of money? How?

6.    What is the merit that my second daughter has that she survived the accident in which a man fell from a nearby building to the area that she sat before?  Is this due to the merit that she built a Dhammakaya idol?  What is the retribution that she almost died from this incident?

7.    How have I, my husband and our five children (my eldest daughter, second daughter, third daughter, the youngest daughter, and son) performed perfection with the team in the past?  Why is my third daughter the one who came to know the temple first and persuaded everyone to perform perfection?  Where did she come from?  Why did she have a bad temper?

8.    My eldest son volunteers to teach art to novice monks and the animation team.  My eldest daughter volunteers to be a news reporter on the DMC News program. My youngest nephew volunteers to be on an international reception team.  What did they do in the past to get these special tasks?  Will my eldest daughter succeed in her occupation? She loves doing her mass communication job.  What should she do to succeed in worldly life and dhamma life? 

I greatly appreciate Luang Phaw with great respect.
Luang Phaw's Dream

I closed my eyes, dreamed and woke up with these answers.
When you tell anybody the story like a tale, it will make anyone know more about retribution (Law of Kamma)

1.  Your father became an earth sprite in the general ranks in the beginning. After he received merit dedicated to him, he became a high ranking earth sprite and now has more happiness. He would like to rejoice in your merit and thank you for merit that you dedicated to him. He said he is very happy and receives all merit from you. He is very happy.  

Your mother became an earth sprite in the general ranks in the beginning. After she received merit dedicated to her, she became a high ranking earth sprite living in the same village as your father.
She would like to rejoice in your merit and thank you for dedicating merit to her. She said she is happy now.


2.  Your husband’s father became a low level earth sprite. He was starving and lived in poor conditions since he did not accrue much merit.  Since he received merit dedicated to him, his condition is better. He rejoices in your merit and thanks you for dedicating merit to him. He is happier.  Otherwise, he would be starving.
Your husband’s mother became a low level earth sprite. She was starving and lived in poor condition as well as your husband’s father. This is because she did not accrue merit much.  Since she received merit dedicated to her, her condition is better. She rejoices in your merit and thanks you for dedicating merit to her. She is happier.  Otherwise, she would be starving.  She lives in the same village as your husband’s father.

Your husband’s mother became a low level earth sprite. She was starving and lived in poor condition as well as your husband’s father. This is because she did not accrue merit much.  Since she received merit dedicated to her, her condition is better. She rejoices in your merit and thanks you for dedicating merit to her. She is happier.  Otherwise, she would be starving.  She lives in the same village as your husband’s father. 

    3.    The uncontrolled behavior of your eldest niece is due to her kamma in the past. She was a man who was addicted to alcohol. When he was drunk, he always hurt his pet dogs and cats.  Sometimes, he hurt his servants. This kamma takes effect in this life.
    She has to accrue all kinds of merit and dedicates merit to people who she harmed before. Then she should make a resolution to be freed from this retribution.

    4.  Your son-in-law had kidney disease.  This is because in the past he was a wealthy man and had a business making high interest rate loans. When his debtors did not pay back on time, he forced them to move out of the property.  If his debtors did not move out, they went to the farm of the seized land.  He was angry and had his men burn the rice on their farm.  He did the same thing to other debtors.  The kamma took effect in this life.
    He saw a dying vision which made him smile and cry. He saw every merit that he made and felt overwhelmed such that he smiled and cried.


      After he passed away, he woke up in the golden mansion in the 2nd phase of Tavatimsa (second level of heaven).  He became a handsome deity.  He receives all merit that is dedicated to him, which gives him more heavenly treasure.  He rejoices in your merit and thanks you for dedicating merit to him.  He also thanks you for giving him a chance to make merit so he can make it there and have happiness. 
      5.  Your eldest daughter was robbed two times.  This is because of her kamma in the past.  She helped her parents to sell stuff but always stole money from them to go shopping.  The kamma took effect in this life.
      The stealing of money that was saved for Kathina ceremony, will receive more severe punishment than stealing other types of money.  For example, punishers in the deeper great hell will punish them for much longer periods.  The punishers will punish them by having their hands cut or whip them with hot iron bats by hell officers.  They will have lots of hot iron banknotes in their stomach, which will burst out.  They will suffer in great pain. 

      6.  Your second daughter survived the accident where the construction man fell on the area where she sat before.  This is because she did not have a killing kamma.  She also has merit from building her Dhammakaya idol protecting her.  So her kamma from killing small animals did not take effect or cause her to die by the falling body
      However, her kamma of killing small animals made her be in the dangerous situation.

      7.  You, your husband, and five children (your eldest daughter, second and third, and youngest daughter, and your eldest son) used to perform perfection with the team as a provision of support.  Some of you have performed a lot of merit with the team and some have done little merit with the team.

      Your third daughter is the first one in the family that came to know temple.  And she is a Kalyanamitta for everyone in the family, which has become a Dhammakaya family now.  This is because in the past she was the first one who made merit and always persuaded others to make merit, too.  This plan became her nature, as she was the first one in the family to make merit.

      She came from a bright place and was not an Ogre in her previous life.  She is moody because she was self-willed in the past life.  Everything has to be perfect, good, and well organized.  If one does not do it according to her way, she will be moody.  If she does not resolve her habit or still practices it, there is a chance she will become an Ogre.  

      8.  Your eldest son teaches novice monks and the animation team.  It is because in this life he has this knowledge.  In addition, he has skill in this subject so he does what he is good at.  In the past, he provided support.  When he made merit, he always made a resolution to spread Dhamma in the next life.  His merit takes effect in this life.
      Your youngest daughter is a news reporter on the DMC News program. She provided support for the team.  When she made merit, she also made a resolution to spread dhamma of Vijja Dhammakaya in her next life. Her merit takes effect in this life.
      Your youngest nephew is in the international reception team.  He provided support for the team in the past.  When he made merit, he made a resolution to support Buddhism in his next life.
      Your youngest daughter should accrue all kinds of merit such as giving, practicing precepts, and meditating, then, make a resolution to succeed in her work. She should make a resolution everyday and should seek more knowledge and practice four effective means to attain success in her work.
      You have met the team in this life.  Therefore, you should perform perfection at full strength in all kinds of merit.  Then you should make resolution to follow the team to special zone of Bodhisatta in Tusita (fourth level of heaven).  We shall not miss each other then.

      Case study in real life

      The Law of Kamma (Pali:Compared to "Karma" in Sanskrit) segment or "Case Study" is one of the prominent sections on the Dream in Dream kindergarten program, conducted by the Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh, also known as, Luang Phaw Dhammajayo of the Dhammakaya Temple in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand.

      Each individualized "Case Study" is based on the timeless Law of Kamma (the Law of Cause and Effect) which examines the reasons for many situations and complex inter-relationships people find themselves in. Viewers from around the world write personal letters to Luang Phaw wanting to understand the karmic reasons for many special circumstances in their life.

      This program is not intended to convert anyone to Buddhism or any other religions persuasion. Rather the goal is to help spread genuine peace, happiness and understanding here in Thailand and around the world. By first discovering and cultivating inner peace within ourselves through meditation, we can help spread love and kindness outward, helping to make our world a better place for everyone.


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