Crossing The Realm

One woman has encountered lots of mystery stories in her life. She met the white water buffalo and the strange horse, called “Kwan”. She felt as if she traveled to the past. Are there stories real? DMC has the answers.

Dhamma Articles > Case studies
[ Jul 16th, 2007 ] - [ read : 18268 ]
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Crossing The Realm

Dear Luang Phor,
    Beautiful waterfall, city of luscious fruits, top quality pepper, abundance in gem, Chantaboon matt, and multiple miracles; these except the last one is the description of the province of Chantaburi, the place I was born in.  I added the last description based on my direct experience with many miracles unexplainable by sciences or any kinds of knowledge.  I’d like to submit my story and ask for a Buddhism-based explanation from Dream in Dream kindergarten school.

Taking back to the time when I was 10, one full moon day my father asked my mother out for a movie.  I was left at home.  After I had slept for a while, I heard traditional Thai music playing from a distant.  The sound got closer until it seemed to be right in front of the house.  The music and lyric woke me up feeling wondered and wanting to find out more of what was happening.  I walked to the window and looked outside.  I was stunned with what I saw.  It seemed as if I had walked into a dream world with fresh green pasture.  There was a white water buffalo, which was twice as big as a regular water buffalo.  It had radiant skin and a bell around its neck.  My whole attention was fixed at the sight of white water buffalo and the sound of traditional Thai music, as if a spell was cast upon me.  I rubbed my eyes and looked again, everything was still there.  Furthermore, I clearly saw a handsome angel inside the white water buffalo.  He was as handsome as a leading actor and he was moving towards me.  I made a wish, “Please let him be my man.”  At that time, my parents came home.  I asked them to come look at the sight, unfortunately, everything had disappeared.  My father said I had a hallucination.  Later when I reached womanhood, I met a man who looked exactly the same as the handsome angel that I saw.  After I met him, I made my wish came true by giving him my heart and married him.     

Four years after I saw the white water buffalo, I came across another mystery after I moved to Kitchaku district.  One full moon night while I was collecting gum resin from gum tree, I heard a horse galloping closer.  Then I saw a creature, it looked like a horse but with a much shorter ears.  It stopped right in front of me.  It was big and beautiful with smooth light brown skin.  It ran back and forth for a while until it eventually ran away.  The second night it came back, but not on the third night.  On the fourth night it came.  I asked, “Where did you go?”  It acted as if it wanted to say good-bye and then ran away.  I never saw it since then.  The older people told me this creature is called “kwan.”  Another mystery happened on a full moon day.  It was at dawn after I finished collecting gum resin when I saw a sphere bigger than the moon on the western horizon.  It eradiated soft yellow light in the center and a halo of gemlike colors.  It moved slowly with little spheres tailing after as if it were a comet.  My eyes were fixed to that beautiful sphere and its light, later it set below the hill and disappeared from my sight.  With the sun started rising up, the combined light was exquisite.  The older said it is “Mae-Ploy” or the spirit who took care of gems.  The spirit moved to a safe and quiet place when people try to dig for gems.

After I got married and moved in with my husband.  I felt suffocated and depressed to the point that I want to commit suicide.  However, I knew I’d go to hell if I had killed myself.  So I planned to sacrifice my life as a way of paying homage to the Buddha; killing myself this way probably would bring me to heaven after I died.  So I sat down and meditated and thought of Laung Phuu Sod telling him that I would sacrifice my life to the Lord Buddha.  Very soon I felt my body was so light and my spirit left my body through my nostril.  There was white shadow covering my whole body carrying me through a different realm.  The further I go, the more spacious the realm.  I was frightened and came back to my body feeling puzzled.  The whole thing happened so fast that I forgot about killing myself,  

A good friend (kalayanamitra) asked me to come to the temple in 1997.  I couldn’t make merit to the fullest since my husband did not agree with me.  It wasn’t until he ordained as a monk at the temple when we both pursue perfection with the community to the fullest.  We had a chance to join a meditation retreat at Suan Boa resort.  At the resort another mystery happened.  I felt as if I traveled to the past when I visited the Thai style house behind the resort.  I felt very familiar with the place.  I saw a piece of wood and knew immediately that it was a traditional lock for the door.  I felt as if I had used the items in that house before.  I walked upstairs and felt a force pulling me to walk to the back where I would see more clues.  Half way to the back I stopped because I felt a huge dark shadow of a human covering my body from head to toe.  The shadow asked me to look upwards to the ceiling which was engraved in a lotus pattern.  The voice asked me, “Think, does this remind you of something?”  I couldn’t remember anything, but my feet kept walking me to an antique cabinet.  Suddenly I heard a man voice cutting through the silence from behind.  I turned and saw a fellow from the meditation retreat.  He told me a person he saw in his meditation asked him to convey a message for me.  He said I used to live here.  There was evidence.  He asked me to go with him to an antique dressing table.  He said “sit on this cabinet and put your hand on the mirror frame”.  He said that was what the person in his meditation asked me to do.  I sat down, touched the mirror, took a deep breath, closed my eyes and stilled my mind.   Briefly there was a breeze that traveled through the mirror frame to my fingers and up my arm.  I felt there was power coming from the mirror getting hold of my finger.  I had to pull hard to get my hand off the mirror.  He told me to come with him to see someone, “This person is waiting for you, you will cry out of joy when you see this person.”  He took me downstairs to a little shrine build like a traditional Thai house.  “Look at the picture of the owner of the shrine, you knew her well,” he told me.  As soon as I saw the picture, tears of joy came to my eyes even though I never met the lady in the picture before.  I felt I came to see a person I knew from the past.  The lady in the picture wore a blouse decorated with lacework.  She wore her hair in a bun on the back.  Her eyes looked very sad.  He told me that I was a sister of the royal lady in the picture.  I didn’t completely believe him.  

Next day I met the same fellow at the Thai style house again.  He told me that he learned all information from his meditation.  During this meditation he saw a woman with long hair in a Thai traditional dress.  She was at the Thai style house waiting for someone.  She could not leave the place.  She asked him to contact her royal lady who came to the meditation retreat; that royal lady was me.

The last night at the meditation while I was sleeping at around 10 pm, I heard a big thunder and strong wind.  I felt a force dragging me to the Thai style house, “Go sleep there, this is not your house, the Thai style house is your house.”  I replied, “how could I go, we are in different realms.  I’ll have to say good bye since I’ll be leaving tomorrow.”  I held on to the bed sheet tight and cried for help.  My roommate woke up and consoled me.  One of them took of her amulet, put the amulet around my neck, and told me to meditate.  Later I fell asleep.  The roommate who gave me the amulet told me that I was physically asleep, however, something in me was not sleeping.  She said she heard me moaning all night long.

Another mystery happened at Panawat (a meditation retreat).  Every time I sat to meditate I felt hundreds of thousands of needles pinching me.  I was in pain.  Subsequently I felt my leg bone was breaking.  My lower body was shaking uncontrollably.  It was like this throughout the meditation retreat period.  After getting back home, I couldn’t do chanting because of the pain.  When I meditated I felt someone was pulling my leg or turn my body around.  I had this strange occurrence for over a month.  One morning I felt the pull on my leg as I was standing.  It got to the point that I asked my husband to write to Laung Phaw for a suggestion.  Laung Phaw said I should chant to the mahasirirachataha, keep repeating the chant and the symptom will disappear.  And the symptom did disappear.

My grandfather passed away the first time when he was 75.  Within the same day he revived.  He said he was taken away and brought back by some people.  Those people told him that he could live for another 7 years so he could finish his duty.  He was asked by those people to stay within an encircled area, He would be safe only within this designated area and must not leave the area.  My grandfather died at 82, exactly 7 years after his revival.

1. Why did I see the white water buffalo and the handsome angel?  Is my husband that handsome angel?

2. Was it “kwan” the creature that I saw?  Is it real?  How did it relate to me?  Why did it come to see me?

3. What is Mae-Ploy, gem spirit, the bright sphere surrounded by gems and tailed by smaller spheres?  Is it real?  Why did I see it?  Why does Chantaburi province have more gems than other provinces?  Is it because of Mae-ploy?  For other gems, i.e. diamond, is there any Mae-pesh, diamond spirit?

4. What is the white shadow coming out of my nose when I plan to meditate to death?  I felt I was in a different realm, spacious and comfortable, where was that place?  Would I die if I meditate longer?  What kind of merit made me think of killing myself by meditating to death?

5. Why did I feel so familiar with the traditional Thai style house at Suan Boa resort?  Who is that dark shadow in the mansion?  Why did I feel the power from that ancient mirror?  Am I related to the lady in the picture in the shrine?

6. Am I the royal lady of the long hair woman spirit who came to a man during his meditation at the retreat?  Who was it that tried to pull me to the Thai style house?  Why me?  What would have happened if I went to the Thai style house?  What was the crying voice that my roommate heard while I sleeping?

7. Why do I feel pain as if hundreds of thousands of needle were pinching on me while I meditate at Panawat retreat?  Did the same force followed me back home, turned my around, pulled my leg making me fall?  Why me?  Why did the pain disappear after I chanted to Mahasirirachatahata according to Laung Phaw’s suggestion?
8. How could my grandfather revive?  Were there really persons who sent my father back to perform his duty?  What kind of duty was it?  Why did he need to be in the controlled area?  After exact 7 years, did those people come to take my grandfather back?  Where is he now?
9. Were my husband and I lovers from the past, or this is the first time we are a couple?  Have my husband and I pursued perfection with Laung phaw and community?  Will I have a chance to go back to the fourth level of heaven?


Luang Phaw's Dream

I closed my eyes, dreamed and woke up with these answers.
When you tell anybody the story like a tale, it will make anyone know more about retribution (Law of Kamma)

1. The white water buffalo and the handsome angel you saw when you were 10, in fact, were just a dream.  The dream was so real, which made you think everything really happened.  Don’t pay much attention to it, don’t waste your time on it.

2. “Kwan” the creature that you saw was actually a horse letting loose from the stable.  It was at night, even though it is a full moon night, you couldn’t see clearly.  Don’t waste time on this matter, you’ll get nothing out of it.

3. The big sphere that you saw at dawn on the western horizon was in fact your hallucination.  It was caused by the rising sun shining light to the other side.
  • There are gems everywhere.  Some places have more, some less.  They are natural resources just like rocks.  Gems are more precious than rock because they are hard to find and reflect light beautifully, hence people are searching and willing to pay high price for gems. 
  • Mae-Play o Mae-pech are just a fairly tale.

4. The white shadow coming out of your nose while you planned to meditate to death was a kind of meditative visions which happen when you mind is in early meditative stage.  Hence, you could see your own breath.
  • The spacious and comfortable space that you felt was a manifestation of your meditative mind. 
  • There is no one taking you anywhere.  If your life is not supposed to end, you will not die even though you meditate longer.  You don’t have the retribution of killing yourself from the past, but have merit that you made with our community; those two causes undermined your unhappy and distracted state of mind.

5. You felt familiar with the Thai style house behind Suan Boa retreat and all fairly tales, because you had this similar likeness in fairly tale from your past life.  The likeness in fairly tale instill in your mind.  You carried this familiarity with you to this life.   
  • Additionally you heard many fairly tales during your childhood from the older people.  You’re fixated to these stories and hallucinated.  You also attract the likeminded people and met people who mediate by focusing on meditation object outside their body.  These people tend to see false visions.  After listening to the false vision, you put everything together and made it real.  You are wasting your time which should be used for meditation to attain the triple gems inside.
  • If you don’t completely let go of this belief, you will have a seed of false belief and will see false visions.  Let go of this belief!
6. The feeling as if being pinched by thousands of needled during your meditation at Panawat retreat was the manifestation of your false belief.  You believed in the black magic in your past life; that was why you felt that way.  In fact there was nothing happening, it was you who dwell on the through and made yourself believed that it was real. 
  • When you started chanting to the triple gems, you freed your mind from that fixation.
7. You grandfather died and revived because he didn’t really die.  He passed out and had a dream.  His death after 7 years was a coincident.  His fixation to the number from his dream, 7 years, was similar to making a constant wish that he would die after 7 years.
  • He was born as an earth sprite after he died.  He is an average earth sprite with a place to live, food, and clothes.  He received merit dedicated to him, which improved his living condition.

Your husband and you were couple in the past who pursued perfection with our community.  You were supporter who pledged support only when you felt like it, but not constantly.  Hence some lifetime you were quite wealthy but poor some other lifetimes.  
  • At this present life you will have to fix your bad habit from the past, make merit continually, and seek refuge in the triple gems.
  • We cross path again this life, make merit as much as you can, and resolve to follow the community to the fourth level of heaven, to the special merit zone of Bodhisatta.  Never stray from the community again.

Case study in real life

The Law of Kamma (Pali:Compared to "Karma" in Sanskrit) segment or "Case Study" is one of the prominent sections on the Dream in Dream kindergarten program, conducted by the Venerable Phrarajbhavanavisudh, also known as, Luang Phaw Dhammajayo of the Dhammakaya Temple in Pathum Thani Province, Thailand.

Each individualized "Case Study" is based on the timeless Law of Kamma (the Law of Cause and Effect) which examines the reasons for many situations and complex inter-relationships people find themselves in. Viewers from around the world write personal letters to Luang Phaw wanting to understand the karmic reasons for many special circumstances in their life.

This program is not intended to convert anyone to Buddhism or any other religions persuasion. Rather the goal is to help spread genuine peace, happiness and understanding here in Thailand and around the world. By first discovering and cultivating inner peace within ourselves through meditation, we can help spread love and kindness outward, helping to make our world a better place for everyone.


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