Which things do Buddhists do differently to those of other religions?


Dhamma Articles > Frequently Asked Questions
[ Jun 30th, 2008 ] - [ read : 18269 ]
Which things do Buddhists do differently to those of other religions?
by: Venerable Nicolas Thanissaro
Buddhism is a very old and diverse religion. Thus, there have been many attempts to summarize the features which Buddhists have in common and hence how these differ from those of other religions. The most famous of these are Colonel Henry Olcott's fourteen points:
Buddhists are taught to show the same tolerance, forbearance, and brotherly love to all men (people, ed.), without distinction and an unswerving kindness to the members of the animal kingdom.
The universe was evolved, not created; and it functions according to law, not according to the caprice of any god.
The truths upon which Buddhism is founded are natural. They have, we believe, been taught in successive kalpas, or world periods, by certain illuminated beings called Buddhas, the word Buddha meaning enlightened.
The fourth Teacher in the present kalpa (aeon) was Sakyamuni or Gautama Buddha, who was born in a royal family of India about 2,500 years ago. He is an historical personage and his name was Siddhartha Gautama.
Sakyamuni taught that ignorance produces desire (craving unsatisfied desire is the cause of rebirth, and rebirth the cause of sorrow. To get rid of sorrow, therefore, it is necessary to escape rebirth; to escape rebirth, it is necessary to extinguish desire; and to extinguish desire, it is necessary to destroy ignorance.
Ignorance fosters the belief that rebirth is a necessary thing. When ignorance is destroyed, the worthlessness of every such rebirth, considered as an end in itself, is perceived, as well as the paramount need of adopting a course of life by which the necessity for such repeated rebirth can be abolished. Ignorance also begets the illusive and illogical idea that there is only one existence for man (humankind), and the other illusion that this one life is followed by states of unchangeable pleasure or torment.
The dispersion of all this ignorance can be attained by the persevering practice of an all-embracing altruism in conduct, development of intelligence, wisdom in thought, and destruction of desire for the lower personal pleasures.
The desire to live being the cause of rebirth, when that is extinguished, rebirths cease, and the perfected individual attains by meditation that highest state of peace called Nirvana.
Sakyamuni taught that ignorance can be dispelled and sorrow removed by the knowledge of the four Noble Truths, i.e.: the miseries of existence the cause productive of misery, which is the desire (craving, ed.), ever renewed, of satisfying oneself, without ever being able to secure that end the destruction of that desire or the estranging of oneself from it.
The means of obtaining this destruction of desire. The means which he pointed out is called the Noble Eightfold Path: i.e.: Right Belief, Right Thought, Right Speech, Right Action, Right Means of Livelihood, Right Exertion, Right Remembrance, Right Meditation. Right meditation leads to spiritual enlightenment, or the development of that Buddha like faculty which is latent in every man. The essence of Buddhism, as summed up by the Tathagata (Buddha) himself, is " 'to cease from all sin, to get all virtue, to purify the heart'.
The universe is subject to a natural causation known as karma. The merits and demerits of a being in past experiences determine his condition in the present one. Each man (person, ed.), therefore, has prepared the causes of the effects which he now experiences.
The obstacles to the attainment of good karma may be removed by the observance of the following precepts, which are embraced in the moral code of Buddhism: i.e.: (1) kill not; (2) steal not; (3) indulge in no forbidden sexual pleasure; (4) lie not (5) take no intoxicating or stupefying drug or liquor.
Five other precepts which need not here be enumerated should be observed by bhikkhus and all those who would attain, more quickly than the average layman, the release from misery and rebirth.Buddhism discourages superstitious credulity. Gautama Buddha taught it to be the duty of a parent to have his child educated in science and literature.

He also taught that no one should believe what is spoken by any sage, written in any book, or affirmed by tradition, unless it accords with reason. If I were a school student, I would be focussing on points 1. (no violence is allowed even in the name of one's religion), 2. (no creator god is needed to account for existence) and 9. (salvation is achievable by a man's own efforts in meditation).





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