Some people believe that drinking a little alcohol socially or consuming wine for its health benefits should not go against the Buddhist five precepts. Is this accurate?

Some people believe that drinking a little alcohol socially or consuming wine for its health benefits should not go against the Buddhist five precepts. Is this accurate?

Dhamma Articles > Question and Answer for Life
[ Feb 26th, 2005 ] - [ read : 18261 ]
DearLuang Phaw Dattajivo, some people believe that drinking a little alcohol socially or consuming wine for its health benefits should not go against the Buddhist five precepts. Is this accurate?

by Venerable Dhattajeevo Bhikku
No matter how much you drink, whether it is wine or another form of alcohol, it is certainly harmful to the drinker. Aren’t there old Thai proverbs that say “fire is fire, no matter how big or small, it can destroy a whole city” or “a small amount of poison, no matter how small, can kill?” Even more crudely put, “feces, big or small, still stink."

Alcohol too, no matter how much or how little, will bring harm to the drinker. Much like a disease, it is ready to destroy our health and take over our life. When weak in potency, it will stay dormant while it divides and grows. Like poison that accumulates and waits to attack the person later.
Therefore, do not underestimate it. Avoid alcohol completely. Let’s examine how dangerous it is to drink. The completeness of a human being depends on two qualities.

1. The first quality is to have consciousness. Anything that interferes with it will compromise our awareness. Consciousness gives us awareness of our own actions. As human beings the mind controls our actions. Even without alcohol, we can still lose our awareness from time to time and make wrong decisions. If you add alcohol or wine, whatever the amount, it will impair your awareness. You would be asking for trouble.

2. The second quality is the ability to determine what is right and wrong, good and bad. Human beings have the ability to think, analyze, and solve problems. This quality is important to all human beings. So, those that have both consciousness and intelligence are considered to be a complete person. Armed with these qualities, one can find success in life.
People who say they need to drink to socialize should be cautious. The more people you are with, the more awareness you need to have. An old saying goes, “If you are alone then you need only to worry about your thoughts. If you are with a friend, you need to worry about your speech.” In social events, if you are not aware of what you say, the wrong words can bring harm not only to yourself, but also to your family, business, or even the nation.

As we can see, drinking to socialize is a road to catastrophe. It may not destroy anything today, but repeated drinking will soon develop into a habit. There may be a day when you drink uncontrollably, due to stress. That will be the day where you place your life in a serious danger.

Therefore, we need to realize that drinking is not a way to social acceptance, but a way to ruin. We should keep our minds and bodies away from this danger, as far as we possibly can. Do not let anyone lead you to drink. Keep your mind focused and clear, and you will be safe.

We often hear people say that wine is good for our health. That may be partly true. Since I am not a doctor, I do not know. It may be good for medicinal reasons and that’s fine. However, psychologically if we have some weakness, you should avoid it. If you take a few sips and it makes you feel good and upbeat, then without knowing it, you are already developing a habit. What habit? One of being reckless. This leads us to falsely believe that there are equally pros and cons to alcohol consumption.

At first, you might think it is worth it. However, if you think deeper, you would see that a greater loss is at stake. There is an old saying that says alcohol and wine are temptations of the devil. Those that give in to them will be addicted to the taste, little by little, until they are consumed. That is the trick of the devil.

Therefore, if you are drinking, you should stop. People who drink wine for health reason will eventually ruin both their physical and mental health. There are many hidden dangers. I’ve heard that some wines cost a fortune. They may be able to afford it, but it also causes recklessness and may lead to financial problems. In addition, we would be bad role models for the younger generation. If the children see us drinking and follow suit, our bad habits will become theirs. Remember, we should stay away from bad things because they gradually destroy our virtues. Rust will slowly corrode away metal. Even the brightest minds and intellects can be destroyed from the consumption of alcohol, just as rust can consume the largest steel pillar.

Lord Buddha warned us about the five evils which result from drinking. They apply to all of us, no matter the status.

1. Loss of wealth.

2. Arguments and fights. If people are in a bad mood while drinking, a fight could easily break out.

3. Illness.

4.Contempt from others.

5. Careless actions. We are no longer ashamed by our actions while intoxicated. And our judgment is severely impaired until we do not remember right from wrong. So, please, stay away from drinking alcohol and wine.


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