Some students got low marks from the entrance exam, which constrained them to study in their less favored college. what should they do?

I would like to ask Luang Phaw about the college entrance examination of high school students. Some of my students were disappointed with the low marks they got from the exam, which deprived them of the chance to enter their chosen college. Then they were constrained to having to study in their less favored college. May Luang Phaw explain to me regarding what they should do?

Dhamma Articles > Question and Answer for Life
[ Aug 30th, 2004 ] - [ read : 18268 ]
I would like to ask Luang Phaw about the college entrance examination of high school students.  Some of my students were disappointed with the low marks they got from the exam, which deprived them of the chance to enter their chosen college. Then they were constrained to having to study in their less favored college.  May Luang Phaw explain to me regarding what they should do?

by Venerable Dhattajeevo Bhikku  

     In this case, as for the outcome of the exams, they should study in the college facility they were admitted to for the time being.  Beyond that, they should never overlook the fact that the curriculum of all colleges mainly includes compulsory subjects and career subjects.  The compulsory subjects of colleges usually are very similar or even identical.  So they should not be too fastidious with regards to the college discrimination matter, for they will have the chance to study almost the equivalent compulsory subjects.  Therefore, they should alternatively invest their full energy and effort to acquire the useful knowledge.  As for the career subjects, if they are really constrained to study them, they must at least manage to scrape through the exams of each subject.

I would like to give one more suggestion, that apart from studying all the subjects attentively, they should develop good habits through the subjects they are studying and practicing.

 This is because no matter what college they may graduate from, if they cannot establish themselves with good habits, they will never be able to efficiently invest their knowledge into their career responsibilities.

In the opposite way, even though they may study in the college they like or don’t like, if they possess good characteristic traits, then when they start a career life, they will be able to blend their good characteristics with their skills and competence to carry on their career duties to a certain successful degree.

 And then the good habits that they have gained during their college studies will be of great value to their lives.  The good habits will lead them to be responsible people.  Compared to those who graduate from the other more distinguished colleges, in terms of the basic knowledge, they will all be equally equipped with the similar basic knowledge.

But the fine habits, especially the fine habit of working as part of a team will greatly benefit them with success in their lives.

 Why? Because regardless of whatever college they graduate from, when it comes to work, no kind of work can be deemed complete by using the knowledge of one sole subject.

Instead, they must mingle several skills and types of knowledge gained from different subjects, together with the cooperation of other people.

In other words, the more the world opens its doors to the age of “beyond the boundaries”, the more essential the teamwork becomes.

Therefore, merging the knowledge from the basic subjects and the knowledge from the career subjects, which even if they unwillingly study, as well as their good relationships, can help them to build up a huge capacity for teamwork.

Then it will give them the great opportunity to share the knowledge they have with the other team workers. Meanwhile, they can learn from others what they are lacking in.

Working in this way, they will achieve the goal of the career as well as make a sufficient living.

Later, if they are still determined to study the career subjects they favor, it will not be too difficult to take the courses while doing their career work, for they have the ability to afford the expenses for themselves.  This is an option.

But one thing that they should keep in mind is that whatever career subject they learn, all the knowledge they gain will lead them nowhere except to the journey of birth, aging, sickness and death.

 Let’s come to study the Lord Buddha’s wisdom.  Once they complete their studies, they will possess transcendental wisdom, which will lead their lives out of this suffering world.  If they have no idea where to study, come to me.  I will teach them the subject myself, the ultimate know-how that ever exists in this world.  Let’s give it a try then they will not have trouble choosing any colleges anymore.


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