People think they didn’t go to the temple, they would receive merit too because they donate money. How can I explain to them?

used to invite relatives to come to the temple to make merit, but they refused and only sent money each time. They thought that even though they didn’t go to the temple, they would receive merit because it’s their money. How can I explain to them?

Dhamma Articles > Question and Answer for Life
[ Nov 30th, 2004 ] - [ read : 18266 ]

Dear Luang Phaw, I used to invite relatives to come to the temple to make merit, but they refused and only sent money each time. They thought that even though they didn’t go to the temple, they would receive merit because it’s their money. How can I explain to them?
by Venerable Dhattajeevo Bhikku
To send money or anything to make merit is a meritorious deed. Does one gain merit? In reality one does gain merit, but how much merit arises depends  on the following:

The donation is pure

The contributor’s intention is pure with no further motives

The contributor is pure in conduct

and the monk recipient is diligently observing the precepts and disciplines; in another word he is pure.

If the above conditions are fulfilled, the contributor receives the merit. But the merit arises from time to time, when:

there is a thought of making merit, but it is only little merit

when the donation is being made

when the contributor recollects the good deeds.

For the merit to arise and be continuous the following conditions are necessary:

The thought of making merit arises

The contributor feels joyful and has money to donate

The contributor finds the monk, who is diligent in practicing the Dhamma and is the field of merit who will receive the donations.

The contributor receives merit even though the donation is sent through someone.

But because the contributor doesn’t make merit in person then only a little joy arises when the donation is given. He/she doesn’t have a clear picture of the merit making activity, neither of the monk recipient, nor the end result of the contribution.

 But if the contributor comes to the temple, merit arises continuously from the time he/she leaves the house with a thought of making merit, the mind is meritorious on the way to the temple, for example: on the way to the temple might take one hour. Whereas, at home if the money is sent through someone, the merit arises only the moment the donation is made; it is compared to lightning- just a flash, then after that he/she is busy with other matters.

When the donation is made from one’s own hand, the contributor has the opportunity to observe that the monks and laypeople at the temple who are all so graceful. In addition, the monks will explain in detail what he is going to do with the donation and will give the details of the benefits of the contribution.

What we see and what the monk said would be inscribed profoundly in the mind and will be with us for a long long time. And whenever the contributor recollects it, merit arises as a stream. Merit will flow continuously because pictures of peaceful monks, beautiful temple and the model of the new building appear in the mind. In addition, next time when the contributor visits the temple, remembers that he/she has contributed to various projects, such as to build monks’ and novices’school and sees the outcome of the donation then the new merit arises again.

If a donation is sent through someone, the merit does not flow continuously. It is like a lightning- flash, which is a pity. Therefore, next time when they want to make merit see if they have spare time and bring them to the temple, so they can make merit in person. Their merit will be continuous as mentioned above. If not, they still get merit but it is like few dewdrops. This is the difference. Ensure that you bring them to the temple.
But if they are unable to visit the temple, then you should accept their donations and make merit for them. It would be better if you could take pictures of monks receiving their donations, record the monks’ blessing and show it to them. They will get a little more merit, but not as much as when they come to the temple.


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