Answer by the Law of Kamma :- Layperson Troubles

I always make merit and do good deeds, but why do I experience so many difficulties in life?

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[ Jul 6th, 2010 ] - [ read : 18264 ]
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Layperson’s Troubles

I always make merit and do good deeds, but why do I experience so many difficulties in life?


Question from the audience:

    Sometimes I get discouraged. I feel like I always make merit and do good deeds yet I experience so many difficulties in life. What kind of results will my discouragement and complaints yield?

    Sometimes you feel discouraged. Even though you always make merit and do good deeds, you experience so many difficulties in life.  That is, merit and wrongdoing compete constantly when it is time for it to bear fruit. You must also bear in mind that you did not make merit nor did you do good deeds in every one of your past lives.  If you always did good deeds in every one of your previous lives, you would not feel discouraged and would not complain in this way.  So, if you often think in this way, it will cause your mind to become more clouded and this will become a bad habit that will remain with you in your future lifetimes.  It brings no benefit, but only brings misfortune to you.     You should change your outlook, in that the merit you have made will certainly bring happiness and success to you, but you have to wait.  The fruits from either good deeds or bad deeds need time to bear fruit.  If you alter your perspective, you will not lose any merit.  So you should think wisely about extending your merit so your wrongdoing doesn’t have the chance to yield its fruits.  One day, in the not so distant future, you will feel fulfilled, happy and will have a clear mind.

By Khunkru Maiyai
June 28th, 2005


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