Answer by the Law of Kamma :- Spiritual Child Keeper

A story about Spiritual Child Keeper

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[ Jul 6th, 2010 ] - [ read : 18264 ]
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Belief vs. Truth

6.1 Spiritual Child Keeper

Question from the audience:
    If someone keeps a spiritual child, or Kumanthong in Thai, he may be reborn as a spiritual child. Is this correct?

    The spiritual child keeper always holds the spiritual child as their refuge.  Most of them rarely think to improve themselves and do good deeds.  That is, whenever he has a tie to the spiritual child, he will not think about giving, keeping the 5 precepts or meditation. He has no intention to attain inner peace within.  Everything he does always involves the spiritual child.  When he passes away, he will be reborn as a sorcerer or will possess others.  If he has enough merit and did not do bad deeds, at most, he will be reborn as a sorcerer in the Himavanta Forest.  Moreover, he will still have the chance to be reborn as a spiritual child to serve another person.  If he is reborn as a human, he will always be a spiritual medium.

By Khunkru Maiyai
December 10th, 2003


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