Answer by Law of Kamma :- ICSI

She and her husband have fertility problems. She decided to do ICSI treatment, a kind of external fertilization, and has got a daughter as she desired. Is the embryo of ICSI treatment counted to be a living thing? If the embryo from this kind of treatment is destroyed, will it be sinful?

Dhamma Articles > Law of Kamma
[ Dec 11th, 2010 ] - [ read : 18262 ]
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Questions from the audience:
    I have fertility problems.  At the 8th year of marriage I had no child.  I and my husband had consulted the doctor and he introduced us to do ICSI (Intracytoplasmic sperm injection) which is to release the sperm into the egg by using special device and check the sign of fertilization.  If it is success, the doctor will embed the embryo into the uterus.  Finally, I have got a daughter as I desired.
    Is the embryo from external fertilization counted to be a living thing?  Is there a fertilization spirit?  If no, when will the fertilization spirit come?
    Also, I donated the remains of embryos from my first ICSI treatment.  Have they been embedded or destroyed?  Will this donation be sinful like the child neglect or abortion?
The embryo from external fertilization is counted to be a living thing but have no spirit because there is no the fertilization spirit.
When the embryo is embedded in the uterus, the merit and sin spheres of the parents will draw the fertilization spirit who has the evenly merit and sin to possess the embryo.  The fertilization spirit will travel passing by the father’s nostril into the mother’s nostril or travel directly to the mother’s nostril.  When the fertilization spirit possesses the embryo, the embryo is counted to be the completely person because it has both physical body and mind.
    You had donated the rest of embryos from your first ICSI, they have already been used.  But their fertilization spirits were drawn by the merit and sin spheres of those parents, not concerning with you.
    This kind of fertilization depends on the physical body of embryo to draw the fertilization spirit.  If the embryo is destroyed, it is not sin because it is not the completely animal, it has no spirit.

By Khunkru Maiyai
March 11th, 2006


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