Answer by the Law of Kamma :- Love at first sight

A story of a couple and their love at first sight

Dhamma Articles > Law of Kamma
[ Jul 6th, 2010 ] - [ read : 18269 ]
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This is family life

15. Love at first sight  

Question from the audience:
                I used to work at a beer bar.  Since I am not beautiful, I was not asked to sit and drink with the customers. Instead, the manager had me wash glasses.  I worked there for a mere 27 days before something miraculous happened to me.
                On that day, while I was washing glasses, a foreigner who did not plan to visit the bar, stopped by the restroom. And that is how we accidentally met. On the second day he came to visit me and on the third day we decided to get married.  We had two wedding ceremonies, according to the customs of both our religions. We are now in our eighth year together, all without quarrels.
                My husband is a good man.  He does not drink or smoke, and he loves to see me make merit.  In particular, he always tells me that he loves me very much and that he loved me at first sight.  I believe we met and married because of a predefined destiny. Is it correct? How did we make merit together in our previous lifetimes?  The words, “love at first sight,” come from merit accumulation.  Is it correct? If it is correct, how so? Does it occur in the same way for each couple?  
                You met him and then got married because you and your husband had been married and made merit together in your previous lifetimes.  This is why your husband loved you at first sight.
Being a couple comes from two causes:
1.  Having been a couple and making merit together in the previous lifetime

2.  Helping and supporting each other in the present lifetime Similar to a lotus that grows by water and mud, you and your husband should be best friends and support each other.  Then, you and your husband will able to make merit and pursue the perfections until you have reached the goal (in life).  
By Khunkru Maiyai
July 9th, 2005


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