Answer by Law of Kamma :- Bad subordinates

Questions from an audience: Every time before I make a big merit, I have met something wrong and being worried. Why do my subordinates make me feel uneasy? What can I do to solve this problem?

Dhamma Articles > Law of Kamma
[ Aug 14th, 2010 ] - [ read : 18264 ]
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Bad subordinates

Questions from audience:

Every time before I make a big merit, I have met something wrong and being worried.  Why do my subordinates make me feel uneasy?  What can I do to solve this problem?


You have met something wrong and being worried every time before making a big merit because in the previous lifetimes before you knew the right way to make merit, you had made merit disrespectfully or donated the bad things, example, you gave alcohol to your subordinates or gave alcohol as a New Year gift.  So these bad retributions have caused you to have unreliable subordinates who always bring troubles or make you feel uneasy.
The solutions are you have to be the best friend, make merit in the right way, don’t give alcohol to anyone and make Dhamma donation to them.  You have to persuade them to stop drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco, take it out of the house, prevent and teach them about the wickedness of drinking and smoking as well.

By Khunkru Maiyai
November 1st, 2003

The bad things
The things that you donated but you don’t get any merit
    You should not give something to anyone because you will not get any merit from this donation and you may get sin or there will be some troubles happen to you and the receiver.  The bad things are

1.    Alcohol and drug:  tobacco, alcohol, opium, marihuana, amphetamine, etc.

2.    Weapon or sharp thing, example, while two persons are quarrelling, you must not give a knife to them.

3.    Entertainment such as music, movies especially the X–rated ones because it will arouse the receiver sexually.
4.    Opposite sex animal:  don’t give the female dog to the male dog or vice versa, etc.
5.    Nude picture, nude magazine and things that arouse someone sexually.

Dhamma Donation is teaching Dhamma to others, example, teach them to stop doing bad deeds, teach them to do good deeds, teach them to keep the 5 precepts, etc.


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